
List of Gods : "Old" - 478 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
King name
Hiawatha Son of the Evening Star. When "old and ugly, broken with age, and weak with coughing," he married Oweenee, youngest of the ten daughters of a North hunter. She loved him in spite of his ugliness and decrepitude, because "all was beautiful within him." One day, as he was walking with his nine sisters-in-law and their husbands, he leaped into the hollow of an oak-tree, and came out "tall and straight and strong and handsome;" but Oweenee at the same moment was changed into a weak old woman, "wasted, wrinkled, old, and ugly;" but the love of Osse'o was not weakened. The nine brothers and sisters-in-law were all transformed into birds for mocking Osseo and Oweenee when they were ugly, and Oweenee, recovering her beauty, had a son, whose delight as he grew up was to shoot at his aunts and uncles, the birds that mocked his father and mother. Hiawatha

German The old High German name for the Easter festival.
God name
Hindu - Dravidian / Tamil Local god. Known only from southern India and considered to be a form of SKANDA or of MURUKAN, who is an old Tamil tribal snake god....
King name
Islands Had many bodies. He attacked Hiiaka in his fog body, Kino-ohu, and threw around her his twisting fog-arms, chilling her and choking her and blinding her. He wrapped her in the severe cold mantle of heavy mists. Pacific Islands
Goddess name
"Pancaraksa (five-fold protection)"
Buddhist Group of goddesses. Five tutelary or guardian deities who personify protective spells or magic formulae. They are thus known as “spell goddesses.”...

"Pandora's Box"
Greek A present which seems valuable, but which is in reality a curse; as when Midas was permitted, according to his request, to turn whatever he touched into gold, and found his very food became gold, and therefore uneatable. Prometheus made an image and stole fire from heaven to endow it with life. In revenge, Jupiter told Vulcan to make a female statue, and gave her a box which she was to present to the man who married her. Prometheus distrusted Jove and his gifts, but Epimetheus, his brother, married the beautiful Pandora, and received the box. Immediately the bridegroom opened the box all the evils that flesh is heir to flew forth, and have ever since continued to afflict the world. The last thing that flew from the box was Hope. Greek
Supreme god name
Kafir / Afghanistan A collective term for seven gods. The Divine brothers are cast as the hunters and henchmen of the supreme goddess DISANI. Each is equipped with a golden bow and quiver. They are generally portrayed as merciless and malignant forces. Also Paradik, Purron....
Deities name
"Pao Kung"
Chinese God of magistrates. Lived as a mortal from AD 999-1062 during the Sung Dynasty. Depicted with a dark face, implying impartiality, and wearing yellow and purple robes. Attributes include a wooden scepter. He is attended by two minor deities, one holding his seal of office and the other holding the rod of punishment....
Goddess name
"Pattinidevi (queen of goddesses)"
Hindu / Singhalese / Sri Lanka Mother goddess. A deification of Kannaki, the consort of Kovolan who, according to ancient Tamil tradition, journeyed to the town of Madurai to sell a gold anklet. Through trickery she was convicted of theft and executed, but was canonized. According to another tradition, she was born from a mango pierced by a sacred arrow. In southern India and Sri Lanka a goddess of chastity and fidelity in marriage. Also a guardian against diseases, including measles and smallpox. She is åśśociated with fire-walking rituals. Attributes: cobra-hood behind the head, and a lotus....
God name
Romans The household gods of the Romans, both in regard to a private family and to the state, as the great family of citizens: hence we shall have to distinguish between private and public Penates.
Deities name
Roman Hearth deities. These gods are a peculiarly Roman innovation, unknown to the Greeks. The penates, chosen individually by the head of the household, oversaw the domestic affairs of most Roman families. They were considered sufficiently important that, if a move was anticipated, they were taken to and established in the new residence a priori. They are represented in the form of small statues made of anything from clay to gold according to the wealth of the owner, and were provided with regular offerings of scraps of food....

"Philosopher's Stone"
s The original get rich quick scheme. The ancient alchemists thought there was a substance which would convert all baser metals into gold. This substance they called the philosopher's stone.
Nymph name
Greek An old man ruling over the sea, or "the old man of the sea," to whom a harbour in Ithaca was dedicated. He is described as the father of the nymph Thoosa. Later writers call him the son of Pontus and Gaia and a brother of Thaumas, Nereus, Eurybia, and Ceto. Greek

Greek A son of Athamas and Nephele or of Athamas and Themisto and brother of Helle, and a grandson of Aeolus. In consequence of the intrigues of his stepmother, Ino (others state that he offered himself), he was to be sacrificed to Zeus but Nephele removed him and Helle, and the two then rode away on the ram with the golden fleece, the gift of Hermes, through the air. Greek
Goddess name
"Phul Mata"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Mother goddess. A SAKTI who in later Hinduism became one of the SAPTAMATARAS regarded as of evil intent, inflicting sickness on children under seven years old. Particularly known from Bengal....
Spirit name
German Phynnodderee [the Hairy-one]. A Manx spirit, similar to the Scotch "brownie," and German "kobold." He is said to be an outlawed fairy, and the offence was this: He absented himself without leave from Fairy-court on the great levee-day of the Harvest-moon, being in the glen of Rushen, dancing with a pretty Manx maid whom he was courting.

Roman The old Scottish form of the Roman Pluto, by which Satan is meant.
Goddess name
Greek Minor god of riches. A son of DEMETER who was abandoned in childhood and reared by the goddess of peace, EIRENE, who is sometimes depicted holding him in her lap. Plutos was blinded by ZEUS because of his discrimination in favor of the righteous....
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