
List of Gods : "Otus" - 173 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Spirit name
Buddhist / India The fourth dhyani buddha or meditation buddha. One of five mystic spiritual counterparts of a human buddha in Vajrayana Buddhism. Color: red. Attributes: lock of hair, lotus, monk's robe and water jar. Amitabha is also taken as a tutelary god in Lamaism [Tibet] in which case his attributes include bell, jewel and three monkish robes. Emanations include PADMAPANI, MANJUSRI and many other minor names. See also AKSOBHYA, AMOGHASIDDHI, RATNASAMBHAVA and VAIROCANA....
Goddess name
"AVALOKITESVARA (merciful lord)"
Buddhist / India Bodhisattva or buddhadesignate. One of the most important deities of the Mahayana sect of Buddhism. In Lamaism he is the tutelary god of Tibet. He equates with VIS NU in Hinduism and bears links with PADMAPANI. In cosmic mythology he is a creator deity. Color: white or red. Attributes: blue lotus, image of Amitabha (topmost pyramidal head), lotus, rosary, sword and water jar. NOTE: in Chinese Buddhism he is represented by the goddess Kuan-Tin, and in Japanese by KWANNON....
Goddess name
"Acala (immovable)"
Buddhist / Vajrayana (1) Minor goddess. One of twelve deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: white. Attributes: staff on a lotus.(2) Tutelary god. Buddhist (Mahayana). Also a dikpala or guardian of the northeastern quarter. Color: blue. Attributes: jewel, lotus, staff and sword....
Goddess name
Buddhist / Vajrayana Minor goddess. One of twelve deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: red. Attributes: red lotus and staff....
Deities name
"Adibuddha (the primeval buddha)"
Buddhist The original BUDDHA. The primordial force in the cosmos from whom the five DHYANIBUDDHAS arose. The embodiment of the concept of emptiness. He is considered by some authorities to be identical with Vaharaja and Vajrasattva. His image, sitting on a lotus leaf, is often carried by other Buddhist deities. Epithets include Svabhava (self-creating), Svayambhu (self-enlightened)....
Goddess name
"Aditya (descendant of Aditi)"
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic Collective name for Sun gods. These numbered six in Vedic times but later increased to twelve. The sons of the primordial goddess ADITI. Also an epithet for SURYA. Attributes: two or more lotuses....
God name
Roman God of storms and winds. Derived from the Greek storm god AEOLOS, he is the consort of AURORA and the father of six sons, BOREAS the north wind, CORUS the northwest wind, AQUILO the west wind, NOTUS the southwest wind, Eurus the east wind and ZEPHYRUS the south wind....
Spirit name
"Akasagarbha (essence of tbe sky)"
Buddhist / Mahayana / / Lamaist / Tibet Astral god. One of the BODHISATTVAS or spiritual meditation buddhas. He lives in the “womb of the sky.” Color: green. Attributes: Book, jewel, lotus and Sun disc. Also Khagarbha. In Japanese Buddhism this deity becomes the god Kokuzo....
Goddess name
"Allat (goddess)"
Pre - Islamic northern / central Arabian Astral and tutelary goddess. One of the three daughters of ALLAH. At Palmyra she was regularly invoked as a domestic guardian either as Allat or ASTARTE with whom she is closely linked. At Ta'if she was symbolized in the form of a white granite stone. In Hellenic times she became syncretized with ATHENA or, according to Herodotus who called her Alilat, with APHRODITE....

Greek Aloiadae, Aloadae, are patronymic forms from Aloeus, but are used to designate the two sons of his wife Iphimedeia by Poseidon: viz. Otus and Ephialtes.
God name
Buddhist / India The boddhisattva of 'infinite light'. Amithba represents the primordial, self-existent Buddha. This god was born from a lotus and ceaselessly stretches out aid to the weak and faltering. Amithba became a popular way of salvation for many Buddhists because he was the archetype of compåśśion, gentle and easygoing.

Buddhist Brings believers hope and tranquility. Amoghapasa has four pairs of arms. One pair is held with palms together in a prayerful attitude. Some are raised, others are held slightly away from the body. The hands may be in symbolic positions called mudra or may hold symbolic articles like a lotus blossom, symbol of compåśśion; a monk's staff; a whisk representing the brushing away of earthly cares; and the låśśo. Buddhist
God name
Buddhist God. A variety of AVALOKITESVARA, depicted with one head and six, eight or twenty hands. Attributes: arrow, bell, lotus, noose, prayer wheel, rosary, staff and tiger skin....
Hero name
Roman The Protogenos of inevitability, compulsion and necessity and the personification of destiny, unalterable necessity and fate. She was also the mother of Adrasteia and of the Moirae. She was rarely worshipped until the creation of the Orphic mystery religion. In Roman mythology, she was called Necessitas ("necessity"). From Herodotus, The History Book Eight
Goddess name
"Aparajita (unconquered)"
Hindu / Puranic (1) God. One of the eleven EKADASARUDRAS or forms of RUDRA. Attributes: bell, bowl, club, drum, hook, lance, lotus, prayer wheel, rod, rosary, shield, sword and trident.(2) Minor god. Buddhist (Mahayana). (3) Goddess. Hindu (Puranic). Form of DURGA. Her attendant animal is a lion. Attributes: arrow, shield, snake and sword. 4. Goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). She stands or treads on the god GANESA. Color: yellow. Attributes: bell, hook, image of RATNASAMBHAVA, noose and staff....
Goddess name
"Arcismati (brilliant)"
Buddhist / Vajrayana Minor goddess. One of several deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: green. Attributes: blue lotus and staff....
God name
"Ardhanari(svara) (the lord being half woman)"
Hindu / Puranic God. The god SI IVA combined with his SAKTI as a single being. His attendant animal is the bull. In iconography the left side of the image is female and the right male. A tutelary deity of eunuchs in India. Attributes: (right side) blue lotus, cup, hatchet, lute, moon disc, pestle, skin, sword and trident; (left side) ax, mirror, noose, pitcher, rosary, sacred rope and trident. May appear as three-headed. Also Ammaiappan (Tamil); Naranari....
Goddess name
"Arya-Tara (the honorable Tara)"
Buddhist Goddess. The SAKTI of AMOGHASIDDHI. Her name is often abbreviated to TARA and she originates from the TAM bija or seed. Color: green. Attributes: green lotus and staff. Also VASYA-TARA....
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