
List of Gods : "Ran" - 1160 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Hero name
Moslem A hero who saved a virgin being attacked by a huge dragon. Because he drank the water of Immortality he is still living to render aid in war to any who invoke him. Moslem
Goddess name
Hindu / Puranic / Epic Goddess, a headless form of Durga. Hindu / Puranic / Epic
Goddess name
"Chinnamastaka (decapitated)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Goddess. A headless form of DURGA. Also one of a group of ten MAHAVIDYAS, goddesses of great knowledge personifying the SAKTI of SI IVA. She may be depicted holding her head in her hands. Aspects include VIRARATRI. Attributes: scimitar, skull. Also Chinnamasta....

"Chinta-mani aka Divya-ratna"
Hindu The wish-gem a jewel, said to have belonged to Brahma, which has the power to grant all desires. It is who himself is called by this name.
God name
"Chos-Skyon (protector)"
Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet Tutelary guardian deity. One of a group of gods of fearsome appearance who wear royal apparel. Rides a white elephant. Color: blue. Attributes: knife and noose....

"Christmas Decorations"
Christian The great feast of Saturn was held in December, when the people decorated the temples with such green things as they could find. The Christian custom is the same but transferred Jesus. The holly or holy-tree is called Christ's-thorn in Germany and Scandinavia, from its use in church decorations and its putting forth its berries about Christmas time. The early Christians gave an emblematic turn to the custom, referring to the "righteous branch," and justifying the custom from Isaiah lx. 13- "The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee; the fir-tree, the pine-tree, and the box together, to beautify the place of my sanctuary."
God name
Greek 1. A son of Poseidon and Medusa, and consequently a brother of Pegasus. When Perseus cut off the head of Medusa, Chrysaor and Pegasus sprang forth from it. Chrysaor became by Callirrhoe the father of the three-headed Geryones and Echidna. ( Theogony of Hesiod 280) 2. The god with the golden sword or arms. In this sense it is used as a surname or attribute of several divinities, such as Apollo, Artemis and Demeter. We find Chrysaoreus as a surname of Zeus with the same meaning, under which he had a temple in Caria, which was a national sanctuary, and the place of meeting for the national åśśembly of the Carians. Greek
Goddess name
Greek May mean the subterraneous, or the goddess of the earth, that is, the protectress of the fields, whence it is used as a surname of infernal divinities, such as Hecate, Nyx and Melinoe, but especially of Demeter. Greek
Goddess name
Hindu Minor goddess of misfortune and a malevolent astral deity Hindu / Puranic / Epic
Goddess name
"Citra (bright)"
Hindu / epic / Puranic Minor goddess of misfortune. A malevolent NAKSATRA or astral deity; daughter of DAKSA and wife of CANDRA (SOMA)....

"Cock of Heaven"
Crow Mahomet found in the first heaven a çõçk of such enormous size that its crest touched the second heaven. The crowing of this celestial bird arouses every living creature from sleep except man. The Moslem doctors say that Allah lends a willing ear to him who reads the Koran, to him who prays for pardon, and to the çõçk whose chant is Divine melody. When this çõçk ceases to crow, the day of judgment will be at hand.

Greek Was the Titan of intelligence. Titans are the giant sons and daughters of Uråñuś (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth). Greek

British The cornish giant who fell into a pit twenty feet deep, dug by Jack the Giant-killer, and filmed over with gråśś and gravel. British fairy tale
King name
Greek 1. A son of Apollo by Chrysorthe, father of Corax and Lamedon, and king of Sicyon. 2. A son of Thersander, grandson of Sisyphus, and founder of Coroneia. 3. A son of Caeneus, was a prince of the Lapithae, and father of Leonteus and Lyside. He was slain by Heracles. (Apollodorus. ii) 4. The father of the Argonaut Caeneus. (Apollodorus i. Argonautica) Greek
Goddess name
Scotland Goddess of prophecy and who regularly appeared in the form of a crane. Scotland
Goddess name
"Coyolxauhqui (golden bells)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Astral goddess. A deification and incarnation (avatara) of the moon. According to tradition she is the half-sister of the Sun god HUITZILOPOCHTLI. The god sprang, fully armed, from his decapitated mother, COATLICUE, and engaged all his enemies who, by inference, are the 400 astral gods, his half-brothers. He slew his sister and hurled her from the top of a mountain. Alternative tradition suggests his sister was an ally whom he was unable to save, so he decapitated her and threw her head into the sky, where she became the moon. She was represented in the Great Temple at Tenochtitlan, where she was depicted in front of successive Huitzilopochtli pyramids. She is also a hearth deity within the group clåśśed as the XIUHTECUHTLI complex....

Greek A surname of Artemis, derived from a temple on a hill near Elateia. Greek
King name
Greek An autochthon and king of Attica, who reigned at the time of the flood of Deucalion. He was married to Pedias, by whom he became the father of Cranae, Cranaechme, and Atthis, from the last of whom Attica was believed to have derived its name. Greek
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