
List of Gods : "Ba Chi" - 1514 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
King name
Japan One of the pupils of Buddha, the first of the sixteen Rakan. Rakan with grey hair and long eyebrows. Originally he was a retainer of the king, Uuten. He became a priest and attained miracle power by performing Arakan's vow. It is said that he was praised by Shaka for he used the miracle power for the world and that he didn't enter Nirvana and made efforts cultivating ordinary people. He was worshipped on the above in Theravada Buddhism, however, many are worshipped in restaurants in China. He is enshrined in front of a temple in Japan. It is believed that stroking him eliminates distresses. Japan
Goddess name
Australian aboriginal Creator goddess. She is recognized by several aboriginal clans as the chief consort of BAIAME, the creator god. Revered as the all-mother of humankind and creator of living things on earth, her role largely parallels that of Baiame. Traditions suggest that during the Dreamtime she planted vegetation as she moved through the primordial world, fashioning creatures from clay and breathing spirit into human beings. Her eldest son is DARAMULUM or Gayandi, regarded as an intermediary between Baiame and humankind....

Indian Along with Orontes, and Oruandes, was a chief of the Deriades who fought against Dionysus in the Indian war.

Wendish A Will-o'-the-wisp and is the soul of an unbaptized child. Wendish
God name
"Bo Hsian"
China / Taoist God. China / Taoist
God name
"Bo Hsian"
Taoist / Chinese God. The Taoist counterpart of the Buddhist deity SAMANTABHADRA. Usually depicted upon a white elephant. He is considered to be a god of wisdom....
God name
Chibcha Supreme Sun god and a god of law Chibcha
Goddess name
Indian The divinity invoked by Indian women who desire fecundity. Children born after an invocation to Bod must be redeemed, or else serve in the temple of the goddess. Indian
Spirit name
Scotland Malicious house spirits of the Scottish Highlands in the form of a shriveled old man who lives up the chimney in the daytime and comes out at night to punish naughty children. Scotland

"Bodhisattva (one whose essence is perfect knowledge)"
Buddhist / northern India, Tibet, China / Japan Generic title for a buddha-designate. Any one of the earlier stages of a future buddha. Depicted wearing regal dress and trappings, including a crown. The most significant include AVALOKITESVARA, MAITREYA and MANJUSRI....
Ghost name
Scotland Boogyman, or bogyman, is a legendary ghost-like monster often believed in by children. The bogeyman has no specific appearance. The term bogeyman is also used metaphorically to mean a person or thing of which someone else has an irrational fear.
Goddess name
Hungary Virgin goddess who protected mothers and children. Hungary
Goddess name
Pre - Christian Hungarian Tutelary goddess. The guardian deity of women and children, she became syncretized with the Virgin Mary after Christianization....
Demon name
African One of the two chief deities of the Gold Coast, the other being demonio. Bossum, the principle of good, is said to be white; and demonio, the principle of evil, black. African

Wendish A messenger of death who cries like a child outside a house where someone is about to die. Wendish

England Mischievous Goblins that can take the form of a cow with a white flag around its neck, an åśś, or a naked man flapping a white sheet, a chanting girl, or a giant, white singing cat. England
Angel name
Enochian A minor angel, skilled at locating precious metals. Enochian
Angel name
Enochian A minor angel. Enochian
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