
List of Gods : "Goddess20Greek" - 280 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Nephthys [Greek]"
Egypt Funerary goddess. Nephthys is the younger sister of ISIS, OSIRIS and SETH, who are the offspring of the chthonic god GEB and the sky goddess NUT in the Ennead genealogy of Egyptian deities defined by the priests of Heliopolis. Nephthys is depicted in human form wearing a crown in the style of the hieroglyphic for a mansion, the translation of her Egyptian name. She can also take the form of a hawk watching over the funeral bier of Osiris. According to legend Nephthys liaised briefly with Osiris and bore the mortuary god ANUBIS. She is said to guide the dead Egyptian ruler through the dark underworld and to weep for him. Also Neb-hut (Egyptian)....
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Goddess of victory. Depicted as a winged messenger bringing the laurel wreath to the victor of battle. Though of Greek origin, appearing in the Theogony of Hesiod, she was adopted by the Romans and worshiped extensively throughout Asia Minor, including Sardis. In some depictions the goddess ATHENA carries NIKE as a small winged figure. Also VICTORIA (Roman)....
Goddess name
Etruscan Goddess of fate. She enjoyed an important sanctuary at Volsini, where her presence was symbolized by a large nail. In a New Year rite, the nail was hammered into a block of wood, probably derived from an old fertility ritual symbolizing the impregnation of life into the new year. She has been identified with the Greek goddess TYCHE....
Goddess name
Greek Primordial goddess. The essence of the night whose sons were the twin brothers HYPNOS, god of sleep, and THANATOS, god of death....
Goddess name
Greek / Roman Minor sea goddesses There were åśśigned to guard ship motions by the larger gods & invoked by seafarers, others say that they are river gods
Goddess name
"Onuris [Greek]"
Egypt God of hunting and war. Onuris is first known from This, near Abydos in Upper Egypt. In later times his main cult center was at Samannud in the Nile delta. His consort is the lion goddess Mekhit. Onuris is generally depicted in human form as a bearded figure wearing a crown with four plumes and wielding a spear or occasionally holding a rope. He is sometimes accompanied by Mekhit in iconography. Seen as a hunter who caught and slew the enemies of RE, the Egyptian Sun god, some legends place him close to the battle between HORUS and SETH. In clåśśical times, Onuris became largely syncretized with the Greek war god ARES. Also Anhuret (Egyptian)....
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of the eye. Greek
Goddess name
Greek The primordial goddess of heaven and created and was the consort of the earth mother Gaia
Goddess name
Greek Goetic Goddess of Magic.
Goddess name
"Paiowa Yana Piaute"
Greek Goddess of the Evening star, she and her daughter created the first people USA
Goddess name
Greek Surname of Athena. In Homer this name always appears united with the name Athena, but in later writers we also find Pallas alone instead of Athena. Plato derives the surname from "to brandish", in reference to the goddess brandishing the spear or aegis, whereas Apollodorus derives it from the giant Pallas, who was slain by Athena. But it is more probable that Pallas is the same word as virgin or maiden. Another female Pallas, described as a daughter of Triton, is mentioned under palladium. Greek
Goddess name
"Pallas (Athene)"
Greek Goddess. The full name of the deity who is thus Pallas of Athens. The origin and meaning of the word Pallas is unknown.See also ATHENA....
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of health and cures. She was a daughter of the Medicine-god Asclepius. Greek
Goddess name
Greek / Roman A pair birth goddesses became the goddesses of fate
Goddess name
Greek / Roman A goddess of relaxation, meditation and hallucinations (the wife of Hypnos, god of sleep)
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of persuasion. A minor attendant of the goddess APHRODITE....
Goddess name
Greek Chthonic underworld goddess. The consort of the Sun god Helios and the mother of Kirke and Pasiphae,...
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of death and spring, queen of the underworld. Greek
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