
List of Gods : "Goddess20Khon" - 11 records

Name ▲▼ Origin ▲▼ Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Egypt Goddess birth and midwives Egypt
Goddess name
Egypt The patron goddess of Thebes. In Upper Egypt she is the counterpart of SAKHMET, the Lower Egyptian goddess from Memphis. After superseding the goddess AMAUNET, she became locally the consort of the Sun god AMUN, in which capacity she is the mother of the moon god KHONSU. She was also regarded as the Divine mother of the Theban kings. Mut is depicted in human form wearing a vulture headdress sur mounted by the twin crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt. She is typically dressed in a bright red or blue patterned gown. Less frequently she is drawn with a lion's head. She enjoyed a cult center at Thebes where her sanctuary was known as the Iseru....
Goddess name
"Sobek (rager)"
Egypt God epitomizing the might of the pharaohs. Said to be the son of NEITH, the creator goddess of Sais. He is depicted as a crocodile wearing a plumed headdress, or as a part-human hybrid. The crocodile imagery suggests an ability to attack and kill with sudden speed. Sobek's cult was extensive along the Nile valley, but was particularly prominent in the fertile Faiyum region. Near Aswan in Upper Egypt a sanctuary dedicated to Sobek identifies him as the consort of HATHOR and the father of KHONSU. Also Suchos (Greek)....
Goddess name
"Khons(u) (wanderer)"
Egypt / Upper moon god. Recognized from at least 2500 BC but best known during the New kingdom (mid-sixteenth century BC). A significant deity at Thebes, where he is described as an offspring of AMUN and MUT. His sacred animal is the baboon. There is a Khonsu precinct as part of the Temple of Amun in the Karnak complex. From the Greco-Roman period there exists a sanctuary of Kom-ombo where Khonsu is seen as the offspring of the crocodile god SOBEK and the mother goddess HATHOR. Depicted anthropomorphically or with a falcon's head, but in either case enveloped in a close-fitting robe. He wears a crown consisting of a crescent moon subtending a full moon orb....
Goddess name
"Boora Pennu Khondi"
India God of light who created the goddess of the earth and they made the other great gods India
Goddess name
"Tari Pennu"
India earth goddess. Khond, India
Goddess name
"Tari Pennu Khond"
India A chthonic goddess
Goddess name
"Boora Pennu"
Indian / Khond God of light. A local deity in the Orissa province who created the earth goddess TARI PENNU as his consort and through her engendered the other great gods. Until recently this deity was the subject of sacrifice in notorious meriah rituals, which involved violent human sacrifice....
Goddess name
"Tari Peennu"
Indian / Khond Chthonic goddess. Created by the sky gods BOORA PENNU and BELLA PENNU so as to conceive the rest of the pantheon. She is identified as a malevolent deity, the subject of regular propitiation human sacrifices in the notorious meriah rituals in Orissa province....
Goddess name
"Bera Pennu"
Northern Indian vegetation goddess. Worshiped by the Khonds in Bengal. She was the recipient of human sacrifice to ensure good harvest, particularly of the spice turmeric, and as a protection against disease and infirmity. The sacrificial victim or meriab was youthful, often kept for years as a holy person before death and was always either the offspring of a previous sacrificial victim, or purchased from impoverished families for the purpose. He or she was generally strangled, sometimes in the fork of a tree, after days of festivities. In other instances the victim was cut up alive....
Goddess name
Tibetan Chthonic goddess. Ruler of a horde of demons who live in the earth and who may infest houses. She is depicted typically wearing yellow robes and with attributes including a golden noose. Her vehicle is a ram. To guard against her influence, a ram's skull is hung from the doorpost of a dwelling and filled with offerings....