
List of Gods : "Goddess Ili" - 368 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
China A chthonic earth goddess & fertility spirit
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"Tu (1)"
Chinese Chthonic earth goddess. A fertility spirit also identified as she who was invoked to bring good harvests by phallic-shaped mounds of earth left in the fields....
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Caucasus Goddess of fertility. Caucasus
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Bulgarian Proto-Bulgarian goddess of fertility.
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Yakut Goddess of midwives, fertility, and birth. Yakut
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Australia Goddess of the evening star. Australia
Goddess name
s Sabra, goddess of the Severn, being a prudent, well-conducted maiden, rose with the first streak of morning dawn, and, descending the eastern side of the hill, made choice of the most fertile valleys, whilst as yet her sisters slept. Vaga, goddess of the Wye, rose next, and, making all haste to perform her task, took a shorter course, by which means she joined her sister ere she reached the sea. The goddess Rhea, old Plinlimmon's pet, woke not till roused by her father's chiding; but by bounding down the side of the mountain, and selecting the shortest course of all, she managed to reach her destination first. Thus the Cymric proverb, There is no impossibility to the maiden who hath a fortune to lose or a husband to win." Welsh
Goddess name
"Vasudhara (treasurer)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Fertility goddess. The SAKTI of Kuvera.See also KUBERA....
Goddess name
"Vidyujjvalakarili (tongues of fire)"
Buddhist Goddess. A twelve-headed form of Akajata who is said to have been formed in the BUDDHA's sweat. She is often depicted trampling the four Hindu deities BRAHMA, INDRA, SIVA and VISNU. Color: blue or black. Attributes: many and varied....
Goddess name
"Vikalaratri (twilight night)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Minor goddess. An attendant of BUDDHAKAPALA....
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Roman An aspect of the goddess Fortuna who attended a man's career. Roman
Goddess name
Egypt Goddess of royal authority. Wadjet takes the form of a fire-breathing cobra and, as the uraeus symbol worn on the headdress of the ruler, she epitomizes the power of sovereignty. She is a goddess of Lower Egypt equating to NEKHBET in Upper Egypt, with her main cult center at Buto (Tell el-Farain) in the Nile delta. She forms an integral part of the symbolism of the Sun god RE, coiling around the Sun disc to symbolize Re's powers of destruction. According to mythology, she created the papyrus swamps of the delta. She is described as a wet nurse to the god HORUS and is the mother of the god of the primeval lotus blossom, NEFERTUM....
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Philippines Goddess of water Philippines
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Australia Solar goddess who carries a torch that is the Sun. Australian Aboriginal
Goddess name
Australian aboriginal Sun goddess. The position of Wuriupranili in the godly hierarchy is unclear, but mythology explains that she carries a burning torch made from tree bark and that she travels from east to west each day before descending to the western sea and using the embers to light her way through the underworld beneath the earth. The colors of the Sunrise and Sunset are said to be a reflection of the red ocher body paints with which she adorns herself....
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Aztec A goddess of food and produce, especially maize and, by extension, a goddess of fertility. Aztec
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Aztec Goddess of Agriculture, fertility, love, sensual pleasure, sex, happiness, the moon and weavers. Aztec
Goddess name
Aztec A goddess of flowers, fertility, games, dancing and Agriculture, as well as craftsmen, prostitutes and pregnant women. She was originally a moon and love goddess. Aztec
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