
List of Gods : "Ida" - 172 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek The son of Hermes and Alcidameia
Goddess name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Maize goddess. Represented at various sites including Tula [Hidalgo]. According to the codices Borgia, Cospi and Fejervery-Mayer she is also one of four temple deities. Also Centeotl....
God name
"Chicoahui Itzcuintli-Chantico"
Aztec God of lapidaries. Aztec

Greek 1. A daughter of Idas and Marpessa, and wife of Meleager, is said to have hanged herself after her husband's death, or to have died of grief. Her real name was Alcyone. 2. A Danaid, who was betrothed to Etelces or Agenor. There are two other mythical personages of this name in Apollodorus iii. Greek

Greek A son of Antenor and brother of Iphidamas, who wounded Agamemnon, but was afterwards slain by him. Greek
Planet name
Kircher The creator of the world. He gave Theodidactus a boat of asbestos, in which he sailed to the Sun and planets. Kircher
King name
Welsh Originally betrothed to Gwythr ap Greidawl, she is abducted by Gwyn ap Nudd, causing the two rivals to go to war over her. In the early Arthurian tale Culhwch and Olwen, king Arthur settles the feud by arranging for the two to battle every May Day until Doomsday. Welsh
Nymph name
Greek An Idaean nymph and one of the nurses of Zeus, who placed her among the stars. Greek

Greek A daughter of Hypseus or Peneius by Chlidanope, a granddaughter of Peneius and Creusa, was beloved by Apollo, who carried her from mount Pelion to Libya, where Gyrene derived its name from her. Greek
King name
Greek The Dactyls of mount Ida in Phrygia, fabulous beings to whom the discovery of iron and the art of working it by means of fire was ascribed. Their name Dactyls, that is, Fingers, is accounted for in various ways; by their number being five or ten, or by the fact of their serving Rhea just as the fingers serve the hand, or by the story of their having lived at the foot of mount Ida. Greek
Nymph name
Greek A Sicilian hero, to whom the invention of bucolic poetry is ascribed. He is called a son of Hermes by a nymph, or merely the beloved of Hermes. Ovid calls him an Idaean shepherd; but it does not follow from this that Ovid connected him with either the Phrygian or the Cretan Ida, since Ida signifies any woody mountain. Greek

Greek 1. A daughter of Bellerophontes and wife of Evander, by whom she became the mother of Sarpedon. Homer calls her Laodameia. 2. A daughter of Lycomedes in the island of Scyrus. When Achilles was concealed there in maiden's attire, Deidameia became by him the mother of Pyrrhus or Neoptolemus, and, according to others, of Oneirus also. (Apollodorus iii) 3. The wife of Peirithous, who is commonly called Hippodameia. Greek

Greek A son of Dardåñuś and Chryse and brother of Idaeus, who when his family and a part of the Arcadian population emigrated, remained behind in Arcadia. Greek
Goddess name
Haida Goddess of the sea. Haida
Goddess name
Haida Indian / Queen Charlotte Island, Canada Sea goddess. An old woman who lives at the head of a major inlet in Haida territory and controls all the creatures of the sea....
Goddess name
Haida Goddess of fire and volcanoes. Haida
King name
Greek A son of Ares by Leaneira, Metaneira, or by the nymph Chrysopeleia. He was a brother of Azan and Apheidas, and king of Arcadia. By his wife Laodice he had four sons, Stymphalus, Aepytus, Cyllen, and Pereus. Greek
Goddess name
Trinidad Goddess of rivers and teacher of children. Trinidad
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