
List of Gods : "Ing" - 4046 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
King name
Greek A son of Talaus, king of Argos, and of Lysimache. (Apollodorus i. 9.) Pausanias calls his mother Lysianåśśa, and Hygimis Eurynome.
God name
Greek Was the nymph of a spring, well or fountain of the Black Sea town of Aia who was loved by the local river-god Phasis. Greek
God name
Greco - Roman Chthonic underworld god. One of three judges of Hades åśśessing the souls of the dead entering the underworld (see also MINOS and RHADAMANTHOS). Identified by Plato as the son of ZEUS and Aigina. In the Theogony (Hesiod), Aeacos is also the consort of Psamathe and father of Phocos. Also Aiakos....
Goddess name
"Aebhel aka Aeval"
Ireland Goddess who in popular legend is a faery, who held a midnight court to hear the debate on whether the men were keeping their women sexually satisfied. She commanded that the men bow to the women's sexual wishes. Rules over Lust, sex magic, wisdom in making judgements. Ireland
Goddess name
"Aebhel/ Aeval"
Irish A goddess who is a faery [interesting story]
God name
Celtic / Irish Chthonic underworld god. Known from inscriptions. Aed mac Lir, son of LIR and Aobh was, according to tradition, turned into a swan by his stepmother, Aoife....
King name
Greek According to some accounts a son of Pandion II. king of Athens, and of Pylia, while others call him a son of Scyrius or Phemius, and state that he was only an adopted son of Pandion.
King name
Greek A son of Ion, a king of Athens between the reigns of Erechtheus and Cecrops. Greek

Greek In Homer, is the shield or buckler of Zeus, fashioned for him by Hephaestus, furnished with tåśśels and bearing the Gorgon's head in the centre. Originally symbolic of the storm-cloud, it is probably derived from aisso, signifying rapid, violent motion.

Greek A son of Thyestes, who unwittingly begot him by his own daughter Pelopia. Immediately after his birth he was exposed, by his mother, but was found and saved by shepherds and suckled by a goat.
God name
Greek God of storms and winds. One of the sons of POSEIDON, said to have presented the winds in a leather bag to the hero Odysseus, and to have given the sail to seafarers. According to legend his home was the Aeolian Island [Lipari Island]. In one legend he is married to EOS and is the father of six sons, the various directional winds. The hexagonal Temple of winds, on each side of which is depicted a flying figure of one of the winds, and which is dedicated to Aeolos, still stands at Athens....
King name
Greek One of the mythical kings of Arcadia. He was the son of Eilatus and originally ruled over Phaesana on the Alpheius in Arcadia. When Cleitor, the son of Azan, died without leaving any issue, Aepytus succeeded him and became king of the Arcadians, a part of whose country was called after him Aepytis.
Spirit name
Greek A minor spirit of fair dealing from 300 BCE
Spirit name
Roman Minor god. spirit of fair dealing, known particularly from the second century BC....
Goddess name
"Aequitas aka Aecetia"
Roman Was the goddess of fair trade and honest merchants. Like Abundantia, she is depicted with a cornucopia, representing wealth from commerce. Roman
Demon name
"Aerial Demons"
Greek One of the six clåśśes of demons identified by medieval theologians. They roam through the air but remain close to human beings.

Greek A son of Priam and Arisbe, the daughter of Merops, from whom Aesacus learned the art of interpreting dreams.
God name
Roman God of healing. Developed from the Greek deity ASKLEPIOS and introduced into Rome in 293 BC as a plague god. Attributes include the caduceus (winged scepter), the symbol of modern Medicine....
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