
List of Gods : "Morta" - 168 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Deities name
"Dii Mauri"
Africa The God of Moors. Immortal, they act as redeemers, and benevolent indigenous deities. North Africa
Deities name
"Dii Mauri Moor"
N Africa They were redeemers, immortals, & exalted deities that were almost never named
Spirit name
Greek / Roman Minor creator god. One of the four sons of IAPETOS and Klymene (Titan), and the brother of PROMETHEUS. Jointly responsible for the creation of mankind. Epimetheus' strongest claim to fame lies in his liaison with the first mortal woman, Pandora, whom the gods had cautioned him to avoid. Her curiosity caused her to open the box belonging to JUPITER in which he had placed all the vices, diseases and sufferings of humanity, but which also included the benevolent spirit of hope....
Goddess name
Celtic / Irish Fertility goddess. An aspect of the MORRIGAN. One of the deities who were known as the “Sovereignty of Ireland” and wedded sym bolically to a mortal king. Also a warrior goddess, capable of changing shape from girl to hag, and into birds and animals. She is patroness of the royal seat of Uisnech in County Meath. Eire and Erin are corruptions of her name. See also BADB....
God name
Africa / Yoruba The god of mischief, is the son of Lusa and Mahu. He supported Legba in giving power of the loa to a mortal as a force of good against the evil unleashed by their brother Sagbata. Africa / Yoruba
Deities name
"Eschu/ Legba"
Yoruba / Africa These deities are messengers between gods & mortals, not very nice either
God name
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa Itinerant god. An ancient deity regarded as the attendant and messenger of the creator god OLODUMARE. He påśśes among mortal people åśśessing character and meting out punishment. Devotees are identified by necklaces of black or brown beads....
Spirit name
Japan The spirits of jealous or greedy people who, as punishment for their mortal vices, have been cursed with an insatiable hunger for a particular substance or object. Japan
God name
Greek A mortal boy that was given immortality & the job of cup bearer to the gods
God name
Greek According to Homer and others, he was a son of Tros by Calirrhoe, and a brother of Ilus and Assaracus. Being the most beautiful of all mortals, he was carried off by the gods that he might fill the cup of Zeus, and live among the eternal gods. Greek
Spirit name
Roman God of men. The personification of creativity and strength in mortal males, the counterpart of JUNO. Roman religion also dictated that every place had its guardian spirit, the genius loci....
God name
Ireland God of the blacksmith craft, brews beers which grants immortality to the drinker. Ireland
God name
"Goibnui/ Govannon"
Celtic He is the god of the forge who's beer was so good, that the drinker gained immortality
King name
Greek A daughter of Perseus and Andromeda. Her name means "Gorgon Slayer", a tribute to her father who killed Medusa, the mortal Gorgon. Gorgophone is a central figure in the history of Sparta, having been married to two kings, Oebalus of Sparta (actually Lakonia, Sparta's region) and Perieres of Messenia, the region to the west of Lakonia which Sparta, in the late 8th or early 7th century B.C. enslaved. Greek
Angel name
Jewish A group of fallen angels told of in Biblical apocrypha who mated with mortal women, giving rise to a race of hybrids known as the Nephilim, who are described as giants. Jewish demonology

"Gui Xian"
China The great Tortoise, one of the four Holy animals of Chinese mythology and a symbol of Longevity and Immortality. China
Spirit name
A youthful heroic deity who was once mortal Iroquois (North American Indian). He was empowered by the spirit of thunder, Hino, to conquer the Great water Snake, enemy of humankind. The serpent devoured Gunnodoyak but was then slain by Hino, who cut open the snake, recovered the body of Gunnodoyak and returned him to his rightful place in heaven....

Hindu The name of a poison created from the sea when Devas and Asuras churned the sea in order to obtain Amrita, the nectar of immortality. Hindu
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