
List of Gods : "Ome" - 1048 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
King name
Greek A son of Aeolus and Enarete, was king in Phocis and husband of Diomede, by whom he became the father of Asteropeia, Aenetus, Actor, Phylacus, and Cephalus. After the death of his brother, Salmoneus, he took his daughter Tyro into his house, and gave her in marriage to Cretheus. His name occurs also in the form Deioneus. Greek

Greek A floating island made fast to the bottom of the sea by Poseidon. Apollo having become possessor of it by exchange, made it his favourite retreat. It is one of the Cyclades.

Greek One of the great divinities of the Greeks. The name Demeter is supposed by some to be the same as mother earth, while others consider Deo, which is synonymous with Demeter and as derived from the Cretan word barley, so that Demeter would be the mother or giver of barley or of food generally. Greek
Goddess name
Greek The goddess of the tree, occurs as a surname of Helen at Rhodes, and the following story is related to account for it. After the death of Menelaus, Helen was driven from her home by two natural sons of her husband. She fled to Rhodes, and sought the protection of her friend Polyxo, the widow of Tlepolemus. But Polyxo bore Helen a grudge, since her own husband Tlepolemus had fallen a victim in the Trojan war. Accordingly, once while Helen was bathing, Polyxo sent out her servants in the disguise of the Erinnyes, with the command to hang Helen on a tree.
God name
"Descended into hell"
Greek Means the place of the dead. (Anglo-Saxon, helan, to cover or conceal, like the Greek "Hades," the abode of the dead, from the verb a-cido, not to see. In both cases it means "the unseen world"; or "the world concealed from sight." The god of this nether world was called "Hades" by the Greeks, and "Hel" or "Hela" by the Scandinavians. In some counties of England to cover in with a roof is "to hell the building," and thatchers or tilers are termed "helliers."
Angel name
"Destruction Angels"
Jewish A fearsome type of angel who descends to the earth to inflict terrible suffering upon the wicked and in need of punishment. Jewish
King name
Greek Son of Prometheus and Clymene. He was king in Phthia, and married to Pyrr. When Zeus, after the treatment he had received from Lycaon, had resolved to destroy the degenerate race of men who inhabited the earth, Deucalion, on the advice of his father, built a ship, and carried into it stores of provisions and when Zeus sent a flood all over Hellas, which destroyed all its inhabitants, Deucalion and Pyrrha alone were saved. Greek
God name
"Deus ex machina"
Roman The intervention of a god, or some unlikely event. Literally, it means "a god let down upon the stage or flying in the air by machinery."
Demon name
India Some gods at perpetual war with the demons
Demon name
India Some gods at perpetual war with the demons. India

"Devil's Advocate"
Christian In the Catholic Church when a name is suggested for canonisation, some person is appointed to oppose the proposition, and is expected to give reasons why it should not take place. This person is technically called Advocatus Diaboli. Having said his say, the conclave decides the question.
God name
"Dewden aka Dedun"
Nubian A Nubian god worshipped since at least 2400BC. There is much uncertainty about his original nature, especially since he was depicted as a lion, but the earliest known information indicates that he had become a god of incense.
God name
"Dhanvantari (traveling through an arc)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic Sun god. In later tradition a minor incarnation or avatara of the god VISNU, also closely åśśociated with Medicine. In Vedic mythology Dhanvantari carried the ambrosia created from the primeval ocean of milk. He brought medical science to mankind. Only as the religion evolved did he become identified as an avatara. As KANTATMAN (PRADYUMNA), he is thought to be Kama reincarnated after his death at the hands of SIVA. Various other epithets and existences are attributed to this deity. Offerings are due to him at dusk in the northeastern quarter. He is the guardian deity of hospitals which are usually in the vicinity of a sanctuary of Vis”nu. Attributes: two bowls containing ambrosia. Also Kantatman....
Goddess name
"Dharti Mata"
Hindu / Puranic Mother goddess. A deity who appears late in Hinduism and equates with PRTHIVI or BHUMIDEVI. According to some authors she is the consort of THAKUR DEO. Also Dhartri Mai, Darti Awwal....
Goddess name
"Dhumorna (smoke)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Goddess. The consort of YAMA. Attribute: a pomegranate....
Goddess name
Roman moon goddess. Living in the Forests, she is a huntress and protector of animals, also the guardian of virginity. Generally modeled on the Greek goddess ARTEMIS, she had a sanctuary on the Aventine Hill in Rome and, under Roman rule, took over the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus....

Latvia heavenly beings, 2 sometimes 3

Greek A daughter of Phorbaa of Lemnos, was beloved by Achilles. Greek
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