
List of Gods : "Ori" - 531 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek A courtesan or Greek Hetaira. There were two of the name; the elder was the most beautiful woman of Corinth, and lived at the time of the Peloponnesian war. The beauty of the latter excited the jealousy of the Thessalonian women, who pricked her to death with their bodkins. She was contemporary with Phryne, her rival, and sat to Apelles as a model.
King name
Greek A female phantom, by which children were frightened. According to tradition, she was originally a Libyan queen, of great beauty and a daughter of Belus. She was beloved by Zeus, and Hera in her jealousy robbed her of her children. Lamia, from revenge and despair, robbed others of their children, and murdered them; and the savage cruelty in which she now indulged rendered her ugly, and her face became fearfully distorted. Zeus gave her the power of taking her eyes out of her head, and putting them in again. Greek

China In his Tao-te ching, The Canon of Reason and Virtue (at first entitled simply Lao Tzu(), gave to the then existing scattered sporadic conceptions of the universe a literary form. His tao, or ‘Way,' is the originator of heaven and earth, it is "the mother of all things." China
Book name
Greek 1. A son of Mezentius, who was slain while defending his father against Aeneas. (The Aeneid Book VII) According to the author of the De Orig. Gent. Rom., Lausus fell at a later time, during the siege of Lavinium, by the hand of Ascanius. 2. A son of Numitor and brother of Ilia, was fraudulently killed by Amulius. Greek

Greek The daughter of Titus Andronicus, bride of Båśśiåñuś, brother of the Emperor of Rome. Being grossly abused by Chiron and Demetrius, sons of Tamora, queen of the Goths, the savage wantons cut off her hands and pluck out her tongue, that she may not reveal their names Lavinia, guiding a stick with her stumps, makes her tale known to her father and brothers; whereupon Titus murders the two Moorish princes and serves their heads in a pasty to their mother, whom he afterwards slays, together with the Emperor Saturninus her husband. Greek
Goddess name
China Goddess of thunder who also originated silk worm breeding. China
King name
Greek One of the original inhabitants of Laconia which was called after him, its first king, Lelegia. He was married to the Naiad Cleochareia, by whom he became the father of Myles, Polycaon, and Eurotas. Greek
Demon name
Finland Originally a fertility spirit, became synonymous with demon in the Christian era.
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Sea goddess. Popular around the coasts of the Mediterranean with fishing communities. A mermaid who was originally Ino, a mortal daughter of Kadmos. She was wet nurse to DIONYSOS (BACCHUS), but became mad and threw herself in the sea with her son Melikertes. In another version of the story she was escaping the wrath of Athamas, king of Thebes. The gods elevated her to the status of goddess and her son became the god PALAEMON....
Goddess name
Italic Chthonic fertility god. Originally åśśociated with husbandry and crops but then åśśimilated with DIONYSOS. The consort of CERES and father of the goddess LIBERA. His festival, the Liberalia, was on March 17 when young men celebrated the arrival of manhood....

Greek I. e. the whining, is said to have been the original name of Achilles, and to have been changed into Achilles by Cheiron. Greek
Deities name
"Liu Pei"
Taoist / Chinese God. The third member of a trio of deities with KUAN TI and CHANG FEI. He is the embodiment of the imperial ideal and he carries the seal of heaven's authority. He is con sidered to be humane and moderate. In art he usually takes a central position between Chang Fei on his left and Kuan Ti on his right....
Spirit name
Puerto Rico / Haiti spirit beings. The gods of the voodoo cult who were originally imported by slaves from West Africa. An amount of Christian influence is present in their makeup....
Deities name
Greek Primordial spirit of reason. A concept pro moted by the Stoics, who perceived Logos as the mind of JUPITER, but more generally recognized as the Divine essence from which all deities arise. Philo of Alexandria apportioned human charac teristics to Logos. The Gnostic Christian, Valenti nus, identified Logos as the word coming from the mind of the father. The Christian father Clement of Alexandria claimed it to be the first principle of the universe, while Origen perceived it as the prin ciple embodied in the flesh by Jesus Christ....
Goddess name
Ireland Hideous Formorian war goddess and goddess of physical prowess and strength Ireland
Deity name
Sumeria The younger son of Inanna. He was the patron deity of Bad-tibira while his older brother, Shara was located at neighboring Umma. Sumeria
Nymph name
"Lycoreus or Lycoris"
Greek 2 A son of Apollo and the nymph Corycia, from whom Lycoreia, in the neighbourhood of Delphi, was believed to have derived its name. There are two other mythical personages of this name.
God name
Greek I. e. the Deliverer, a surname of Dionysus, under which he was worshipped at Corinth, where there was a carved image of the god, the whole figure of which was gilt, while the face was painted red. Greek
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