
List of Gods : "Utu" - 89 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Supreme god name
Polynesia The supreme god of the Futuna who, with songia and Fitu, was considered the source of all good and evil. Polynesia
God name
Greek Properly signifies "a share," and as a personification "the deity who åśśigns to every man his fate or his share," or the Fates. Homer usually speaks of only one Moira, and only once mentions the Motpai in the plural. In his poems Moira is fate personified, which, at the birth of man, spins out the thread of his future life, follows his steps, and directs the consequences of his actions according to the counsel of the gods. Homer thus, when he personifies Fate, conceives her as spinning, an act by which also the power of other gods over the life of man is expressed. Greek
Goddess name
Etruscan Goddess of the autumn, fire and volcanoes. She also served as a goddess of travel, fire, and waters. Erilio, the king of Preneste, was her son according to one tradition. According to another tradition her son was the underworld god Herulus. Etruscan
Demon name
Christian A Great Duke of Hell who gives true answers of all things past, present and future, but he must be first commanded to enter a magic triangle for if not he will lie, deceive the conjurer, and beguile him in other business. Christian demonology

Gallic The nine virgin priestesses of the Gallic oracle. By their charms they could raise the wind and waves, turn themselves into any animal form they liked, cure wounds and diseases, and predict future events.

Roman A strong Duke of Hell who tells all things past, present and future, about hidden treasures, and procures the love of women, young and old, but especially maidens.
Angel name
Roman The angel who makes the leaves fall in autumn. Occult Lore
Demon name
Christian A strong Great Duke of Hell, and rules over forty legions of demons. He tells all past, present and future things, shows the meaning of all questions that are asked to him, reconciles friends, and gives honour and dignity. He is depicted as a baboon. Christian demonology
God name
Nordic / Icelandic / Identified in the Voluspa / Poetic Edda / as the priest of the Viking gods who handles the “blood wands” i God. e. Divines future events. Some authors believe Hoenir to be a hypostasis of the god OTHIN, particularly concerned with giving the human race senses and feelings. Also known in north Germanic culture. He is said to have fled to Vanaheim after the great battle between the AESIR and VANIR gods....
God name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Iraq storm god. The chief Rain and thunder god of herdsmen, Is”kur is described as the brother of the Sun god UTU. In creation mythology Is”kur is given charge over the winds, the so-called “silver lock of the heart of heaven,” by the god ENKI. According to some authors, in prehistoric times he was perceived as a bull or as a lion whose roar is the thunder. He may be depicted as a warrior riding across the skies in a chariot, dispensing Raindrops and hailstones. In one text he is identified as the son of AN and twin brother of Enki. He is to be compared with NINURTA who was primarily a god of farmers. He was also adopted by the Hittites as a storm god....
Goddess name
"Idem Huva Finnish"
Ugric Goddess of autumn Ugric
Goddess name
"Idem Huva Finno"
Ugric A goddess of autumn
Goddess name
Hindu The goddess of wrath and jealousy, and a daughter of Puloman, a demon who was killed by Indrani's future husband, Indra. She is beautiful and has one-thousand eyes. She is åśśociated with lions and elephants. Hindu
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of springs and who was real handy in times of drought Roman
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of springs and wells. Invoked particularly in times of drought....
Deity name
Buddhist Embodies the Wealth deity aspect of all the Buddhas and bodhisattvas of past, present and future, and grants longevity and prosperity in daily life. Buddhist
Goddess name
"Juterna/ Juturna"
Roman A goddess of healing & springs invoked during drought
Nymph name
Roman Juterna, the nymph of a well in Latium, famous for its excellent healing qualities. She is said to have been beloved by Jupiter, who rewarded her with immortality and the rule over the waters. Arnobius calls her the wife of Jåñuś and mother of Fontus, but in the Aeneid she appears as the affectionate sister of Turnus. Roman
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