
List of Gods : "daughters" - 91 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek Three mythical beings, the one a daughter of Aeolus and Enarete, and mother of Endymion (Apollodorus i.); the second a daughter of Hecaton and mother of Cygnus by Poseidon and the third is mentioned by Apollodorus among the daughters of Danaus; but the whole påśśage is probably corrupt. Greek

Greek Also called Alexandra, was the fairest among the daughters of Priam and Hecabe. There are two points in her story which have furnished the ancient poets with ample materials to dilate upon. The first is her prophetic power, concerning which, we have the following traditions: Greek

Greek Or the Graces. Aphrodite's retinue was usually completed by the Charites and were usually considered the daughters of Zeus and Eurynome, though they were also said to be daughters of Dionysus and Aphrodite, or of Helios and Aegle Greek
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of water. One of the daughters of Asopus, from whom the town of Cleonae in Peloponnesus was believed to have derived its name. Greek

Greek Was the Titan of intelligence. Titans are the giant sons and daughters of Uråñuś (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth). Greek
God name
Hindu / India Jjustice. The god of law who originates as a creator god and one of the sons of Brahma, but almost certainly derives from the dharmas or archetypal patterns of society identified in the Rg Veda. According to tradition he is the consort of thirteen daughters of DAKSA and the father of Yudhisthra. Also regarded as a minor avatara of VISNU, appearing as a bull standing for the redemption of souls....
God name
"Daksa (skilled and able)"
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic Sun god. The son of BRAHMA and ADITI, he is an ADITYA and demiurge. His consort is PRASUTI, and he is said to have had up to sixty daughters. He appears in conflict with his son-in-law SIVA as the main offender against Siva's consort SATI (accounted as one of his daughters), who was so insulted by Daksa that she committed suicide by jumping into a ritual fire. Siva took revenge by decapitating Daksa but later, after intercession from other gods, Brahma brought him back to life, giving him the substitute head of a sacrificial goat. Attribute: head of a goat. Also PRAJAPATI....

Greek Daughters of Danaus. They were fifty in number, and married the fifty sons of ?gyptos. They all but one murdered their husbands on their wedding-night, and were punished in the infernal regions by having to draw water everlastingly in sieves from a deep well.

Greek A son of Belus and Anchinoe, and a grandson of Poseidon and Libya. He was brother of Aegyptus, and father of fifty daughters, and the mythical ancestor of the Danai. (Apollodorus. ii.) Greek

Seneca Collective name of the three daughters of the earth Mother. Seneca
Demon name
Sumeria Female demon of fever and and diseases of infants. There were seven evil spirits of this kind, who were apparently regarded as being daughters of Anu, the god of the heavens. Sumeria
King name
Greek A king in Laconia whose daughters were metamorphosed into rocks. Greek
God name
Kafir / Afghanistan Local guardian and warrior god. Known from the village of Shtiwe in the southeastern Hindukush, Dogumrik is the herdsman to the daughters of the god IMRA and possibly a localized equivalent of the god MON....
Goddess name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian Goddess. One of the seven daughters of the goddess Baba, known chiefly at Lagas'. Also, and more properly, Hegir-Nuna....

Norse One of Freyja's daughters. Norse
Angel name
Genesis Mighty Men of Renown, the offspring of angels and human women or descendants of Abel who married the daughters of Cain. The gibborim are genarlaly regarded as evil. Genesis

Greek That is, " the old women," were daughters of Phorcys and Ceto. They had grey hair from their birth. Hesiod mentions only two Graeae, viz. Pephredo and Enyo; Apollodorus adds Deino as a third, and Aeschylus also speaks of three Graeae. Greek
Goddess name
Greek These goddesses of evenings and the golden light of Sunset were the famous guardians of the golden apples which Ge had given to Hera at her marriage with Zeus. Their names are Aegle, Erytheia, Hestia, and Arethusa, but their descent is not the same in the different traditions; sometimes they are called the daughters of night or Erebus (Theogony of Hesiod 215), sometimes of Phorcys and Ceto, sometimes of Atlas and Hesperis, whence their names Atlantides or Hesperides, and sometimes of Hesperus, or of Zeus and Themis Greek
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