
List of Gods : "mouth" - 48 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Egypt Snake goddess. Also possessing fertility connotations, she guarded the pharaoh in the form of a cobra. There is some evidence that she enjoyed a cult in the Faiyum, the highly fertile region of the Nile valley. She is depicted either in human form or as a hooded cobra, in which case she bears close åśśociation with the goddess WADJET who is embodied in the uraeus. Her gaze has the power to conquer enemies. In her capacity as a fertility goddess she suckles infant rulers and provides good crops and harvests, linked in this capacity to OSIRIS and the more ancient grain god NEPER. She is also a magical power residing in the linen robe of the pharaoh and in the linen bandages with which he is swathed in death. At Edfu Renenutet takes the title “lady of the robes.” In the Greco-Roman period, she became adopted by the Greeks as the goddess Hermouthis and was syncretized with ISIS....
God name
Japan The god of the sea, a dragon, symbolic of the power of the ocean, had a large mouth, and was able to transform into a human shape. Japan
Spirit name
Blavatsky The queen of the serpents; "Before our globe became egg-shaped (and the Universe also) 'a long trail of Cosmic dust (or fire mist) moved and writhed like a serpent in Space.' The 'Spirit of God moving on chaos' was symbolized by every nation in the shape of a fiery serpent breathing fire and light upon the primordial waters, until it had incubated cosmic matter and made it åśśume the annular shape of a serpent with its tail in its mouth -- which symbolises not only Eternity and Infinitude, but also the globular shape of all the bodies formed within the Universe from that fiery mist. The Universe, as well as the earth and Man, cast off periodically, serpent-like, their old skins, to åśśume new ones after a time of rest " The secret Doctrine, by H. P. Blavatsky
King name
Greek And Charybdis, the names of two rocks between Italy and Sicily, and only a short distance from one another. In the midst of the one of these rocks which was nearest to Italy, there dwelt, according to Homer, Scylla, a daughter of Crataeis, a fearful monster, barking like a dog, with twelve feet, six long necks and mouths, each of which contained three rows of sharp teeth. The opposite rock, which was much lower, contained an immense fig-tree, under which there dwelt Charybdis, who thrice every day swallowed down the waters of the sea, and thrice threw them up again: both were formidable to the ships which had to påśś between them. Greek
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic / Gallic River goddess. The tutelary goddess of the Sequanae tribe. A pre-Roman sanctuary northwest of Dijon near the source of the Seine has yielded more than 200 wooden votive statuettes and models of limbs, heads and body organs, attesting to Sequana's importance as a goddess of healing. During the Roman occupation the site of Fontes Sequanae was sacred to her and was again considered to have healing and remedial properties. A bronze statuette of a goddess was found wearing a diadem, with arms spread and standing in a boat. The prow is in the shape of a duck, her sacred animal, with a cake in its mouth. Also found were models of dogs, an animal specifically åśśociated with healing through its affinity with the Greco-Roman physician deity AESCULAPIUS....

"The Giants' Dance"
Britain Stonehenge, which Geoffrey of Monmouth says was removed from Killaraus, a mountain in Ireland, by the magical skill of Merlin. Britain
God name
Buddhist God. An emanation of AKSOBHYA or RATNASAMBHAVA. Also a form of JAMBHALA. He is depicted as pot-bellied and stands upon Kubera, the Hindu god of riches, who lies with jewels spewing from his mouth. Attributes: cup, ichneumon fly, image of Aksobhya in the hair, moon disc and snakes. Three-eyed....
Goddess name
"Uke Mochi"
Japan Goddess of food, she prepared a feast by facing the ocean and spitting out a fish, then she faced the Forest and bountiful game spewed out of her mouth, finally turning to a rice paddy she coughed up a bowl of rice. Japan
King name
"Waking a Witch"
Britain If a witch was obdurate, the most effectual way of obtaining a confession was by what was termed "waking her." For this purpose an iron bridle or hoop was bound across her face with four prongs thrust into her mouth. The "bridle" was fastened behind to the wall by a chain in such a manner that the victim was unable to lie down; and in this position she was kept sometimes for several days, while men were constantly by to keep her awake. Britain
Goddess name
Egypt God of påśśage. Depicted as a jackal, Wepwawet began as a god of Upper Egypt, but his cult spread along the whole of the Nile valley. According to Pyramid Texts, he was born beneath a tamarisk tree in the sanctuary of the goddess WADJET at Buto. He is also closely linked with the falcon god HORUS. He is perceived preceding the ruler either to or from battle, or to the afterlife, when his adze is used to break open the mouth of the dead person. In a similar context he is linked to the Sun god RE when he “opens the dawn sky” to the deceased. As a god of påśśage, he also opens the way to the womb....
Monster name
Indian Mother of waters. A fabulous sea-snake, fifty paces long and twelve yards in girth, said to lurk in the lagunes of South America, and in the river Amazon. This monster draws into its mouth whatever påśśes within a hundred yards of it, and for this reason an Indian will never venture to enter an unknown lagune till he has blown his horn, which the yacu-mama never fails to answer if it is within hearing. By this means the danger apprehended is avoided. South America

Aboriginal A little red man, about 4 feet tall, with a large head and mouth. The tips of the fingers and toes were shaped like the suckers of an octopus. They lived in wild fig trees and capture their prey by dropping on påśśers-by. A Zara-ma-yha-who might jump on top of the person and drain their blood with their hands and feet. Their victims rarely died from the initial encounter, but because the person was left in a weak and helpless state, the yara-ma-yha-who would return later and swallow the victim. It then drank water and took a nap. When it awoke, it would regurgitate the undigested portion of its meal, which, if the meal was a person, that person would still be alive. Aboriginal
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