Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Shadanana-SSbraahaanya" | Hindu / Puranic | Form of the god KARTTIKEYA. The form possesses six heads and twelve arms. According to legend, the six heads arose because the fire god AGNI had an adulterous relationship with the six consorts of the risis (astral gods) who all needed to suckle the offspring. Like Karttikeya, he is usually depicted riding on a peaçõçk.... |
Deity name "Subrahmanya" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Minor warrior deity. A form of KARTTIKEYA which is depicted with six heads and twelve arms. Also SHADANANASUBRAHMANYA; see also SKANDA.... |
God name "Triglav" | Slavic / Baltic | God of war. The head of the pantheon in Stettin and also mentioned in åśśociation with Brandenburg, he is described in chronicles as bearing three heads.... |
"Trimurti" | Hindu | Collective title for the major triad. A three-headed representation of BRAHMA, VISNU and SIVA as one entity. Contested by some authors, who argue that Brahma, who is almost invariably represented with four heads, would be included here with only one.... |
God name "Tsa'qamae" | Qwe'gsotenox Indian / British Columbia, Canada | God of salmon migration. The so-called head Winter dancer, his attributes include head ring and neck ring of bark to which heads are attached.... |
"Typhoeus" | Greek | A giant with a hundred heads, fearful eyes, and a most terrible voice. He was the father of the Harpies. Zeus killed him with a thunderbolt, and he lies buried under Mount Etna. Greek |
Demon name "Uma" | Hindu | Consort of Siva, famous for her defeat of the army of Chanda and Munda, two demons. She is represented as holding the head of Chanda in one of her four hands, and trampling on Munda. The heads of the army., strung into a necklace, adorn her body, and a girdle of the same surrounds her waist. Hindu |
"Vaikuntha" | Hindu / Puranic | Aspect of VISNU. Vis'nu is depicted under this title residing in his own heaven, known as Vaikuntha. He is seen with four heads in an attribute known as caturmukha, where the central head is human, that to the left is Sakti, to the right NARASINHA, and facing behind, VARAHA. As such Vis'nu's vehicle is either the mythical bird, GARUDA, or he reposes on the serpent ANANTA (SESA). The aspect may also be known as Trailokyamohana.... |
God name "Vajradaka" | Buddhist / Mahayana | God. An emanation of AKSOBHYA bearing one, three or four heads.... |
God name "Yamandaga" | Kalmuck | One of the senior gods. Depicted with six hands, holding a scepter, a pair of ropes, two drinking vessels and an animal skin. Coloured blue with red palms and soles, he has snakes coiled around ankles and wrists and another forming a necklace; another necklace is made up of human heads. His crown is made of flowers and skulls. Kalmuck |
"Yamanduga" | Tibetan | One of the Nadman-Dobshot, an emenation of Monsushari. He was changed into a horrible sight by Jakshiamuni so he could go against Tjotjitjalba. Yamanduga is depicted surrounded by flames, with a blue body, with ten heads, twenty horribly-beweaponed arms and twenty clawed feet dancing on a heap of tortured people. Tibetan |
Spirit name "Yeth-Hounds" | Britain | Dogs without heads, said to be the spirits of unbaptised children, which ramble among the woods at night, making wailing noises. Devonshire, Britain |
"Ymir" | Norse | A primal giant, also called Aurgelmir; he was androgynous and had six heads. He was created as the first living being together with Audhumla when the fire of Muspellsheimr met the water of Niflheimr. Ymir is the ancestor of the Thursir, the Hrymthussir, and of the Aesir. Slain by his grandson Odin, his body was set adrift in the emptiness, and from the parts of his body the nine worlds were created. His blood is the water of the worlds, his hair are the trees, his skull is the sky, the brain the clouds, his flesh is Midgard and his eyebrows are a fence which protects Midgard. Norse |