
List of Gods : "Beli" - 192 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

"Paradise of Fools"
Roman The Hindus, Mahometans, Scandinavians, and Roman Catholics have devised a place between Paradise and "Purgatory" to get rid of a theological difficulty. If there is no sin without intention, then infants and idiots cannot commit sin, and if they die cannot be consigned to the purgatory of evil-doers; but, not being believers or good-doers, they cannot be placed with the saints. The Roman Catholics place them in the Paradise of infants and the Paradise of Fools.
Goddess name
Hindu A Hindu goddess. She is the wife of Lord Shiva and the Divine mother of Lord Ganesh and Lord Murugan. Some communities also believe her to be the Divine sister of Lord Vishnu

Greek The famous winged horse, whose origin is thus related. When Perseus struck off the head of Medusa, with whom Poseidon had had intercourse in the form of a horse or a bird, there sprang forth from her Chrysaor and the horse Pegasus. The latter obtained the name Pegasus because he was believed to have made his appearance near the sources of Oceåñuś. Greek
King name
Greek A brother of Phoroneus, and king of Psophis in Arcadia. The town of Phegeia, which had before been called Erymanthus, was believed to have derived its name from him. Subsequently, however, it was changed again into Psophis. Greek

Greek 1. A son of Cretheus and Tyro, and brother of Aeson and Amythaon; he was married to Periclymene, by whom he became the father of Admetus, Lycurgus, Eidomene, and Periapis. He was believed to have founded the town of Pherae in Thessaly.

Jewish The Jewish Rabbi believed that the soul of the deceased was consigned to a sort of purgatory for twelve months after death, during which time it was allowed to visit its dead body and the places or persons it especially loved. This intermediate state they called by various names, as "the bosom of Abraham," "the garden of Eden," "upper Gehenna." The Sabbath was always a free day, and prayer was supposed to benefit those in this intermediate state.

Roman A Roman divinity who was believed to have received his name from having induced Hannibal, when he was near the gates of the city, to return southward. This divinity was probably one of the Lares of the city of Rome.
Nymph name
Greek A sea-nymph, according to Diodorus, a daughter of Poseidon and Halia, and sometimes called Rhode. The island of Rhodes was believed to have derived its name from her. Greek
King name
Greek A daughter of the Thracian king Sithon and Achiroe, a daughter of Neilos. She was a sister of Pallene, and the Trojan promontory of Rhoeteium was believed to have derived its name from her. Greek
Spirit name
Sudan Creator god and it was believed that the best way of praying to God was through spirits of dead relatives. At harvest time, the first harvest must be offered to the spirits to thank them for successfully interceding to God on behalf of the living. Madi, Sudan
God name
"Sai' Al Quan"
Nabataean / W Semitic A local guardian God is believed to be the protector of caravans
Spirit name
Greek The nature spirits of fire, the fire elementals. The Greek salamandra was believed to have power over fire.
God name
Roman Sangus or Semo Sancus, a Roman divinity, is said to have been originally a Sabine god, and identical with Hercules and Dins Fidius. The name which is etymologically the same as Sanctus, and connected with Sancire, seems to justify this belief, and characterises Sancus as a divinity presiding over oaths.
God name
Haida Indian / Queen Charlotte Island, Canada Sea god. Embodied in the killer whale (Orca). The universe is believed to be inhabited by super natural beings called Sga'na Qeda's for whom the land was first created. Also Måśśet San....
God name
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa Chthonic storm god. As an earth deity he was once a mortal man, the king of Oyo, who transformed himself into an immortal. According to tradition, during his life he breathed tongues of fire. He then ascended into the sky by climbing a golden chain and became the god of thunder and lightning. He is also god of justice, punishing thieves and liars. His consorts include OYA, Oshun and Oba. Cult followers of Shango are believed to be able to make lightning strike an adversary. In shrines to Shango, the image of the god is adorned with a ram's head. Also SANGO....
God name
Illyrian / Albania storm god. Believed to send thunder and lightning and revered into more recent times....

Greek Mythical beings who were believed to have the power of enchanting and charming, by their song, any one who heard them. When Odysseus, in his wanderings through the Mediterranean, came near the island on the lovely beach of which the Sirens were sitting, and endeavouring to allure him and his companions, he, on the advice of Circe, stuffed the ears of his companions with wax, and tied himself to the mast of his vessel, until he was so far off that he could no longer hear their song. Greek

Greek A daughter of Eurotas by Clete, and wife of Lacedaemon, by whom she became the mother of Amyclas and Eurydice. From her the city of Sparta was believed to have derived its name. Greek
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