
List of Gods : "Goddess20Roman" - 287 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Hawaiian Goddess. The daughter of HAUMEA and younger sister of PELE, the volcano goddess, Hi'aika is the mistress of the dance and especially of the hula. Separate traditions identify her with LAKA, the god of the hula and the son of KANE, the god of light; and with a goddess, Na Wahine, the daughter of the primordial creator principle KEAWE. The hula was designed to give a formalized structure to the enactment of myths and among the favorite topics is the romance between Pele and the hero Lohiau. According to mythology Hi'aika was entrusted with a mission to find Lohiau on Pele's behalf and to bring him back to her, a mission that subsequently enflamed the jealousy of Pele over her sister's developing relationship with Lohiau, and brought about his death in Pele's fiery lava....
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of beauty Roman
Goddess name
Roman / Greek Goddess of health and the daughter of ?sculapios. Her symbol was a serpent drinking from a cup in her hand. Roman / Greek
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of health. The daughter of ASKLEPIOS, the physician god of healing. Hygieia was also a remedial drink made from wheat, oil and honey. She is depicted as Hygieia-Salus in a marble group sculpture in the Vatican, with Asclepius (the Roman god of healing) and the snake, which she is touching....
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic / Gallic River goddess. Guardian deity of the river Yonne [Brittany]....
Goddess name
Mesopotamia Inana, the original "Holy Virgin," as the Sumerians called her, is the first known divinity åśśociated with the planet Venus. This Sumerian goddess became identified with the Semitic goddesses Ishtar and later Astarte, Egyptian Isis, Greek Aphrodite, Etruscan Turan and the Roman Venus. Mesopotamia
Goddess name
Roman Minor goddess of birth. A guardian deity invoked to keep evil spirits away from the newborn child. Symbolized by a cleaver....
Goddess name
Greek / Roman Goddess of the Rainbow, or the Rainbow itself. In clåśśic mythology she is called the messenger of the gods when they intended discord, and the Rainbow is the bridge or road let down from heaven for her accommodation. When the gods meant peace they sent Mercury. Greek / Roman
Goddess name
"Iris (rainbow)"
Greek / Roman Messenger goddess. The special attendant of the goddess HERA, Iris is a virgin goddess who forms the Rainbow bridge between heaven and earth. Depicted with wings and carrying a staff....
Goddess name
Greek Goddesses of femininity Roman / Greek
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Goddesses of femininity. Generally depicted as a trio of MATRES. A shrine at Saintes Maries on the Rhone delta was originally dedicated to the Iunones Augustae....
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of springs and who was real handy in times of drought Roman
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of springs and wells. Invoked particularly in times of drought....
Goddess name
Roman A Roman goddess of marriage and the long-suffering wife of Jupiter. Like her Greek equivalent, Hera, she was the protector of women, in particular married women. A festival took place in her honour on the calends (first) of March. Roman
Goddess name
"Juno Caelestis"
Carthage The tutelary goddess of Roman Carthage
Goddess name
"Juno Lucina"
Roman The goddess of childbirth. Roman
Goddess name
"Juterna/ Juturna"
Roman A goddess of healing & springs invoked during drought
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of youth. Modeled on the Greek goddess HEBE....
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