
List of Gods : "Jan" - 62 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Roman wife of Saturn, mother to Jåñuś, Hymnus, Faustus, and Felix. Roman.

Greek A son of Panthous and brother of Hyperenor, was one of the bravest among the Trojans. He was the first who wounded Patroclus, but was afterwards slain by Menelaus, who subsequently dedicated the shield of Euphorbus in the temple of Hera, near Mycenae. Greek

Roman A son of Saturn and Entoria. and the brother of Jåñuś, Hymnus and Felix. Roman.
God name
Janjero / Ethiopia Creator god. Personified by the crocodile and considered to reside in the river Gibe. He was propitiated with human sacrifice....
God name
"Hao Janjero"
Ethiopia A god that resided in the river Gibe
Hero name
Greek The chief hero of the Trojans in their war with the Greeks, was the eldest son of Priam by Hecabe, the husband of Andromache, and father of Scamandrius.
Goddess name
Helen is frequently alleged, in Homeric tradition, to have been a mortal heroine or a demigoddess Goddess [Greek] åśśociated with the city of Troy. In his Catalogues of Women Hesiod, the Greek contemporary of Homer and author of the definitive Theogony of the Greek pantheon, confounds tradition by making Helen the daughter of ZEUS and Ocean. Other Greek authors contemporary with Hesiod give Helen's mother as NEMESIS, the Greco-Roman goddess of justice and revenge, who was raped by Zeus. The mythology placing Helen as a demigoddess identifies her mother as Leda, the mortal wife of Tyndareus, also seduced by Zeus who fathered POLLUX as Helen's brother. However Hesiod strongly denied these claims. Homeric legend describes Helen's marriage to king Menelaus of Sparta and her subsequent abduction by Paris, said to have been the catalyst for the Trojan war. After her death, mythology generally places her among the stars with the Dioscuri (sons of Zeus), better known as Castor and Pollux, the twins of the Gemini constellation. Helen was revered on the island of Rhodes as the goddess Dendritis.See also DISKOURI....
Goddess name
Greek A vegetation goddess, she is the one the Trojan war was fought over

Greek 1. the name of two mythical personages, respecting whom nothing of interest is related. 2. A musician of the Mythic period, before the Trojan war. He is said to have invented the Hieracian measure and to have been the friend and disciple of Olympus the musician. He died young. Greek
Hero name
Greek One of the Spartae, or the men that grew up from the dragon's teeth sown by Cadmus, was worshipped as a hero at Thebes. (Apollodorus iii) There are two other mythical personages of this name, one a son of Poseidon and Alcyone (Apollodorus iii), and the other a son of the Trojan Panthous, who was slain by Menelaus. Greek

"Iasus 9"
Greek A son of Sphelus, the commander of the Athenians in the Trojan war, was slain by Aeneias.
Demon name
Hittite Hittite snake demon.
God name
Roman Two faced god of beginnings, arches, doors, entrances and gates. Roman
Goddess name
Buddhist A minor goddess affiliated with knowledge or the control of knowledge
Goddess name
Brazil Goddess of the sea. Brazil
Goddess name
Buddhist Goddess of healing and snakebites. Buddhist
Goddess name
"Janguli (knowledge of poisons)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Snake goddess. Prevents and cures snake bite. An emanation of AKSOBHYA. Also one of a group of DHARANIS (deification of Buddhist texts). Accompanied by a snake or other unidentified creature. Color: green, white or yellow. Attributes: arrow, blue lotus, bow, image of Aksobhya on crown, lute, peaçõçk feather, snake, staff, sword and trident. Oneor three-headed....
God name
Latvia Summer Solstice deity and a fertility god. Latvia
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