
List of Gods : "Las" - 350 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Babylon Beer goddess was a venerable and long-lasting deity. All hail to the ale. Babylon

Greek 1. A daughter of Phoroneus, and by Zeus the mother of Argus and Pelasgus. In other traditions she is called the mother of Phoroneus and wife of Inachus. 2. A daughter of Tantalus by the Pleiad Taygete or the Hyad Dione, or, according to others, a daughter of Pelops and the wife of Zethus or Alalcomeneus, while Parthenius relates quite a different story, for he makes her a daughter of Assaon and the wife of Philottus, and relates that she entered into a dispute with Leto about the beauty of their respective children. Greek
God name
Greek The name of a numerous clåśś of inferior female divinities, though they are designated by the title of Olympian, are called to the meetings of the gods in Olympus, and described as the daughters of Zeus. But they were believed to dwell on earth in groves, on the summits of mountains, in rivers, streams, glens, and grottoes. Greek
God name
Aztec the Sun god but then a first of the five world ages - they last for 2028 heavenly years & each heavenly year = 52 earth years
God name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. The Sun deity representing the first of the five world ages, each of which lasted for 2,028 heavenly years, each heavenly year being fiftytwo terrestrial years. Assigned to the earth and presided over by TEZCATLIPOCA. According to tradition, the age was populated by a race of giants and it ended in a catalclysmic destruction caused by huge and ferocious jaguars which devoured them. Illustrated by the Stone of the Four Suns [Yale Peabody Museum]. Also Ocelotonatiuh; Yoaltonatiuh; Tlalchitonatiuh....
Supreme god name
Scandinavian Chief god of the Scandinavians. His real name was Sigge, son of Fridulph, but he åśśumed the name of Odin when he left the Tanais, because he had been priest of Odin, supreme god of the Scythians. He became the All-wise by drinking from Mimer's fountain, but purchased the distinction at the cost of one eye. His one eye is the Sun. The father of Odin was Bor. His brothers are Vile and Ve. His wife is Frigga. His sons, Thor and Balder. His mansion is Gladsheim. His seat, Valaskjalf. His court as war-god, Valhalla. His hall, Einherian. His two black ravens are Hugin (thought) and Munin (memory). His steed, Sleipnir. His ships, Skidbladnir and Naglfar. His spear, Gungner, which never fails to hit the mark aimed at. His ring, Draupner, which every ninth night drops eight other rings of equal value. His throne is Hlidskjalf. His wolves, Geri and Freki. He will be ultimately swallowed up by the wolf Fenris or Fenrir. Scandinavian
King name
Greek 1. One of the sons of Aegyptus. 2. A son of Pandion, and one of the eponymic heroes at Athens. 3. A son of Portheus, brother of Agrius and Melas, and husband of Althaea, by whom he became the father of Tydeus and Meleager, and was thus the grandfather of Diomedes. He was king of Pleuron and Calydon in Aetolia. Greek
God name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor god of feasting and revelry. One of the group clåśśed as the TEZCATLIPOCA complex. Also (2)Acatl....
Deities name
"Ome Tochtii"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Fertility god. Slaughtered and then revived by TEZCATLIPOCA. Head of the group clåśśed as the Ometochtli complex of fertility deities who personified the maguey plant and the intoxicating drink brewed from it, pulque or octli. Also (2) Tochtli....
Angel name
Nazorean The angel who supports the earth on his shoulders, just like atlas. Early Nazorean
Goddess name
"Onuris [Greek]"
Egypt God of hunting and war. Onuris is first known from This, near Abydos in Upper Egypt. In later times his main cult center was at Samannud in the Nile delta. His consort is the lion goddess Mekhit. Onuris is generally depicted in human form as a bearded figure wearing a crown with four plumes and wielding a spear or occasionally holding a rope. He is sometimes accompanied by Mekhit in iconography. Seen as a hunter who caught and slew the enemies of RE, the Egyptian Sun god, some legends place him close to the battle between HORUS and SETH. In clåśśical times, Onuris became largely syncretized with the Greek war god ARES. Also Anhuret (Egyptian)....
God name
"Opochtli (left)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor god of lake fishermen and hunters. One of the group clåśśed as the TLALOC complex....

Greek A name of Minerva, sometimes called Pallas Minerva. According to fable, Pallas was one of the Titans, of giant size, killed by Minerva, who flayed him, and used his skin for armour; whence she was called Pallas Minerva. More likely the word Pallas is from pallo, to brandish; and the compound means Minerva who brandishes the spear. Greek
Goddess name
Greek Surname of Athena. In Homer this name always appears united with the name Athena, but in later writers we also find Pallas alone instead of Athena. Plato derives the surname from "to brandish", in reference to the goddess brandishing the spear or aegis, whereas Apollodorus derives it from the giant Pallas, who was slain by Athena. But it is more probable that Pallas is the same word as virgin or maiden. Another female Pallas, described as a daughter of Triton, is mentioned under palladium. Greek
Goddess name
"Pallas (Athene)"
Greek Goddess. The full name of the deity who is thus Pallas of Athens. The origin and meaning of the word Pallas is unknown.See also ATHENA....

"Pandora's Box"
Greek A present which seems valuable, but which is in reality a curse; as when Midas was permitted, according to his request, to turn whatever he touched into gold, and found his very food became gold, and therefore uneatable. Prometheus made an image and stole fire from heaven to endow it with life. In revenge, Jupiter told Vulcan to make a female statue, and gave her a box which she was to present to the man who married her. Prometheus distrusted Jove and his gifts, but Epimetheus, his brother, married the beautiful Pandora, and received the box. Immediately the bridegroom opened the box all the evils that flesh is heir to flew forth, and have ever since continued to afflict the world. The last thing that flew from the box was Hope. Greek

Greek The mythical ancestor of the Pelasgians, the earliest inhabitants of Greece who established the worship of the Dodonaean Zeus, Hephaestus, the Cabeiri, and other divinities that belong to the earliest inhabitants of the country. Greek

Greek A grandson of Zeus, and son of Tantalus and Dione, the daughter of Atlas. He was thus a great-grandson of Cronos. Some writers call the mother of Pelops Euryanåśśa or Clytia. Greek
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