
List of Gods : "Lau" - 107 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Demon name
Lithuania / Prussia This entity is usually naked, enjoyshelping people & protects orphans, she became demonized
Book name
Greek 1. A son of Mezentius, who was slain while defending his father against Aeneas. (The Aeneid Book VII) According to the author of the De Orig. Gent. Rom., Lausus fell at a later time, during the siege of Lavinium, by the hand of Ascanius. 2. A son of Numitor and brother of Ilia, was fraudulently killed by Amulius. Greek

Greek A daughter of Thestius, whence she is called Thestias but others call her a daughter of Thespius, Thyestes, or Glaucus, by Laophonte, Deidamia, Leucippe, Eurythemis, or Paneidyia. She was the wife of Tyndareus, by whom she became the mother of Timandra, Clytaemnestra, and Philonoe. Greek
God name
Nordic / Icelandic God of wisdom and inspiration. An AESIR god who lives in the world of the Frost Giants. He guards the well of knowledge, filled by a spring which flows beneath the world Tree, Yggdrasil, and which is supplied from the primeval waters. The god OTHIN drank from the spring to acquire knowledge, having forfeited one of his eyes to Mimir. Said to be the wisest among the gods. According to some sources he was sent as hostage to the VANIR in their war with the Aesir and was killed by them (see Othin). Some authors argue that he is more properly a giant than a god. Said to be accompanied often by the silent god HOENIR. Mimir warns Othin of the final onslaught at Ragnarok (doom)....
Goddess name
Celtic / Irish Fertility goddess. One of the aspects of the MORRIGAN (a trio of warrior goddesses with strong sexual connotations), she appears as the consort of Nemed and of Crunnchu. She is also a warrior goddess who influences the outcome of battle by magical devices. She can change shape from girl to hag and is generally dressed in red. She is depicted with red hair. She appears thus to the Irish hero, Cu Chulainn, before the Battle of Moytura when she suddenly changes herself into a crow, the harbinger of death. heads of slaughtered soldiers were fixed on the so-called Pole of Macha, and the ancient religious center of Emain Macha in Ulster is named after her.See also Banbha, ERIU and Fodla....

France A giant ten feet high, who died of laughter on seeing a monkey pulling on his boots. France
King name
Greek A son of Atreus, and younger brother of Agamemnon and Anaxibia. He was king of Lacedaemon, and married to the beautiful Helen, by whom he was the father of Hermione and Megapenthes. Greek
King name
Greek A mythical king of the Tyrrhenians or Etruscans, at Caere or Agylla, and father of Lausus. When he was expelled by his subjects on account of his cruelty he took refuge with Turnus, king of the Rutulians, and åśśisted him in his war against Aeneas and the Trojans. Greek
God name
Greek The name Mercury is connected with the root merx (merchandise) and mercari (to deal, trade). The early Romans, being above all countrymen, had no need for a god of commerce. The Roman Mercury appeared only about the fifth century BCE. and was exclusively the god of merchants. For long he was known only in this capacity so that Plautus, in his prologue to Amphitryon, reminds his audience that Mercury presided over messages and commerce. Like certain other minor divinities - Pecunia, Aesculåñuś, Argentinus - he watched over tradesmen's profits. Greek
King name
Greek The drug used by Medea for anointing the wedding robe of Glauce, daughter of king Creon, whereby she was burnt to death on the morning of her marriage with Jason. Greek
King name
"Nibelungen Hoard"
German A mythical måśś of gold and precious stones, which Siegfried obtained from the Nibelungs, and gave to his wife Kriemhild as her marriage portion. It was guarded by Albric the dwarf. After the murder of Siegfried, his widow removed the hoard to Worms; here Hagan seized it, and buried it secretly beneath "the Rhine at Lochham," intending at a future time to enjoy it, "but that was ne'er to be." Kriemhild married Etzel with the view of avenging her wrongs. In time Gunther, with Hagan and a host of Burgundians, went to visit king Etzel, and Kriemhild stirred up a great broil, at the end of which a most terrible slaughter ensued. Volsunga Saga
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Goddess of victory. Depicted as a winged messenger bringing the laurel wreath to the victor of battle. Though of Greek origin, appearing in the Theogony of Hesiod, she was adopted by the Romans and worshiped extensively throughout Asia Minor, including Sardis. In some depictions the goddess ATHENA carries NIKE as a small winged figure. Also VICTORIA (Roman)....
God name
Tochtli Aztec a fertility god that was slaughtered and then resurrected by Tezcatlipoca
Deities name
"Ome Tochtii"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Fertility god. Slaughtered and then revived by TEZCATLIPOCA. Head of the group clåśśed as the Ometochtli complex of fertility deities who personified the maguey plant and the intoxicating drink brewed from it, pulque or octli. Also (2) Tochtli....

Greek I. e. "refreshing," was a daughter of Cecrops and Agraulos, and a sister of Erysichthon, Herse, and Aglauros. Greek

Greek 1. A daughter of Helios and Perseis, and a sister of Circe and Aeetes, was the wife of Minos, by whom she was the mother of Androgeos, Catreus, Deucalion, Glaucus, Minotaurus, Acalle, Xenodice, Ariadne, and Phaedra. (Argonautica. Apollodorus i. Metamorphoses by Ovid XV)

Greek A son of Atreus, and husband of Aerope or Eriphyle, the daughter of Catreus, by whom he became the father of Agamemnon, Menelaus, and Anaxibia. Greek

Greek A son of Chaeresilaus and Stratonice, was the husband of Tanagra, a daughter of Aeolus or Aesopus, by whom he became the father of Ephippus and Leucippus. He was the reputed founder of the town of Tanagra in Boeotia which was hence called Poemandria. When Poemander inadvertently had killed his own son, he was purified by Elephenor. Greek
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