
List of Gods : "Lot" - 234 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Greek A goddess of spinning
Goddess name
Greek Clotho or Moirae, Goddess of spinning, one of the three fates. Hesiod (Theogony 127) has the personification complete for he calls them, together with the Keres, daughters of night; and distinguishes three, viz. Clotho, or the spinning fate; Lachesis, or the one who åśśigns to man his fate and Atropos, or the fate that cannot be avoided. Greek
Goddess name
Pre - Homeric Greek Goddess of spinning. According to Hesiod, one of the daughters of ZEUS and THEMIS. An ancient deity linked with LACHESIS and ATROPOS as one of a trio of MOIRAI or Fates. She is depicted with a spindle....
Spirit name
Buddhist Philosophical deity. One of the PARAMI TAS. spiritual offspring of RATNASAMBHAVA. Color: yellow. Attributes: jeweled banner and white lotus....
God name
Hindu / Puranic God of påśśage. Form of the god BHAIRAVA specifically designated as a guardian deity of doorways. Also regarded as a tutelary deity in Saivite temples. Stands upon a lotus and possesses a number of attributes....
Deities name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Incarnation of the god VIS'NU. The second avatara of Vis'nu, Kurma appears in the form of a tortoise which acts as a pivot for the mountainous churning rod the gods employ to make ambrosia from the primal sea of milk after the flood. Kurma is depicted with a human torso surmounting a tortoise shell. Vis'nu is said to have appeared in this form in order to recover some of the possessions lost during the deluge. Attributes: club, conch, lotus and prayer wheel. Also the name for a vehicle of various deities....

Arabian The Circe of the Arabians, who, by her enchantments, transformed men into horses and other brute beasts. She is introduced into the Arabian nights' Entertainments, where Beder, Prince of Persia, marries her, defeats her plots against him, and turns her into a mare. Being restored to her proper shape by her mother, she turns Beder into an owl; but the prince ultimately regains his own proper form.
Goddess name
Pre - Homeric Greek Goddess of lot-casting. According to Hesiod one of the daughters of ZEUS and THEMIS. One of an ancient trio of MOIRAI with KLOTHO and ATROPOS, she sustains the thread of life and is depicted carrying a scroll....
God name
Sumeria Cattle-god sent by Enlil and Enki from heaven to earth in order to make abundant its cattle. He is the brother of Ashnan. Lahar, along with his sister, were created in the creation chamber of the gods so the Annunnaki might have food and clothes. Sumeria
Goddess name
Hindu Goddess of Agriculture, love, beauty, prosperity, Lotus flowers, wealth, and pleasure Hindu / Puranic / India / Epic

Basque Name given to the lamias and other beings that wash clothes during the night. Basque
God name
"Liew Liaw Gyffes"
Celtic / Welsh God. The counterpart of the Irish god LUG. The son of ARIANRHOD, he was raised by GWYDION. The heroic figure of Lancelot may be derived from him....
Goddess name
"Locana (the eye)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Goddess. The SAKTI of a DHYANIBUDDHA (spiritual meditation buddha), generally AKSOBHYA or VAIROCANA. Color: blue or white. Attributes: cup, prayer wheel and lotus with one or more staves. Also BUDDHALOCANA....
Goddess name
Ireland Hideous Formorian war goddess and goddess of physical prowess and strength Ireland
God name
Norse God of physical senses norse / Icelandic
God name
Nordic / Icelandic God of physical senses. According to a brief mention in the Voluspa (Poetic Edda) the god concerned with physical being i.e. sight, hearing and speech. According to some authors he may be a hypostasis of the god OTHIN. Lothur is also known in northern Germanic tradition. Also LODUR....
Nymph name
Greek A nymph, who in her escape from the embraces of Priapus was metamorphosed into a tree, called after her Lotis. Greek
God name
Egypt The Egyptians pictured God sitting on a lote-tree, above the watery mud. Jamblichus says the leaves and fruit of the lote-tree being round represent "the motion of intellect;" its towering up through mud symbolises the eminency of Divine intellect over matter; and the deity sitting on the lote-tree implies His intellectual sovereignty. Egypt
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