
List of Gods : "Oni" - 962 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek A daughter of Talaus and Lysimache, and the wife of Amphiaraus, whom she betrayed for the sake of the necklace of Harmonia. Greek
God name
Greek In Latin, Amor or Cupido, the god of love. In the sense in which he is usually conceived, Eros is the creature of the later Greek poets; and in order to understand the ancients properly we must distinguish three Erotes: viz. the Eros of the ancient cosmogonies, the Eros of the philosophers and mysteries, who bears great resemblance to the first, and the Eros whom we meet with in the epigrammatic and erotic poets, whose witty and playful descriptions of the god, however, can scarcely be considered as a part of the ancient religious belief of the Greeks. Greek
God name
Mesopotamian / Babylonian Akkadian God of war. Known chiefly from the Erra Epic, circa 1000 BC, he is also the god of raids, riots and scorched earth. Closely identified with the god NERGAL, his cult center is Emeslam in the city of Kutha (lost). In Babylonian times he is identified as a plague god....

Greek A personification of the glory which the Athenians had reaped in the battle of Marathon. Greek

Greek A son of Poseidon by Europa, the daughter of Tityus, or by Mecionice or Oris, a daughter of Orion or Eurotas. Greek
Demon name
Greek 1. A son of Irus and demon&;aring;śśa, was one of the Argonauts. Apollonius Rhodius calls him a son of Ctimenus. 2. One of the suitors of Penelope, who was killed by Odysseus. Greek
Demon name
Greek A son of Irus and demon&;aring;śśa, and a grandson of Actor, is mentioned among the Argonauts. (Argonautica) According to others he was a son of Actor, and he is also called Eurytus. (Apollodorus i) When Peleus was expelled from his dominions, he fled to Eurytion and married his daughter Antigone but in shooting at the Calydonian boar, Peleus inadvertently killed his father-in-law, (Apollodorus iii)
King name
Greek A son of Melaneus and Stratonice was king of Oechalia, probably the Thessalian town of this name. He was a skilful archer and married to Antioche, by whom he became the father of lole, Iphitus, Molion or Deion, Clytius, and Toxeus. Greek
God name
Polynesian / Tikopia God of mariners. The eldest son of a being known as Ariki Kafika Tuisifo, he is a patron and guardian of seafarers and is also regarded as the origin of the royal Tikopian lineage. Also known as the “grandsire of the ocean.” He is closely linked with the chthonic god TIFENUA and the sky god ATUA I KAFIKA....

Roman The personification of rumour or report. Roman
God name
Greek Properly signifies "a share," and as a personification "the deity who åśśigns to every man his fate or his share," or the Fates. Homer usually speaks of only one Moira, and only once mentions the Motpai in the plural. In his poems Moira is fate personified, which, at the birth of man, spins out the thread of his future life, follows his steps, and directs the consequences of his actions according to the counsel of the gods. Homer thus, when he personifies Fate, conceives her as spinning, an act by which also the power of other gods over the life of man is expressed. Greek

Roman The personification of happiness and is frequently seen on Roman medals, in the form of a matron, with the staff of Mercury (caduceus) and a cornucopia. Roman
God name
"Feng Po"
Chinese sky god. Described as the “Count of the wind,” which he releases from a sack, he has strong links with the sea. He was originally regarded as malevolent and the antagonist of the god Shen Yi. Feng Po may be depicted in human form as an old man with a white beard, or in the guise of a dragon with the head of a bird or a deer. Also Fei Lian; Fei Lien; Feng Bo....
Goddess name
Etruscan Goddess of the autumn, fire and volcanoes. She also served as a goddess of travel, fire, and waters. Erilio, the king of Preneste, was her son according to one tradition. According to another tradition her son was the underworld god Herulus. Etruscan
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of orchards and protects freed men. Roman Also regarded as a goddess of the earth or the lower world because she is said to have given to her son three souls, so that Evander had to kill him thrice before he was dead. Roman

s A giant in Turpin's Chronicle of Charlemagne. He had the strength of forty men, and was thirty-six feet high. Though no lance could pierce his hide, Orlando slew him by Divine interposition. .

Roman The personification of fidelity or faithfulness. She was represented as a matron wearing a wreath of olive or laurel leaves, and carrying in her hand corn ears or a basket with fruit. Roman

Norse A personification of the earth; mother of Thor. Norse
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