
List of Gods : "Sesat" - 648 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Greek These goddesses of evenings and the golden light of Sunset were the famous guardians of the golden apples which Ge had given to Hera at her marriage with Zeus. Their names are Aegle, Erytheia, Hestia, and Arethusa, but their descent is not the same in the different traditions; sometimes they are called the daughters of night or Erebus (Theogony of Hesiod 215), sometimes of Phorcys and Ceto, sometimes of Atlas and Hesperis, whence their names Atlantides or Hesperides, and sometimes of Hesperus, or of Zeus and Themis Greek
Goddess name
Germanic Goddesses of curing illness germanic
Goddess name
Polynesian moon goddess. Also known as HINA, Ina or SINA, she is the sister of MAUI and the consort of Irewaru. Tradition has it that she can manifest herself in two forms according to the lunar phases. Her role is åśśociated with fertility and her cult may have been imported from Asia, since SIN is the name of a western Asiatic moon god also closely åśśociated with fertility rites....

Greek The fountain of the Muses, produced by a stroke of the hoof of Pegasus. Greek

Greek queen of the Amazons, and daughter of Mars. Hippolyta was famous for a girdle given her by her father, and it was one of the twelve labours of Hercules to possess himself of this prize. greek

Roman Was regarded as the protectress of horses. Images of her, either statues or paintings, were frequently seen in niches of stables. Roman
God name
German This god gave all mortals the five senses
God name
German God who gave all mortals the five senses. German
God name
Scandinavia An Aesir god and the brother of Odin and Ludor. Together they slew Ymir, the great giant of the beginning. They created the earth from his flesh, the sea and fresh water from his blood, the mountains from his bones; then mankind from two trees, man from the ash and woman from the elm. Hoenir gave them their senses and understanding, intelligence and motion. The two lesser brothers are sometimes considered aspects of Odin, eventually disappearing, Hoenir as hostage to the Vanir at the end of the war with the Aesir. Scandinavia
God name
Nordic / Icelandic / Identified in the Voluspa / Poetic Edda / as the priest of the Viking gods who handles the “blood wands” i God. e. Divines future events. Some authors believe Hoenir to be a hypostasis of the god OTHIN, particularly concerned with giving the human race senses and feelings. Also known in north Germanic culture. He is said to have fled to Vanaheim after the great battle between the AESIR and VANIR gods....
Goddess name
Greek Horai, originally the personifications or goddesses of the order of nature and of the seasons, but in later times they were regarded as the goddesses of order in general and of justice. In Homer, who neither mentions their parents nor their number, they are the Olympian divinities of the weather and the ministers of Zeus; and in this capacity they guard the doors of Olympus, and promote the fertility of the earth, by the various kinds of weather they send down. Greek
Goddess name
"Horae/ Horai"
Greek The goddesses of order & the seasons, all three of them
Nymph name
Koran The large blackeyed damsels of Paradise, possessed of perpetual youth and beauty, whose virginity is renewable at pleasure. Every believer will have seventy-two of these houris in Paradise, and his intercourse with them will be fruitful or otherwise, according to his wish. If an offspring is desired, it will grow to full estate in an hour. (Persian, huri; Arabic, huriya, nymphs of Paradise. Koran
Goddess name
Egypt underworld goddesses, the 12 daughters of Re Egypt
Goddess name
Egypt underworld goddesses. The twelve daughters of the Sun god RE. They act in concert against the adversaries of Re and control the destiny of human beings in terms of each person's life span, reflecting the supremacy of order and time over chaos. The Hours are sometimes represented on the walls of royal tombs in anthropomorphic form with a five-pointed star above the head. Also Horae (Greek)....
God name
"Hrsikesa (lord of the senses)"
Hindu God. Minor avatara of VIS NU. His SAKTI is HARSA....
Goddess name
"Huruing Wuhti"
Hopi In the Hopi Indian creation story, they were a pair of women who survived the Great Flood. The Huruing Wuhti were later venerated as mother goddesses, because they gave birth to the Hopi people.
King name
Greek A son of Peneius, and the Naiad Creusa, or Phillyra, the daughter of Asopus, was king of the Lapithae, and married to Chlidanope, by whom he became the father of Cyrene, Alcaea, Themisto, and Astyageia. (Apollodorus) Another personage of this name occurs in Ovid (Metamorphoses v by Ovid). Greek
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