
List of Gods : "She" - 1261 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Goddess of dancers. She plays a part in enticing the Sun goddess, AMATERASU, from her cave using the perfect Divine mirror....
Goddess name
Ghana Goddess of rivers, and justice. Because she is merciless and unforgiving, her followers try to avoid offending her. Ghana
Goddess name
Egypt / Libya Aka Amenti, "The Westerner," "hidden goddess." Goddess of the underworld and consort of Amen. She greeted all dead people to the land of the dead with bread and water. If they ate and drank, they could not return to the land of the living. Egypt / Libya
God name
Aztec A god of lakes and fishermen. Aztec
Goddess name
Africa Creator god. He first created the Sun from a clay pot and coils of copper and the moon using a clay pot and bråśś. Black people were created from Sunlight and white from moonlight. He then proceeded to cirçúɱsise the earth goddess, whose çlïtořïś was an anthill and their first offspring was a jackal. She then got pregnant by Rain and produced plants. He then became the father of mankind. Dogon Mali, West Africa
Goddess name
Hindu - Dravidian Primordial mother goddess. Known locally from east central India and worshiped by the Dravidian tribe of Telugu. She is said to have generated the cosmic egg in the sea of milk from which the major gods BRAHMA, VIS'NU and SIVA were born....
Goddess name
Greek According to Hesiod (Theogony) and Apollodorus a Nereid, though in other places Apollodorus calls her an Oceanid. She is represented as the wife of Poseidon and the goddess of the sea (the Mediterranean), and she is therefore a kind of female Poseidon.
Goddess name
Greek Sea goddess. According to Theogony (Hesiod), one of the fifty daughters of NEREUS and DORIS. Considered to calm stormy seas, traveling in a boat made of mussels. She was among those present at the birth of APOLLO....
Goddess name
Ghana Creator goddess of Ghana. She carries a head and a bråśś pan.
God name
Akkadian Or Martu are also names given in Akkadian and Sumerian texts to the god of the Amorite / Amurru people, often forming part of personal names. He is sometimes called Ilu Amurru. Sometimes described as a 'shepherd', and as a son of the sky-god Anu.
God name
Western Semitic mountain god. A minor consort of ATHIRAT whose attributes include a shepherd's crook and who was probably worshiped by herders. Known mainly from inscriptions. Also MARTU....
Hero name
Roman The Protogenos of inevitability, compulsion and necessity and the personification of destiny, unalterable necessity and fate. She was also the mother of Adrasteia and of the Moirae. She was rarely worshipped until the creation of the Orphic mystery religion. In Roman mythology, she was called Necessitas ("necessity"). From Herodotus, The History Book Eight

Hindu That is, the charity, was wife of an ancient Indian rishi (sage) named Atri. In the Ramayana, she appears living with her husband in a small hermitage in the southern periphery of the Forest of Chitrakuta. She was very pious, and always practiced austerities and devotion. Hindu
Goddess name
Phonecian major Goddess of battle, bloodshed, and hunting, renowned for her hot temper and excitability. She killed the God Mot (temporarily) for her brother's sake. Daughter of Baal, sister of Aleyin. She appears as a maiden who rides a lion and carries shield, spear, and axe. Phonecian
Goddess name
"Anat / Athene"
Greek Anat and Athene In a Cyprian inscription the Greek goddess Athêna Sôteira Nikê is equated with ‘Anat. Anat is also presumably the goddess whom Sanchuniathon calls Athene, a daughter of El, mother unnamed, who with Hermes (that is Anubis) councelled El on the making of a sickle and a spear of iron, presumably to use against his father Uråñuś. However, in the Baal cycle, that rôle is åśśigned to Asherah / Elat and Anat is there called the "Virgin."
Goddess name
"Anat in Egypt"
Egypt Anat first appears in Egypt in the 16th dynasty (the Hyksos period) along with other northwest Semitic deities. She was especially worshipped in her aspect of a war goddess, often paired with the goddess ‘Ashtart. In the Contest Between Horus and Set, these two goddesses appear as daughters of Re and are given in marriage to the god Set, who had been identified with the Semitic god Hadad.
Goddess name
"Anat in Mesopotamia"
Akkadian In Akkadian the form one would expect ‘Anat to take would be Antu earlier Antum. This would also be the normal femanine form that would be taken by Anu, the Akkadian form of An 'Sky', the Sumerian god of heaven. Antu appears in Akkadian texts mostly as a rather colorless consort of Anu, the mother of Ishtar in the Gilgamesh story, but is also identified with the northwest Semitic goddess ‘Anat of essentially the same name. It is unknown whether this is an equation of two originally separate goddesses whose names happened to fall together or whether ‘Anat's cult spread to Mesopotamia where she came to be worshippped as Anu's spouse because the Mesopotamia form of her name suggested she was a counterpart to Anu.
Goddess name
Bella Coola Indian / British Columbia, Canada River goddess. Said to oversee the arrival and departure of the salmon in the rivers. She lives in a cave called Nuskesiu'tsta....
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