
List of Gods : "She" - 1261 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek 1. A daughter of Bias and wife of Pelias, by whom she became the mother of Acastus, Peisidice, Pelopia, Hippothoe, and Alcestis. (Apollodorus) 2. A daughter of Cratieus, and second wife of Nestor. (Apollodorus) 3. A daughter of Pleisthenes, and sister of Agamemnon, married Strophius and became the mother of Pylades.
Goddess name
Britain / British A Goddess who survives only in her name through an inscription on a stone in Hampshire. It is a possibility she is related to Andraste. Britain
Goddess name
Roman / Celtic / British Goddess of war. The patron goddess of the Iceni tribe. The warrior queen Boudicca is reported to have prayed to her before battle and she was the recipient of human sacrifice. Andrasta does not appear in Celtic Gaul, though a deity called Andraste is mentioned by the...
God name
Greek The daughter of Cepheus and Cåśśiopeia. Mother thought she and daughter were more beautiful than any of Poseidon's many nymphs, and she taunted the God of the Seas until he just couldn't take it any longer. Poseidon punished the vain mother by chaining her daughter naked to a rock, to be sacrificed to a dreadful sea monster. Greek
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of anguish, secrecy, silence and the Winter solstice. According to one clåśś of påśśages she is the goddess of anguish and fear, that is, the goddess who not only produces this state of mind, but also relieves men from it. Roman
Spirit name
Hopi A kachina, a spirit represented by a masked doll (also called a kachina). She is a wuya, one of the chief kachinas and is considered the mother of all the hú and all the kachinas. She led the initiation rites for new children, whipping them with yucca whips. Hopi
Goddess name
Greek A minor goddess of squashed animals. Witnessed by thinking "Oh God, what was that I hit?". Mentioned in Hogfather.
Goddess name
Hindu - Dravidian / Tamil Guardian goddess. Known particularly in southern India where she wards off demons. Alternatively she is an aspect of KALI....
Goddess name
"Anna Kmari"
Indian Local vegetation goddess. Worshiped by the Oraon tribe of Chota Nagpur. The recipient of human sacrifice in the spring months, she was believed to endow riches on the sacrificer and to ensure plentiful harvest while living in his house in the form of a child....
Goddess name
"Anna Perenna"
Roman Protective goddess. Allegedly she saved the plebeians from famine in their conflict with the patricians in ancient Roman mythology. An openair festival dedicated to her was held on March 15 each year in a grove lying to the north of Rome....

"Anog Ite"
Lakota Double-Face Woman. Caught while attempting to replace Hanwi by seducing Wi, She is condemned to bear two faces, one beuatiful and the other hideous. Lakota
Goddess name
Wintersmith / comic fantasy The minor goddess of Things That Stick in Drawers. She eats corkscrews and is responsible for Things Down The Backs of Sofas. Appears in Wintersmith
Goddess name
Egypt / Libya Aka Anuket, Anukis, "The Clasper." water Goddess of the Nile Cataracts. Her symbal was the cowrie shell. Pictured as a woman donning a tall plumed crown. Also has been depicted as having four arms. Rules Over: Producer and giver of life, water. Egypt / Libya

Greek (Anterôs) was the son of Ares and Aphrodite, given to his brother Eros, who was lonely, as a playmate. He is the personification of unrequited love and punisher of those who scorn love, and is depicted as similar to Eros in every way, but with long hair and butterfly wings. The term was also used for the love which arises in the beloved boy in a pederastic relationship.

Greek / Etruscan The son of Ares and Aphrodite in Greek mythology, given to his brother Eros, who was lonely, as a playmate. He is the personification of unrequited love and punisher of those who scorn love, and is depicted as similar to Eros in every way, but with long hair and butterfly wings. Greek / Etruscan

Greek The blooming, or the friend of flowers, a surname of Hera, under which she had a temple at Argos. Before this temple was the mound under which the women were buried who had come with Dionysus from the Aegean islands, and had fallen in a contest with the Argives and Perseus. Antheia was used at Gnossus as a surname of Aphrodite. Greek
God name
Greece A daughter of Nycteus and Polyxo or of the river god Asopus in Boeotia. She became by Zeus the mother of Amphion and Zethus, Dionysus threw her into a state of madness on account of the vengeance which her sons had taken on Dirce. In this condition she wandered about through Greece, until Phocus, the grandson of Sisyphus, cured and married her. She was buried with Phocus in one common tomb.

Babylon / Akkadia She is derived from the older Sumeria Ki
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