
List of Gods : "ale" - 612 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek A female Titan, a daughter of Oceåñuś and Tethys, and, according to others, of Uråñuś and Ge, or of Aether and Ge. She was beloved by Zeus, by whom she became the mother of Aphrodite. Greek
Angel name
"Dis plural Disir"
Norse Attendant spirit or guardian angel. Any female mythic being may be called Dis. Norse
Spirit name
"Dive zeny"
Bohemian Wild women, female Forest-spirits. Bohemian

"Divine Pagan"
Christian Hypatia, who presided over the Neoplatonic School at Alexandria. She was torn to pieces (CE. 415) by a Christian mob with the concurrence of the Archbishop Cyril.
God name
Kafir / Afghanistan Local guardian and warrior god. Known from the village of Shtiwe in the southeastern Hindukush, Dogumrik is the herdsman to the daughters of the god IMRA and possibly a localized equivalent of the god MON....
Spirit name
Arabian The abode of evil spirits, gnomes, and enchanters, somewhere "under the roots of the ocean," but not far from Babylon. (Continuation of the Arabian Tales.)
Goddess name
"Don/ Donn/ Dhonn"
Irish / Wales A goddess that is called a god of death

"Dragons Guardin Ladies"
European The walls of feudal castles ran winding round the building, and the ladies were kept in the securest part. As adventurers had to scale the walls to gain access to the ladies, the authors of romance said they overcame the serpent-like defence, or the dragon that guarded them. Sometimes there were two walls, and then the bold invader overcame two dragons in his attempt to liberate the captive damsel. European

Javanese A warrior and expert archer, wife of Yudistira. She often joins in battle dressed as a male warrior. Javanese
God name
Greek A son of the river-god Spercheius, by the Danaid Polydora or, according to others, a son of Lycaon (probably a mistake for Apollo) by Dia, the daughter of Lycaon, who concealed her new-born infant in a hollow oak tree.
Ghost name
Jamaican The ghosts of deceased people. An Obeah man will summon a Duppy and plant it in a home to curse the occupants. A sample of the victim's clothing, hair or especially menstrual fluid may be obtained so that a Duppy may rape a female victim while she sleeps and make her ill. Jamaican
God name
Kafir / Afghanistan Local god of uncertain affinities. Known only from an altar stone which was generally erected beside that of the water god BAGISHT. Sacrifice was in the form of a male goat....
God name
Kafir / Afghanistan a local god known only from of an altar stone, but he did like male goats as a sacrifice
Deity name
Wales / Britain A guardian deity of the mouth of the River Conway
God name
"Dylan Eil Ton"
Wales A sea-god. He is sometimes said to be a god of darkness. Wales
God name
Greek One of the aeons - the first created entities - thought to be Divine emanations from God. The male personification of power.
God name
Babylon / Mesopotamia As a member of the supreme trinity he was god of the waters, giver of arts and sciences and the healer of the sick. Babylon / Mesopotamia

Scandinavian Brother of Weland, the Vulcan of Northern mythology. Egil was a great archer, and his tale is the exact counterpart of the famous fable about William Tell.
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