
List of Gods : "people" - 205 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Spirit name
Australian aboriginal Animistic spirit. Invoked at the ceremony of initiation by the Binbinga people once living on the west side of the Gulf of Carpentaria. Katajalina is reputed to live in an anthill and to carry off the spirit of the young initiate, kill him and then restore him to life as an adult. His presence is announced in the noise of the bull-roarer....
God name
Slavonic River god. He drowned people in retribution for their misdeeds. Slavonic

Malaysia And his wife Suminundu had a beautiful daughter Huminodun. The people of Sabah were starving, so Kinoingan sacrificed Huminodun. Out of her body came rice seeds which grew bountifully. Malaysia
Goddess name
N American Mother of All Peoples and the goddess of jolly bonking. Paiute. North America
God name
"Koyote or Coyote"
Navaho At the time Coyote danced to make the corn grow, the story of the Great God Coyote commences. This is where Coyote first used his power given to him by the gods. At a Yeibache, ye'i·bicai, the people will dress up a poor man to look and act like Coyote. First Man told him to do many things. The other gods had the power, but they did not have the knowledge. First Man and First Woman were jealous of the others trying to grow corn and did not give them the knowledge to grow corn. They sent Coyote to go and make the corn grow. First Man and First Woman are themselves not to do such things, but they will have a hand in such things and send Coyote as their representative. Towards the end of the life of Coyote, he became almost mad with his power and it was taken from him because of this. Navaho

Poland Legendary founder of Cracow. He rescued the people from control of a dragon.
Supreme god name
Guatemala Kukumatz. Supreme god of Quiche people of Guatemala.
Spirit name
Nuer / Sudan Creator god. The Nuer people have been affected by the expansion of Islam, and probably by Christianity, and recognize a supreme deity, or spiritual being, responsible for all creation. One of his epithets is Tutgar, meaning “strong and without limit.”...
Spirit name
Greece She is a vampire type spirit who stole small children and sucked people's blood, currently accepted in modern Greece
Demon name
Lithuania / Prussia This entity is usually naked, enjoyshelping people & protects orphans, she became demonized
King name
"Lia Fail"
Celtic The Fatale Marmor or Stone of Destiny. On, this stone the ancient Irish kings sat at their coronation, and according to tradition, wherever that stone might be the people there would be dominant. It was removed to Scone; and Edward removed it from Scone Abbey to London. It is kept in Westminster Abbey under who royal throne, on which the English sovereigns sit at their coronation. Celtic
Spirit name
Spain this female spirit Lehrer's people to their, normally, drowning in bogs, swamps, etc.
God name
Duala / Cameroon, West Africa Sun god. Local people pray to this deity after Sunset to ensure that he will appear again the following morning....
King name
Roman The Roman soldier who smote Jesus with his spear. In the romance of king Arthur, this spear was brought by Joseph of Arimathea to Listenise, when he visited king Pellam, "who was nigh of Joseph's kin." Sir Balim the Savage, being in want of a weapon, seized this spear, with which he wounded king Pellam. "Three whole countries were destoyed" by that one stroke, and Sir Balim saw "the people thereof lying dead on all sides."

Greek Lotus-eaters or Lotophagi, in Homeric legend, are a people who ate of the lotus-tree, the effect of which was to make them forget their friends and homes, and to lose all desire of returning to their native land, their only wish being to live in idleness in Lotus-land. Greek

s An island mentioned in Gulliver's Travels, where people live for ever. Swift shows the evil of such a destiny, unless accompanied with eternal youth.
God name
Roman The place where Romulus and Remus were suckled by the wolf (lupus). A yearly festival was held on this spot on Feb. 15, in honour of Lupercus, the god of fertility. On one of these festivals Antony thrice offered to Julius C?sar a kingly crown, but seeing the people were only half-hearted, C?sar put it aside, saying, "Jupiter alone is king of Rome." Roman

Celtic A miniature creature who drives her chariot across the faces of sleeping people and compels them to dream dreams of wish-fulfillment. Celtic Fairy tale
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