
List of Gods : "son" - 1440 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greece An ancient divinity worshipped in various parts of Greece, as in Thessaly, Ceos, and Boeotia, but especially in the islands of the Aegean, Ionian, and Adriatic seas, which had once been inhabited by Pelasgians. He is described either as a son of Uråñuś and Ge, or according to a more general tradition, as the son of Apollo by Cyrene, the grand-daughter of Peneius.
God name
"Arjuna (silvery)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic Heroic god. Arjuna appears in the Mahabharata epic. One of the princely sons of the mythical Pandu family, his father is INDRA. He generally appears with the warrior god BHIMA. Allegedly responsible for requesting VIS'NU to take his VISVARUPA form but also identified as a minor incarnation or avatara of Vis'nu. Attributes: usually depicted bearing a bow received from AGNI the fire god, but may also appear carrying a sword and shield. Also NARA....

Grek A daughter of Phegeus, and wife of Alcmaeon. As she disapproved of the murder of Alcmaeon, the sons of Phegeus put her into a chest and carried her to Tegea, where they accused her of having killed Alcmaeon herself.
God name
Pre - Islamic northern Arabian Astraltutelary god. Locally worshiped at Palmyra where he personifies the evening star, in company with his brother AZIZOS who is the morning star. He equates with Ruda elsewhere in northern Arabia. Associated in Palmyra with horses or camels....
Goddess name
"Arundhati (faithfulness)"
Hindu / Puranic Astral goddess. Personification of the morning star and the wife of all risis or inspired sons of BRAHMA though particularly åśśociated with Vasistha. Attributes: begging bowls....
Goddess name
"Aryaman (companion)"
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic Minor Sun god. In Vedic times, the god of formal hospitality. One of six ADITYA sons of the goddess ADITI. Attributes: club, two lotuses and prayer wheel....
God name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian Minor god. A son of ENKI who apparently acts as a messenger and reporter to his father. Linked with rituals of exorcism. Cult center Ku'ara. In Babylonian times he became largely syncretized with MARDTK....
Goddess name
"Asase Ya"
Ghana The earth goddess of fertility in the mythology of the Ashanti people of Ghana. She is the wife of Nyame the sky god. In Ashanti mythology she gave birth to two sons, Bia and Tano. Ghana

Greek A son of Aeneas by Creusa or by Lavinia. Greek

Hindu Sons of the Sun. Hindu
God name
Greek / Beotian Local river god. Known only from regions of central Greece as one of the sons of POSEIDON....
God name
Greek The god of the river Asopus, was a son of Oceåñuś and Tethys, or according to others, of Poseidon and Pero, of Zeus and Eurynome, or lastly of Poseidon and Cegluse.
King name
Greek A son of Tros and Calirrhoe, the daughter of Scamander. He was king of Troy, and husband of Hieromneme, by whom he became the father of Capys, the father of Anchises.

"Assur / Ashur, Assur, Assyr"
Hebrew Grandson of Noah in the Hebrew Scriptures.
God name
Crete Or Asterius, 1. A son of Teutamus, and king of the Cretans, who married Europa after she had been carried to Crete by Zeus. He also brought up the three sons, Minos, Sarpedon, and Rhadamanthys whom she had by the father of the gods. (Apollodorus i) 2. A son of Cometes, Pyremus, or Priscus, by Antigone, the daughter of Pheres. He is mentioned as one of the Argonauts. (Argonautica) There are two more mythical personages of this name, one a river-god [Acraea], and the second a son of Minos, who was slain by Theseus.
Nymph name
Greek The Naiad nymph of a gold-carrying stream of the Kaukasos mountains. She was loved by Aeetes of Colchis, bearing him a son Apsyrtos. Greek

Greek Two mythical personages, one a daughter of Pelias, who in conjunction with her sisters murdered her father and the second a daughter of Deion and Diomede. Greek

Greek A Titan and son of Crius and Eurybia. By Eos he became the father of the winds Zephyrus, Boreas, and Notus, Eosphorus (the morning star), and all the stars of heaven. (Theogony 376) Ovid ( Metamorphoses xiv) calls the winds fratres Astraei, which does not mean that they were brothers of Astraeus, but brothers through Astraeus, their common father.
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