
List of Gods : "Ans ar" - 826 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Nazorean Kushta, means Truth, and the Monastery (Sangha) and is a name of Miryai, the spouse of Mind in Valentinian theology. Early Nazorean
Spirit name
Australian aboriginal Animistic spirits. Malevolent beings who conceal themselves in undergrowth and rock crevices and manifest as animals and birds, including eagles, crows, owls, kangaroos and emus. Kutji are considered to have taken over wild creatures if their behavior åśśumes unfamiliar patterns. Only shamans may contain the influence of these spirits. Otherwise, they possess the potential to inflict disease and death on to human beings....
Spirit name
Koryak / Siberia This is the spirit that taught mankind to haunt it & catch fish in addition to giving them the fire stick & the shamans drum
Demon name
Hindu An immense elephant, or a demon in elephantine form, belonging to Kansa, and employed by him to trample the boys Krishna and Balarama to death. The attempt failed and the elephant was killed. Hindu
Goddess name
Korea Merciful One. A Buddhist boddhisattva and Asian Goddess. Korea
Spirit name
Nuer / Sudan Creator god. The Nuer people have been affected by the expansion of Islam, and probably by Christianity, and recognize a supreme deity, or spiritual being, responsible for all creation. One of his epithets is Tutgar, meaning “strong and without limit.”...
Angel name
Christians angels of the Mansions of the moon.
Goddess name
Bella Coola / PNW Canada The goddess who initiates the shamans
God name
Celtic / Continental / European God of healing. A god of healing worshiped by the Celtic tribe of Treveri but later adopted by the Romans. The Trier sanctuary was a place of pilgrimage where large numbers of offerings were deposited, and carvings suggest that child patients were often present. Lenus's sanctuaries were usually åśśociated with springs and some, if not all, had an abaton or room for recuperation....

Arabian The Circe of the Arabians, who, by her enchantments, transformed men into horses and other brute beasts. She is introduced into the Arabian nights' Entertainments, where Beder, Prince of Persia, marries her, defeats her plots against him, and turns her into a mare. Being restored to her proper shape by her mother, she turns Beder into an owl; but the prince ultimately regains his own proper form.

Greek Lactans, Lacturnus, and Lacturcia, Lactura, Roman divinities, who were believed to protect the young fruits of the field. Some believe that Lactans and Lacturcia are mere surnames of Ops, and that Lacturnus is a surname of Saturnus. Greek
God name
"Lactåñuś/ Lactans"
Roman A minor god of Agriculture
Deity name
Mesopotamian / BabylonianAkkadian Primordial deity. Known from the Babylonian creation epic Enuma Elis as one of a pair who were created by TIAMAT from the primeval ocean and who, it is suggested, were represented by the silt of the sea-bed. Lahamu and LAHMU in turn created ANS'AR and KIS'AR, who created ANU....
God name
Akkadia First-born son of Apsu and Tiamat. He and his sister Lahamu were the parents of Anshar and Kishar, the sky father and earth mother, who begat the first gods. Lahmu was sometimes depicted as a snake, and sometimes as a bearded man with a red sash and six curls on his head. Akkadia
Deity name
Mesopotamian / BabylonianAkkadian Primordial deity. Known from the Babylonian creation epic Enuma Elis as one of a pair who were created by TIAMAT from the primeval ocean and who, it is suggested, were represented by the silt of the sea-bed. Lahmu and LAHAMU in turn created ANS'AR and KIS'AR, who created ANU....
God name
Bella Coola Indian / British Columbia, Canada God of shamans. The deity who initiates into the shamanistic circle. He lives in the Forest and carries a wooden wand bound with cedar bark which he waves, creating a singing noise. He also frequents woodland lakes and ponds. When a woman meets him she is said to menstruate, while a man develops a nose bleed. Also Kle-klati-e'il....

Christendom The seven lamps of sleep. In the mansion of the Knight of the Black Castle were seven lamps, which could be quenched only with water from an enchanted fountain. So long as these lamps kept burning, everyone within the room fell into a deep sleep, from which nothing could rouse them till the lamps were extinguished. Christendom

"Land o'the Leal"
Scottish The Scottish Dixey Land. An hypothetical land of happiness, loyalty, and virtue. Caroline Oliphant, Baroness Nairne, meant heaven in her exquisite song so called, and this is now its accepted meaning. Leal = faithful, and "Land of the Leal" means the Land of the faithful.
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