
List of Gods : "Ate" - 2115 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Nymph name
Greek A Parnåśśian nymph, from whom was derived the name of the well Cåśśotis at Delphi, the water of which gave the priestess the power of prophecy. Greek
Nymph name
Greek nymphs, by which the Muses are sometimes designated, as the Castalian spring was sacred to them. Greek

Greek A fountain of Parnåśśus sacred to the Muses. Its waters had the power of inspiring with the gift of poetry those who drank of them. Greek
God name
Inca God of lightning and thunder. Inca
Goddess name
"Catha aka Cautha"
Etruscan Goddess of the Sun who is sometimes shown as male and equated with the Greek Sun god Helios. Etruscan

Greek There are two Catilli in Roman legend: Catillus the Arcadian, son of Amphiaraus. Catillus, his son. Catillus the Arcadian and his sons Catillus, Tiburtus and Coras escaped the slaughter at Thebes and arrived at the Aniene Plateau. They drove away the Sicilians who lived there and founded a city named Tibur (now Tivoli) in honour of Tiburtius. Greek
Goddess name
Peru A virgin goddess who was impregnated by Coniraya who shaped his sperm into the likeness of a fruit which Cavillaca ate. Peru
Deity name
Mayan A water deity. Mayan
God name
Greek A Greek river-god (an Oceanid), whose river was located near Troy. He was the son of Oceåñuś and Tethys and he was the father of Asterope, Hesperia, who are sometimes considered to be each other, and Oenone. The city Cebrene (also spelled Kebrene or Kevrin) was named for Cebren. Greek
Goddess name
Brazil Star goddess who created all animals. Brazil
Supreme god name
Nigeria The supreme God of the Isoko people in southern Nigeria. He is believed to have created the world and all peoples, including the Isoko. Cghene is beyond human comprehension and is only known by his actions. Because the God is so distant and unknown he has no temples or priests, and no prayers or sacrifices are offered directly to him.
God name
Mayan / Yucatec, Mesoamerican / Mexico Rain god(s). Not part of the hierarchy of Mayan gods, but worshiped with great devotion at local level. Originally there was a god, Chaac, who was of huge size and who taught mankind Agriculture. He was regarded as the god of thunder, lightning, Rain and bread, and of milpas (smallholdings) and their produce. Also God B....
God name
"Chac Uayab Xoc"
Mayan A fish god and the patron deity of fishermen. He blessed their catches, yet also ate them if they drowned. Mayan
Demon name
"Chac Uayab Xoc"
Mayan / Yucatec, Mesoamerican / Mexico Fish god. Known as the “great demon shark,” he feeds on the bodies of drowned fishermen, but also provides catches....
Spirit name
Pawnee spirit of water Pawnee
God name
Hindu / Puranic Mendicant god. A deified mortal who became one of the many incarnations of the god VIS NU. Born at Nadiya in AD 1484, he died at Puri in 1527. Chaitanya was a sickly child who, according to legend, was left to his fate, hanging in a tree to die, but was revived by the gods and thus became deified. He was married twice before adopting a strict ascetic existence at the age of twenty-four, from which time he traveled extensively, eventually settling in the holy city of Benares. He is remembered as a great social reformer. His main sanctuary at Nadiya includes a small statue of KRSNA to whom he devoted himself....
Deities name
"Chalchiuhtlatonal (jade glowing)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico God of water. One of the deities collectively clåśśed as the Tlaloc complex, generally concerned with Rain, Agriculture and fertility....
Goddess name
Aztec A goddess Rain & storms, violence, vitality, lakes, whirlpools, rivers, water , love, beauty & youth Don't make this one mad whatever you do.
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