
List of Gods : "Dia" - 1420 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

"Te Kore"
Polynesia Primordial void being who was the personification of darkness of chaos prior to light Polynesia

"Te Kore (the void)"
Polynesian / including Maori Primordial being. The personification of the darkness of chaos before light came into being. Usually coupled with TE PO, the unknown night....

"Te Po"
Polynesian / including Maori Primordial being. The personification of the night which existed in chaos before the creation of light. Usually coupled with TE KORE, the void....
Goddess name
Egypt Primordial goddess of moisture. According to the genealogy laid down by the priests of Heliopolis, Tefnut was created out of the breath or spit of the creator Sun god ATUM. She is the sister of SU, god of the air, and the mother of GEB and NUT. Her main cult sanctuary was at Heliopolis. Tefnut, like Su, can become one of several manifestations of the eye of RE in which case she appears as a lion, or in human form but with a leonine head. According to the Pyramid Texts, she creates pure water from her vag***. In a different context she takes the form of a snake encircling a scepter....
Demon name
"Teharon(hiawagon) (he who holds heaven in his hands)"
Mohawk Indian / USA / Canada Creator god. He engendered the world and all living things and is invoked by shamans to provide good health and prosperity. His adversary is the demonic figure Tawiskaron, symbolizing darkness....
Deities name
"Tejosnisa (sharp)"
Buddhist God. Apparently connected with the guardian deities or dikpalas in the southeastern quarter. Color: whitish red. Attribute: Sun disc....
King name
Greek A son of Heracles and Auge, the daughter of king Aleus of Tegea. He was reared by a hind and educated by king Corythus in Arcadia. Greek
God name
Bambara / Mali, West Africa God of hot winds. According to tradition the water god FARO challenged him in a primordial struggle and smashed him against a mountain....
Goddess name
Roman Chthonic primordial earth mother. A corn deity, generally regarded as benevolent, but also a goddess of the dead. Enemy armies were offered to her and cursed in her name. Both she and the corn goddess CERES were propitiated with human sacrifice. Also TERRA MATER....
Nymph name
Greek A daughter of Ladon, a nymph from whom the town of Telphusa in Arcadia derived its name. Greek

Greek 1. A son of Pelasgus, educated Hera at Stymphalus in Arcadia.

"Terra Mater"
Roman Chthonic primordial earth mother. Derived from Greek model.See also TELLUS....
Supreme god name
Dza'wadeenox Indian / British Columbia, Canada God of goat-hunters. The eldest son of the supreme god QA'WADILIQALA . Said to kill goats with great ease and feed the tribe. Attributes include a head band of red cedar bark....
God name
Aztec God of the night, the north, the earth, obsidian, enmity, discord, rulership, divination, temptation, sorcery, beauty, war and strife. Aztec
God name
"Thakur Deo"
Hindu Local god. Known from various villages in northern India. His consort is DHARTI MATA. May appear with a white horse. Also Thakkur....

Greek A daughter of Lelex and Peridia, from which the town of Therapne in Laconia derived its name. Greek
Spirit name
Kamchadal / southeastern Siberia Guardian spirit. One of the sons of the creator spirit KUTKHU, his consort is SI'DUKU and he is considered to be the progenitor of the Kamchadal tribe....
Goddess name
Babylonian The primordial mother goddess in Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, and a central figure in the Enuma Elish creation epic.
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