
List of Gods : "Ethon" - 248 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek A son of Dionysus and Chthonophyle, also called Phlius, was a native of Araithyrea in Argolis, and is mentioned as one of the Argonauts. (Argonautica) According to Pausanias, he was a son of Ceisus and Araithyrea, and the husband of Chthonophyle, by whom he became the father of Androdamas and Hyginus calls him Phliasus, and a son of Dionysus and Ariadne. Greek

Greek Son of Dionysus and Nyx and the Greek personification of envy. Greek
God name
Roman / Celtic / Prussian Chthonic underworld god. He becomes syncretized with the devil in Christian times....

Greek His triad was To Agathon (Goodness). Nous or Eternal Wisdom (architect of the world) , and Psyche (the mundane soul).

Greek 1. A daughter of Phrasimus and Diogeneia, was the wife of Erechtheus, and mother of Cecrops, Pandorus, Metion, Orneus, Procris, Creusa, Chthonia, and Oreithyia. Some call her a daughter of Cephissus.
God name
Celtic / Welsh Chthonic god. The son of PWYLL and RHIANNON. According to tradition, he was abducted as an infant from his cradle by a huge talon or claw, with the implication that the abduction was instigated by an adversary from the underworld, perhaps the family of Gwawl, a rejected suitor of Rhiannon. Pryderi was found in a stable and rescued by Teirnyon, who brought the child up as his son. Eventually the true parents of Pryderi were identified and he was returned to his family. His consort is Cigfa and he succeeded Pwyll to the title ‘Lord of Dyfed.'...
God name
Celtic / Welsh Chthonic god. The so-called “Lord of Dyfed” who, according to tradition, brought the pig to Wales having received it as a gift from ARAWN, the underworld god. He earned the reward by substituting for Arawn and fighting his enemy Hafgan, in payment for an unintended slight to Arawn, whom he met one day while out hunting. His consort is RHIANNON and his son is PRYDERI....

Greek The famous dragon who guarded the oracle of Delphi, is described as a son of Gaea. He lived in the caves of mount Parnåśśus, but was killed by Apollo, who then took possession of the oracle. Greek

Norse A sorceress, a pythoness; one skilled in numbers. Sorcery and Chaldean numbers are synonymous terms. The Anglo-Saxon rimstafas means charms or conjuration, and the Norse reim-kennar means one skilled in numbers or charms. Norna of the Fitful Head was a Reimkennar, "a controller of the elements."
God name
Greek / Roman A marriage of chthonic underworld god
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Minor chthonic underworld god. One of three judges attending the goddess of justice THEMIS evaluating the souls of the dead entering Hades....
Goddess name
Ireland Chthonic goddess of birds and horses. Ireland
Goddess name
Celtic / Irish Chthonic horse goddess. The daughter of Hefaidd Hen and consort of PWYLL, she rides upon a white mare and is åśśociated with the underworld and with fertility. May be virtually synonymous with the Romano-Celtic goddess Rigantona whose name means “great queen.” Authors suggest she is modeled on the goddess MODRON and she partly equates with EPONA....
King name
Greek A daughter of the Thracian king Sithon and Achiroe, a daughter of Neilos. She was a sister of Pallene, and the Trojan promontory of Rhoeteium was believed to have derived its name from her. Greek
Goddess name
Northern Germanic / Nordic / Icelandic Chthonic goddess. She is mentioned as a consort of OTHIN and mother of VALI. Also Rinda; Rindr....
Deities name
Kono / eastern Guinea, West Africa Chthonic creator god. One of a pair of creator deities, with ALATANGANA. Sa inhabited the primeval swamps before the sky or the light existed and before there were any living things on earth. He had a daughter who eloped with Alatangana and bore fourteen children, three pairs of black and four pairs of white, all of whom spoke different languages and to whom Sa gave the tools of survival....

"Saint George"
British Saint George Patron saint of England and the Christian adaptation of the dragon slaying legends of Bel and the dragon, Apollo and Python, Osiris and Typhon, etc. British
Goddess name
Ngbandi / Democratic Republic of Congo, central Africa Chthonic goddess. One of seven deities invoked at Sunrise each day....
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