
List of Gods : "Gestu" - 255 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Australian aboriginal Creator goddess. She is recognized by several aboriginal clans as the chief consort of BAIAME, the creator god. Revered as the all-mother of humankind and creator of living things on earth, her role largely parallels that of Baiame. Traditions suggest that during the Dreamtime she planted vegetation as she moved through the primordial world, fashioning creatures from clay and breathing spirit into human beings. Her eldest son is DARAMULUM or Gayandi, regarded as an intermediary between Baiame and humankind....

"Bodhisattva (one whose essence is perfect knowledge)"
Buddhist / northern India, Tibet, China / Japan Generic title for a buddha-designate. Any one of the earlier stages of a future buddha. Depicted wearing regal dress and trappings, including a crown. The most significant include AVALOKITESVARA, MAITREYA and MANJUSRI....
Monster name
Greek Also called Aegaeon, a son of Uråñuś by Gaea. Aegaeon and his brothers Gyges and Cottus are known under the name of the Uranids (Theogony of Hesiod 502), and are described as huge monsters with a hundred arms and fifty heads. (Apollodorus i. Theogony of Hesiod 149) Greek
Goddess name
"CHALCHIUHTLICUE (her skirt is of jade)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico water goddess. Featuring strongly in creation mythology, Chalchiuhtlicue presided over the fourth of the world ages which terminated in a great deluge. She is the tutelary deity of the fourth of the thirteen heavens identified at the time of the Spanish conquest, Ilhuicatl Citlalicue (the heaven of the star-skirted goddess). She takes the role of a vegetation goddess responsible for the flowering and fruiting of the green world, particularly maize; she also takes responsibility for such natural phenomena as whirlpools. Attributes include a rattle on a baton, and her dress is adorned with waterlilies....
Goddess name
"CIPACTLI (great earth mother)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Primordial goddess. Not strictly a goddess, but significant enough in Aztec cosmogony to be included here. According to tradition she was created in the form of a huge alligator-like monster by the underworld deities MICTLANTECUHLTI and MICTECACIHUATL. She may equate with TLALTECUHTLI, the toad-like earth monster torn apart to form heaven and earth. According to one tradition she emerged from the primordial waters and engaged in a fierce struggle with the Sun god TEZCATLIPOCA during which he tore off her lower jaw to prevent her sinking back into the depths and she bit off his right foot. The mountains are said to be the scaly ridges of her skin....

Greek Two mythical personages, one a son of Oceåñuś and Tethys (Theogony of Hesiod 343), and the other a son of Hermes and Ocyrrhoe, who threw himself into the river Astraeus, henceforth called Caicus. Greek
Nymph name
Greek Two mythical personages, one of whom was a nymph by whom Laomedon became the father of Bucolion, and the other a priestess of of Juno.

Greek Canethus two mythical personages, one a son of Lycaon, and the second the son of Atlas and father of Canthus in Euboea, from whom a mountain in Euboea near Chalcis derived its name.
Goddess name
Roman A goddess of door hinges
Goddess name
Roman A nymph who lived where Rome would eventually be. Jåñuś fell in love with her and gave her power over door hinges and handles. As a goddess, she was known as Cardea.
Goddess name
Greek The soothing goddesses were believed to be endowed, like the Sirens, with a magic power of song. Hephaestus was said to have made their golden images on the ceiling of the temple at Delphi. Greek

Greek The personified necessity of death The påśśages in the Homeric poems in which death appears as a real personification are not very numerous and in most cases the word may be taken as a common noun. Greek
Goddess name
Aztec Creator goddess who helped Quetzalcoatl create the current race of humanity by grinding up bones from the previous ages, and mixing it with his blood. Aztec
Goddess name
Aztec / Mesomerican / Mexico Creator goddess. Using a magical vessel, she grinds bone fragments obtained from previous generations of mankind in earlier world ages into a powder. The gods then commit self-sacrifice, allowing their blood to drip into the vessel. From the resulting mix, the human race of the fifth Sun is formed....

"Cirein Croin"
Caithness A sea-serpent and the largest animal in the world. Celtic. Caithness

Greek 1. A daughter of Idas and Marpessa, and wife of Meleager, is said to have hanged herself after her husband's death, or to have died of grief. Her real name was Alcyone. 2. A Danaid, who was betrothed to Etelces or Agenor. There are two other mythical personages of this name in Apollodorus iii. Greek
Goddess name
"Coyolxauhqui (golden bells)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Astral goddess. A deification and incarnation (avatara) of the moon. According to tradition she is the half-sister of the Sun god HUITZILOPOCHTLI. The god sprang, fully armed, from his decapitated mother, COATLICUE, and engaged all his enemies who, by inference, are the 400 astral gods, his half-brothers. He slew his sister and hurled her from the top of a mountain. Alternative tradition suggests his sister was an ally whom he was unable to save, so he decapitated her and threw her head into the sky, where she became the moon. She was represented in the Great Temple at Tenochtitlan, where she was depicted in front of successive Huitzilopochtli pyramids. She is also a hearth deity within the group clåśśed as the XIUHTECUHTLI complex....
God name
USA Multifaceted deity. demigod, creator, trickster. In Tongva Mythology Coyote challenges "The River" to a race. Coyote is victorious, but collapses from fatigue. The river laughs at him and takes the name "Hahamongna". USA
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