
List of Gods : "God Har" - 432 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Spirit name
Sudan Creator god and it was believed that the best way of praying to God was through spirits of dead relatives. At harvest time, the first harvest must be offered to the spirits to thank them for successfully interceding to God on behalf of the living. Madi, Sudan
God name
Aramaic God of the moon. Aramaic
God name
Western Semitic / Aramaic moon god. Known from inscriptions....
God name
Mesopotamian / BabylonianAkkadian God of cattle. A patron god of herdsmen, probably deriving from the Sumerian god LAHAR. Also Amakandu, Sumuqan....
God name
"Sakti (energy)"
Hindu, Jain / Buddhist Personification of a god. The effective power, or creative force, of a deity in the form of a female aspect. In a more specific context, the SAKTI identifies the creative force of the god SIVA, particularly the ugra or violent aspects DURGA and KALI. The Sakti may frequently have the same characteristics and carry the same attributes as the principal god. In Tantrism, the unity of opposites is defined by the Sakti, which is the yoni or female sexuality that unites with the male lingam of Siva....
God name
Chinese The three gods in charge of the Chinese heaven
God name
Roman Sangus or Semo Sancus, a Roman divinity, is said to have been originally a Sabine god, and identical with Hercules and Dins Fidius. The name which is etymologically the same as Sanctus, and connected with Sancire, seems to justify this belief, and characterises Sancus as a divinity presiding over oaths.
Goddess name
Hindu Goddess of warriors Hindu daughter of the celestial architect Tvastra disguised herself as a horse and fled from her husband. When he caught her, they produced the Ashwini Kumaras, the horse-headed twins. Each day the twins bring the dawn as their chariot speeds through the sky. Hindu
Goddess name
Kafir / Afghanistan A harvest goddess
Goddess name
Kafir / Afghanistan Harvest goddess. A littlereported deity, the consort of the war god GISH and daughter of SANU. She controls the harvesting, threshing and winnowing of grain and the safe storage of wheat and butter. She carries a golden winnow and is either depicted in human form or as a goat. Her cult is known chiefly from the village of Pronz in the southern Hindukush where she enjoyed an important sanctuary with stone seats around the icon, part of which reportedly still exists. Wooden statues depict her in human form, nude to the waist. Alternatively, she is perceived as a bird that acts as a messenger. The blood of sacrificial animals was poured over the figure. Also Sulmech; SANU....
Goddess name
"Sanju Kafir"
Afghanistan Harvest goddess Afghanistan
Goddess name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Generic title of a group of mother goddesses. Seven deities of evil influence, who generally inflict disease or other harm on children. Common color: red. Attributes: cup and lotus....
Planet name
Hindu (1) Astral god. The son of SURYA and CHAYA and the personification of the planet Saturn. Stands upon a lotus or rides in an iron chariot drawn by eight piebald horses. Color: black or blue. Attributes: arrow, bow, rosary, staff and trident.(2) Astral god. Buddhist. Stands upon a tortoise. Color: blue-black. Attribute: a staff....
Goddess name
"Sariirig Sari"
Javan Rice mother. Represented by parts of the rice plant known as indoea padi (mother of the rice). At planting, the finest grain is picked out and sown in the nursery bed in the form of the goddess, after which the rest of the grain is sown round about. At transplanting, the shoots making up the rice mother are given a similar special place in the paddy field. At harvesting, the rice mother plants are “found” and brought home for the following year's planting....
God name
Roman Minor god of Agriculture who was invoked during the growing and harvesting of crops Roman
God name
Roman Minor god of Agriculture. Invoked during growing and harvesting of crops....
God name
"Sarvabuddhadharma-Kosavati (with the virtues of all the buddhas)"
Buddhist God of literature. The deification of texts. One of a group of DHARANIS. Color: yellow. Attributes: basket of jewels and staff....
God name
Buddhist God of literature, the deification of texts Buddhist
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