
List of Gods : "God Har" - 432 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Mahasahaspramardani (the thousand fold destroyer)"
Buddhist Goddess. An emanation of VAIROCANA, and one of the MAHARAKSAS. Color: white. Attributes: particularly noose, prayer wheel and sword, but also depicted with other objects including image of Vairocana on crown. May be four-headed....
Goddess name
"Mahasitavati (great cold one)"
Buddhist Guardian goddess. One of a group of five MAHARAKSAS (protectresses) who are thought to be personifications of amulets or mantras. Also an emanation of the DHYANIBUD DHA AMITABHA (or sometimes RATNASAMBHAVA). A guardian of the north or west quarter. Color: red, yellow or green. Attributes: arrow, ax, banner, Book, bow, bowl, image of Amitabha on the crown, lotus, noose, peaçõçk feather, staff, sword and trident. Three-eyed and may be three-headed....
God name
New Zealand The chief god of the Arawa, Ngatituwharetoa, and Whanganui tribes. New Zealand
God name
"Make Make"
Polynesian / Easter Island Sea god. The tutelary deity of the Easter Islanders, he created mankind and animals. His sacred animal is the sea swallow and the huge anthropomorphic stone figures which characterize the island's archaeology form part of his cult....
Goddess name
"Mama Allpa"
Peru Goddess of the harvest Peru
Goddess name
Hindu Snake goddess. The daughter of KASYAPA and KADRU and the sister of the lord of serpents, Vasuki. She is also a gracious aspect of PARVATI. Known particuarly from Bihar, Bengal and Assam. She stands upon, or is shaded by, a seven-headed snake. Attributes: snake and waterjar....
Goddess name
"Mangala (auspicious)"
Hindu (1) Astral god. Personification of the planet MARS. Depicted by a chariot drawn by eight red fire-horses. According to some authors Mangala is a form of the god S IWA in his cruel aspect. Attributes: club and lotus. Three-eyed.(2) Goddess. A form of PARWATI. She rides upon a lion and may bear up to ten arms, carrying arrow, mirror, moon disc, rosary, shield and sword. Three-eyed....
God name
Germanic / Nordic / Icelandic moon god. He guides the chariot of the moon through the night sky and is involved in the downfall of the world at Ragnarok....
God name
Algonquin The Great Hare, a trickster god, and founder of their magical worship. He is also regarded as the inventor of fishing, hieroglyphs, and as the creator of the earth. Algonquin
God name
"Manidhara (holding a gem)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Minor god. An attendant of SADAKSARI. Attributes: jewel and lotus....
Goddess name
"Mari (1) (killing)"
Buddhist (1) Deification of literature. One of a group of DHARANIS. Color: reddish white. Attributes: needle, thread and staff.(2) Mother goddess. Dravidian (Tamil) [southern India]. See also MARI MAI....
Goddess name
"Mari (2) (queen)"
Basque / Pyrenean region Supreme mother goddess. She is both a sky and chthonic goddess and her consort is MAJU. She is depicted dressed in rich clothing and jewels. Her home is within the earth but she also rides through the air in a chariot pulled by four horses or carried by a ram. She may breathe fire and is symbolized by the Rainbow. When she and her consort meet, a thunderstorm forms. Her symbol is a sickle which is still employed as a device to ward off evil....
Goddess name
"Marici (shining)"
Buddhist / Mahayana (1) Astral goddess. An emanation of VAIROCANA and also his female aspect or SAKTI. She is further identified as a buddha-designate or BODHISATTVA. She may also be the mother of SAKYAMUNI (a form of the BUDDHA). Considered by some to be the equal of the Hindu SURYA. She may be depicted in a three-headed form (as the Sakti of HAYAGRIVA), in which case her left head is that of a pig. She rides in a chariot drawn by seven boars. Color: red, yellow or white. Attributes: arrow, bow, fly whisk, horse's head image in the hair, needle, prayer wheel, staff, sword, thread and trident. Three-eyed.(2) Demiurge. Hindu. A product of the creator god BRAHMA....
God name
Hindu Locally worshiped god. Of fearsome character, he is the deification of a seventeenth century policeman who eloped with a princess and was slain. Known from southern India, where he is also a god of wine. Attributes: shield and sword....
Goddess name
Polynesian / Maori / New Zealand Tutelary god. Not a creator god but one who åśśists mankind in various supernatural ways. According to tradition he was aborted at birth and cast into the sea by his mother, who thought he was dead. He was rescued entangled in seaweed. He is the deity who drew the islands of New Zealand from the floor of the ocean in a net. Maui caught the Sun and beat it into submission, making it travel more slowly across the sky so that the days became longer. He also brought fire from the underworld for mankind and tried, unsuccessfully, to harness immortality for him by entering the vulva of the underworld goddess HINE-NUI-TE-PO while she was asleep. She awoke and crushed him to death. Though a deity, he had been made vulnerable to death by a mistake during his rites of birth (see also Balder). Also Mawi....
Goddess name
"Medha (wisdom)"
Buddist / Mahayana Minor goddess. The SAKTI of Sridhara....
Goddess name
Greek Son of Ino, a sea deity. Athamas imagined his wife to be a lioness, and her two sons to be lion's cubs. In his frenzy he slew one of the boys, and drove the other, Melicertes, with his mother into the sea. The mother became a sea-goddess, and the boy the god of harbours. greek
God name
Phoenicia God in charge of travelers, sailors, colonies and the city of Tyre who, like the Phoenix, is regenerated by fire Phoenicia
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