
List of Gods : "Sar" - 251 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Mother goddess. A SAKTI who in later Hinduism became one of the group of eight ASTAMATARAS or mothers. In another grouping one of nine NAVASAKTIS or mothers. She is attended by a goose and wears a yellow robe. Attributes: Book, label, rosary, trident and water jar. Also Brahmi....
Goddess name
"Brhaspati (lord of prayer)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic Astral god. The personification of the planet Jupiter. In Vedic texts he appears as a priest. The son of Angiras and the guru of the later Hindu pantheon. Considered to be almost identical with BRAHMA. His consort is the goddess TARA and his son is Kaca. He rides in a chariot drawn by eight horses. Color: golden yellow. Attributes: arrow, ax (golden), Book, bow, rosary, staff and water jar....
Planet name
"Budha (awakening)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic (1) Astral god. The personification of the planet Mercury. The son of SOMA (CANDRA) and TARA or ROHINI. Depicted in a chariot drawn by eight horses or lions (sometimes a single lion). Color: yellow. Attributes: bow, club, rosary, shield and sword. Also Candraja and Candrasuta. 2. Astral god. Buddhist. The personification of the planet Mercury. Stands on a lotus. Attributes: bow and arrow....
Spirit name
Celtic, Gallic Fertility and chthonic god. Cernunnos appears to have been recognized in the region of Gaul which is now central France. He is typically drawn as a man bearing the antlers of a stag, not necessarily representing an animal spirit but a deity closely involved with animals and one which can transform instantly into animal shape. In the Celtic world, horns and antlers were generally regarded as symbols of virility and fertility....
Goddess name
"Cakresvari (lady of the cakra)"
Jain / India Goddess of learning. One of sixteen VIDYADEVI headed by the goddess SARASVATI. Also one of the twenty-four SASANADEVATA or messenger goddesses....
God name
"Candesvara (the lord of Canda)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Minor god. A benevolent aspect of S IVA. Also an attendant on S iva, said to have been a youthful cowherd. He sits on a lotus throne. Attributes: arrow, ax, bow, club, crown, hatchet, noose, rosary, snake, trident and water jar....

Greek There were revels in Parnåśśus, in Phocis, Messenia, Arcadia, even Sparta. The festivals were held on mountains, with blazing torches, in dark Winter nights. The votaries were in large part women, and were known by many names,--Maenads, Thyiads, Clodones, Mimallones, Båśśarides, etc. They were clothed in fawn skins, carried thyrsi and in their ecstasies used to hunt wild animals, tear them in pieces, and sometimes eat them raw. Greek

Greek A son of Zeus and Electra, the daughter of Atlas. He was the brother of Jasus, Jasius, Jason, or Jasion, Aetion and Harmonia, and his native place in the various traditions is Arcadia, Crete, Troas, or Italy. Dardåñuś is the mythical ancestor of the Trojans, and through them of the Romans. It is necessary to distinguish between the earlier Greek legends and the later ones which we meet with in the poetry of Italy. Greek

Greek 1. A daughter of Bellerophontes and wife of Evander, by whom she became the mother of Sarpedon. Homer calls her Laodameia. 2. A daughter of Lycomedes in the island of Scyrus. When Achilles was concealed there in maiden's attire, Deidameia became by him the mother of Pyrrhus or Neoptolemus, and, according to others, of Oneirus also. (Apollodorus iii) 3. The wife of Peirithous, who is commonly called Hippodameia. Greek
Goddess name
Buddhist / Mahayana Goddess. One of the emanations of the DHYANIBUDDHA AMOGHASIDDHI, also a form of the goddess TARA. She sits upon a moon throne with an unnamed animal in attendance. Color: green. Attributes: Book, blue lotus, image of Amoghasiddhi, noose and rosary....
Deities name
"Dhara (supporting)"
Hindu / Puranic Attendant god. One of a group of eight VASU deities answering to the god INDRA. Attributes: lotus, plough, rosary and spear....
Goddess name
"Dhatar (creator)"
Hindu / Puranic Sun god. An original Vedic list of six descendants of the goddess ADITI or Adityas, all of whom take the role of Sun gods was, in later times, enlarged to twelve, including Dhatar. Color: golden. Attributes: two lotuses, lotus rosary and waterjar. Also Dhatr....
Deities name
"Dhruva (immovable)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Astral god. The son of Uttanapada, a star in the constellation of Ursa Minor which was the pole star in the last millennium BC. An avatara of V IS NU. Also one of a group of Vasu deities answering to the god INDRA. In different context, the description of a kind of fixed icon. Attributes: prayer wheel, rosary, spear and water jar....
Goddess name
"Dirona aka Sirona"
Gaul Serona, Sarona, Dirona, Sthirona. The Star Goddess of Gaul
Goddess name
Hindu In minor goddess and the momma of the minor creation god Sarga Hindu / Puranic / Epic
Goddess name
"Disa (the ten directions of space)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Goddess. Consort of SI IVA in his terrible aspect of BHIMA and mother of the minor god Sarga (creation)....
God name
Semitic Local god åśśociated with vegetation and fertility survived until about 500 BCE. Semitic
God name
"Dusara (the one' of s'ara)"
Western Semitic / Nabataean Local tutelary god. Associated with vegetation and fertility in the Hauran region from about 312 BC until circa AD 500. Regarded as a supreme deity, comparable to BAAL S AMIN, who never achieved Dus ara's popularity among the nomadic Nabataeans, for whom farming was precarious. He was represented by a black obelisk at Petra. Sacred animals are the eagle and panther. Attributes include a vine stem. In Hellenic times he was the subject of inscriptions at Delos and Miletus and he was equated with DIONYSOS. Also Dus ares; Dus-S ara....
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