
List of Gods : "The" - 8900 records

Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Sanskrit Sanskrit for "dawn", is a Vedic deity. She is the chief goddess, sometimes imagined as several goddesses, Dawns, exalted in the Rig Veda. She is portrayed as a beautifully adorned, sexually attractive young woman riding in a chariot. She is the daughter of Dyaus "Heaven".
God name
Latavia An astral god that was affiliated with both the morning & evening star, he sidelined with beekeepers & spring until the Christians showed up and then he became St. George
God name
Pre - Christian Latvian Astral god. Associated with both the morning and evening star and also has links with bee-keepers and spring. Under Christian influence he becomes absorbed into the figure of St. George....
Spirit name
Siberia spirit of the mountains, one of the guardians of the natural world Yakut, Siberia
Spirit name
Yakut / central Siberia spirit of mountains. One of the guardians of the natural world answering to the mountain owner XAYA ICCITA....
Deity name
Buddhist The deity who can eliminate all evil karmic hindrances and eradicate the suffering of all evil paths." Buddhist
Deities name
Buddhist God. A dikpala or guardian of the zenith direction. Also a collective term for a group of eight deities, including Usnisa, who are perceived as extensions of the DHYANIBUDDHAS. NOTE: the word describes, additionally, a type of curled hairstyle found in the characteristic iconography of buddbas. Color: yellow. Attributes: jewel, lotus, prayer wheel and sword. Threeheaded....
Goddess name
Buddhist A goddess of longevity in Buddhism. She wears an image of the Budda Vairocana in her headdress. She is the most popular Budda goddess in Nepal, Tibet, and Mongolia.
Goddess name
"Usnisavijaya (victorious)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Primordial goddess. Form of VAIROCANA, widely worshiped in Tibet. Regarded as a female BODHISATTVA or buddbadesignate, and a dikpala or guardian of the zenith direction. Also a deification of literature. One of a group of DHARANIS. Color: white. Attributes: arrow, bow, image of the BUDDHA on a lotus leaf, jewel, noose, prayer wheel, staff and waterjar. Three-eyed, three-headed and with eight arms....

Norse [The out-yard]. The abode of the giant Utgard-Loke. Norse

Norse The giant of Utgard visited by Thor. He calls himself Skrymer. Norse
God name
Africa The supreme father and creator god; the source of all beings. The Zulu, South Africa
King name
Khoi A benevolent deity who lived in the sky, sending Rain for the crops, and speaking with thunder. Khoi
Goddess name
Cherokee Goddess of physical prowess. Her body has the density of stone and the ground shudders with her awesome weight. Cherokee
God name
Sumerian Utnapishtim is the wise king of the Sumerian city state of Shuruppak who, along with his wife, survived a great flood sent by Enlil to drown every living thing on earth. Utnapishtim was secretly warned by the water god Ea of Enlil's planned and constructed a great boat or ark to save himself, his family and representatives of each species of animal.
Goddess name
"Uttara Bhadrapada"
Hindu A goddess of the hunt and one of Shiva's servants. Hindu
Goddess name
Hindu Minor goddess of fortune revered by seers and poets, by gods and then by men. Hindu
Goddess name
Sumeria The goddess of weaving and clothing. Sumeria