
List of Gods : "head" - 407 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Bolivia The great chief was named Yasi (Moon), and he had a child. One day, a Jaguar was playing rough with the child, and bit it too hard on the head. The young child died, and when Yasi heard of his child's death, he wanted some answers. Yasi wanted to know who murdered his precious child, but none of the animals would tell. Yasi became so angry that he stretched the necks ofthe howler monkeys, put spines on the backs of porcupines, twisted the feet of the ant eaters, and threw the tortoise down so hard, that it could no longer walk fast. Bolivia
Spirit name
Britain Dogs without heads, said to be the spirits of unbaptised children, which ramble among the woods at night, making wailing noises. Devonshire, Britain

Norse A primal giant, also called Aurgelmir; he was androgynous and had six heads. He was created as the first living being together with Audhumla when the fire of Muspellsheimr met the water of Niflheimr. Ymir is the ancestor of the Thursir, the Hrymthussir, and of the Aesir. Slain by his grandson Odin, his body was set adrift in the emptiness, and from the parts of his body the nine worlds were created. His blood is the water of the worlds, his hair are the trees, his skull is the sky, the brain the clouds, his flesh is Midgard and his eyebrows are a fence which protects Midgard. Norse

Karaiben The main soul of humans, resides in the head. Karaiben
God name
"Yum Cimil"
Mayan / Yucatec, Mesoamerican / Mexico God of death. Depicted with a skull head, bare ribs and spiny projections from the vertebrae, or with bloated flesh marked by dark rings of decomposition. He wears bell-like ornaments fastened in the hair. Sacrificial victims were offered to the god by drowning in the sacred pool or cenote. Also God A....
God name
"Yum Kaax"
Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico vegetation god. The deity concerned with the growing and harvesting of maize, but also of husbandry in general. Depicted as a youthful figure with an ear of corn in his headdress. Also God E....

Aboriginal A little red man, about 4 feet tall, with a large head and mouth. The tips of the fingers and toes were shaped like the suckers of an octopus. They lived in wild fig trees and capture their prey by dropping on påśśers-by. A Zara-ma-yha-who might jump on top of the person and drain their blood with their hands and feet. Their victims rarely died from the initial encounter, but because the person was left in a weak and helpless state, the yara-ma-yha-who would return later and swallow the victim. It then drank water and took a nap. When it awoke, it would regurgitate the undigested portion of its meal, which, if the meal was a person, that person would still be alive. Aboriginal

Arabis A prodigious çõçk, which stands with its feet on the earth and touches heaven with its head. When its wings are spread it darkens the Sun, and causes a total eclipse. This çõçk crows before the Lord, and delighteth Him. Babylonish Talmud
Goddess name
Akkadian A lesser divinity of Akkadian mythology, and the son of the bird goddess Siris. Both Zu and Siris are seen as måśśive birds who can breathe fire and water, although Zu is alternately seen as a lion-headed eagle
God name
"dMu-bDud Kam-Po Sa-Zan"
Bon / Tibet sky god. The head of the ancient pantheon in the Bon religion....
God name
"gSari Sgrub"
Bon / Lamaist / Tibet God. Originally a Bon deity who became syncretized as a variety of the god YAMA in Lamaism. His animal is the bull and he may appear bull-headed. Color: red. Attributes: cup, knife and prayer wheel....
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