Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
"Mahoun" | Scotland | Name of contempt for Mahomet, a Moslem, a Moor. In Scotland it used to mean devil. |
"Mephistopheles" | Christian | Mephistophilis, Mephostophilus. A sneering, jeering, leering tempter. The character is that of a devil in Goethe's Faust. He is next in rank to Satan. Christian |
"Mephistopheles/ Mephisto" | Christian | The devil as found in the literature for magic & necromancy from the middle ages |
"Milk" | Gilyaks / Siberia | These are devils of exactly what I am not sure but you best not irritate them |
"Nicor" | Scandinavian | A sea-devil, in Scandinavian mythology, who eats sailors. It was three fathoms long, with the body of a bison-bull, and the head of a cat, the beard of a man, and tusks an ell long, lying down on its breast. |
Monster name "Nkadimpemba" | Kongo | The word coined by the missionaries in the Kongo to convey their ideas of that prong-tailed fire-loving monster they call the Christians' devil |
"Obambou" | Africa | The devil of the Camma tribes of Africa. It is exorcised by noise like bees in flight. |
Demon name "Old Scratch" | Scandinavian | The devil; so called from Schratz or Skratti, a demon of Scandinavian mythology. |
Demon name "Ordog" | Christian | A demonic creature from Hungarian mythology. It personifies the dark aspects of the world. Later it is identified with the Christian devil. |
God name "Ordog" | Pre - Christian Hungarian | Chthonic malevolent god. After Christianization he became syncretized with the devil.... |
God name "Perkele" | Finland | The devil. Originally Perkele was not the devil but a god of thunder and can be seen as an earlier form of Ukko. Related to Baltic Perkunas and Norse Thor. |
God name "Picullus" | Roman / Prussia | will god that was taken over by the Christians as a their devil |
God name "Picullus" | Roman / Celtic / Prussian | Chthonic underworld god. He becomes syncretized with the devil in Christian times.... |
"Satan" | Christian | The Christian devil, a mere figment of theological imagination. |
Deities name "Tornarssuk (big tornak or shaman)" | Inuit | Supreme being. The master of the tornat, the group of controlling deities. He is essentially benevolent and can be communicated with through the individual tornak of a shaman. His home is in the underworld in the land of souls. He is described as being of vague appearance, possibly in the guise of a huge bear, though in Greenland Inuit tradition he lives in the sea, appearing as a large fat seal with long tentacles (i.e. possibly a cuttlefish). He devours the souls of those he can capture. With the introduction of Christianity he was syncretized with the devil.... |
"Vanapagan" | Estonian | Old Nick, "Old Heathen", the devil depicted as dumb giant farmer. Estonian |
"Vanatuhi" | Estonian | Old Empty One, the devil. Estonian |
"Velnias" | Lithuanian | The devil or evil personified. Lithuanian |