Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Anatis" | Egypt | Goddess of the moon. Egypt |
God name "Andjety" | Egypt | An underworld god of the ninth nome[district] |
Goddess name "Andjety" | Egypt / Lower | Chthonic underworld god. Minor deity in anthropomorphic form known from the Pyramid Texts. Identified with the ninth nome (district). Responsible for rebirth in the afterlife and regarded as a consort of several fertility goddesses. He was revered at Busiris where he clearly heralded the cult of Osiris. Attributes: high conical crown (similar to the atef crown of Osiris) decorated with two tall plumes, crook and flail. In early Pyramid Texts, the feathers are replaced by a bicornuate uterus.See also Osiris.... |
God name "Anhouri" | Egypt | Minor god. Egypt |
God name "Anhouri" | Egypt | Minor god. A deity whose mummy was allegedly kept at Tanis.... |
God name "Anhur" | Egypt | Aka Anher, Anhert. Official God of the nome Abt and its capital. Rules over war, Sun and the sky. Egypt. |
Goddess name "Anqet" | Egypt / Libya | Aka Anuket, Anukis, "The Clasper." water Goddess of the Nile Cataracts. Her symbal was the cowrie shell. Pictured as a woman donning a tall plumed crown. Also has been depicted as having four arms. Rules Over: Producer and giver of life, water. Egypt / Libya |
Deity name "Anti" | Egypt | Guardian deity of the eastern sky. Egypt |
God name "Anubis" | Egypt | Aka Anpu, Sekhem Em Pet. Messenger from the gods to humans. Pictured with the head of a jackal or dog, or as a dark colored jackal. He, with Maat, weighed human souls for truth and he rules over Wisdom, intelligence, death, embalming, endings, truth, justice, surgery, hospital stays, finding lost things, anesthetics, Medicine, journeys, protection, boats, diplomacy, astral travel, cemeteries. Egypt |
Goddess name "Anuket" | Egypt | Goddess of water and of rivers. Egypt |
Goddess name "Anukis" | Egypt | Birth goddess and of the cataracts of the lower Nile. Egypt |
God name "Anzety" | Egypt | God and king of Busiris. Egypt |
God name "Apedemak" | Sudanese / Meroe | war god. An Egyptianized deity, his main sanctuary was contained in a vast religious complex and center of pilgrimage at Musawwarat-es-Sufra, north of the sixth Nile cataract. Sacred animals include cattle and the African elephant. Depicted with the head of a lion and a human body, holding a scepter embellished with a seated lion at the tip.... |
Demon name "Apep" | Egypt | Aka Apepi, Apophis. demon enemy of the Sun this huge serpent caused storms and eclipses and ate the Sun at evening. Rules over: darkness, storm, night, the underworld, death, eclipses. Egypt |
God name "Apesh" | Egypt | Tortoise god of night, evil, and the powers of darkness. Egypt |
Goddess name "Apet" | Egypt | Goddess who protects pregnant women, children, nursing mothers and justice. Egypt |
God name "Apis" | Egyptian | Apis the Bull of Memphis, is called the greatest of gods, and the god of all nations, while others regard him more in the light of a symbol of some great divinity. Egyptian |
Goddess name "Apit" | Egypt | Mother Goddess, nursing mother. Egypt |