
List of Gods : "Arm202" - 345 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
"Dharmakirtisagaraghosa (sound of the ocean of the glory of the law)"
Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet Physician god. Accounted among one of a series of Medicine buddhas known as a SMAN-BLA in Lamaism. Typically depicted with stretched earlobes. Color: red....
Goddess name
Buddhist Minor goddess Buddhist / Vajrayana
Goddess name
"Dharmamegha (cloud of the law)"
Buddhist / Vajrayana Minor goddess. One of twelve deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: blue. Attributes: Book and staff....
Goddess name
Buddhist Minor goddess concerned with law Buddhist / Vajrayana
Deities name
Buddhist / particularly Lamaist / Tibet Collective name for a group of eight tutelary deities. They wear royal apparel but are of terrible appearance and are considered to be the guardians of the law. General attributes: ax, cup, knife and snake....
Goddess name
"Dharmapratisamvit (analysis of nature)"
Buddhist / Vajrayana Goddess of nature analysis. One of a group of four PRATISAMVITS. Color: whitish-red. Attributes: noose and staff with crook....
Goddess name
"Dharmavasita (control of law)"
Buddhist Minor goddess. One of a group of twelve VASITAS personifying the disciplines of spiritual regeneration. Color: white. Attributes: water jar on a red lotus....
Deity name
Buddhist Philosophical deity Buddhist

Celtic Had a beauty spot which, any woman chanced to see it, would make her instantly fall in love with him. Celtic
God name
Pre - Christian Latvian sky god. He is depicted in the guise of a gentleman farmer wearing cap and sword and mounted on a horse, or driving a cart. Tradition has it that he first set free the Sun....

India An Oriental giant contemporary with Seth, to whose service he was attached. He needed no weapons, as he could destroy anything by the mere force of his arms.
Monster name
"Dragon of Wantley"
Britain warncliff, in Yorkshire. A monster slain by More, of More Hall, who procured a suit of armour studded with spikes; and, proceeding to the well where the dragon had his lair, kicked it in the mouth, where alone it was vulnerable. Britain
God name
"Dusara (the one' of s'ara)"
Western Semitic / Nabataean Local tutelary god. Associated with vegetation and fertility in the Hauran region from about 312 BC until circa AD 500. Regarded as a supreme deity, comparable to BAAL S AMIN, who never achieved Dus ara's popularity among the nomadic Nabataeans, for whom farming was precarious. He was represented by a black obelisk at Petra. Sacred animals are the eagle and panther. Attributes include a vine stem. In Hellenic times he was the subject of inscriptions at Delos and Miletus and he was equated with DIONYSOS. Also Dus ares; Dus-S ara....
Goddess name
Armenian The companion of Gilgamesh, the first primaeval man who was turning his rugged face towards civilization through the love of a woman. He takes part in the wanderings of Gilgamesh, and fights with him against Ishtar and the heavenly bull sent by Anu to avenge the insulted goddess. Apparently wounded in this struggle Eabani dies. Armenian Mythology
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of armistices and peace Greek
God name
Hindu Collective name for a group of gods. The eleven forms of the god RUDRA, each typically represented with sixteen arms. Common attributes include ax, moon disc and tiger skin....
God name
Sumerian A river god in charge of the sacred rivers Tigris and Euphrates. He was also the deity of canals, irrigation and farming. Sumerian
God name
Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian River god. In creation mythology he is placed in charge of the sacred rivers Tigris and Euphrates by the god ENKI. He is also god of canals, irrigation and farming. In Babylonian times he becomes the son of EA and is syncretized with ADAD....
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