
List of Gods : "Arm202" - 345 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Baltic The phantom ship on which the Kobold of the Baltic sits when he appears to doomed vessels.
God name
Chibcha God of farmers and merchants. Chibcha
God name
Greek 1. A son of Poseidon and Medusa, and consequently a brother of Pegasus. When Perseus cut off the head of Medusa, Chrysaor and Pegasus sprang forth from it. Chrysaor became by Callirrhoe the father of the three-headed Geryones and Echidna. ( Theogony of Hesiod 280) 2. The god with the golden sword or arms. In this sense it is used as a surname or attribute of several divinities, such as Apollo, Artemis and Demeter. We find Chrysaoreus as a surname of Zeus with the same meaning, under which he had a temple in Caria, which was a national sanctuary, and the place of meeting for the national åśśembly of the Carians. Greek

Greek There are four mythical females of this name, and one male, a son of Carmanor, the priest of Apollo at Tarrha in Crete. He is said to have been a poet, and to have won the first victory in the Pythian games by a hymn on Apollo. Greek
Goddess name
Roman The personification of concord. Goddess of harmony, peace and justice. Roman

"Corybantes aka Kurbantes"
s Corybants, were Rhea's enthusiastic priests, who with drums, cymbals, horns, and in full armour, performed their orgiastic dances in the Forests and on the mountains of Phrygia.
Goddess name
"Coyolxauhqui (golden bells)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Astral goddess. A deification and incarnation (avatara) of the moon. According to tradition she is the half-sister of the Sun god HUITZILOPOCHTLI. The god sprang, fully armed, from his decapitated mother, COATLICUE, and engaged all his enemies who, by inference, are the 400 astral gods, his half-brothers. He slew his sister and hurled her from the top of a mountain. Alternative tradition suggests his sister was an ally whom he was unable to save, so he decapitated her and threw her head into the sky, where she became the moon. She was represented in the Great Temple at Tenochtitlan, where she was depicted in front of successive Huitzilopochtli pyramids. She is also a hearth deity within the group clåśśed as the XIUHTECUHTLI complex....
God name
Greek Eros, Amor, the god of love, viewed as a chubby little boy, armed with bow and arrows, and often with eyes bandaged. Greek
Goddess name
"Cymidei Cymeinfoll"
Welsh Cymidei Cymeinfoll (big belly of battle), was a goddess of the Mabinogi. Cymidei gave birth to one fully-formed and armed warrior every six weeks. Welsh
God name
Hindu / India Jjustice. The god of law who originates as a creator god and one of the sons of Brahma, but almost certainly derives from the dharmas or archetypal patterns of society identified in the Rg Veda. According to tradition he is the consort of thirteen daughters of DAKSA and the father of Yudhisthra. Also regarded as a minor avatara of VISNU, appearing as a bull standing for the redemption of souls....
God name
Shinto / Japan God of luck. One of seven gods of fortune in Shintoism and often linked with the god EBISU. Originally a god of kitchens, he became a deity concerned with happiness. He is depicted as a fat, well-to-do figure seated on two rice bales and carrying a sack on his back. He also holds a hammer in his right hand. In depictions there is often a mouse nibbling at one of the rice bales. Small gold icons of the god may be carried as talismans of wealth. According to tradition, when Daikoku's hammer is shaken, money falls out in great profusion. In western Japan he is also syncretized with the god of rice paddies, TA-NO-KAMI, and thus becomes the god of Agriculture and farmers. He may have developed from the Buddhist god MAHAKALA....

Greek A son of Zeus and Electra, the daughter of Atlas. He was the brother of Jasus, Jasius, Jason, or Jasion, Aetion and Harmonia, and his native place in the various traditions is Arcadia, Crete, Troas, or Italy. Dardåñuś is the mythical ancestor of the Trojans, and through them of the Romans. It is necessary to distinguish between the earlier Greek legends and the later ones which we meet with in the poetry of Italy. Greek
Goddess name
Hindu A twelve armed warrior goddess
Goddess name
Hindu Twelve armed warrior goddess. Hindu
Goddess name
"Dharani (earth)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic (1) Goddess. Consort of PARASURAMA and an avatara of the goddess LAKSMI.(2) Collective name for a group of deities. Buddhist. Twelve personifications of a particular kind of short mystical religious text used as a charm. Also dharini....
God name
Hindu God of justice, righteousness and virtue Hindu
God name
Buddhist Physician god Buddhist
God name
Buddhist God of the law. A variety of MANJUSRI and therefore an emanation of AMITABHA. Color: reddish-white. Attributes: arrow, bell, Book, bow, hook, image of Amitabha on crown, staff, sword and water jar. Depicted with four heads and setting the law wheel in motion....
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