
List of Gods : "Ba20She" - 1261 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Nymph name
Roman A Roman divinity connected with the winds (venti) and the sea. Virgil and Ovid describe her as a nymph, a sister of Amata, and the wife of Faunus, by whom she became the mother of Turnus, Jutuma, and Canens. Aeneid x. Metamorphoses by Ovid xiv.)
Goddess name
Greek The goddess of love among the Romans, and more especially of sensual love. Previously to her identification with the Greek Aphrodite, she was one of the least important divinities in the religion of the Romans, and it is observed by the ancients themselves, that her name was not mentioned in any of the doçúɱents relating to the kingly period of Roman history.
King name
Norse One of the three norns, along with Urd and Skuld. Her name literally is the present tense of be or "to be" and is commonly translated as "in the making" or "that which is happening / becoming". She is the present moment. Norse
Goddess name
"Vidyujjvalakarili (tongues of fire)"
Buddhist Goddess. A twelve-headed form of Akajata who is said to have been formed in the BUDDHA's sweat. She is often depicted trampling the four Hindu deities BRAHMA, INDRA, SIVA and VISNU. Color: blue or black. Attributes: many and varied....
Goddess name
Roman An ancient mythical king of Aricia and a favourite of Diana, who, when he had died, called him to life and intrusted him to the care of the nymph Aegeria. The fact of his being a favourite of Diana, the Taurian goddess, seems to have led the Romans to identify him with Hippolytus who, according to some traditions, had established the worship of Diana. Roman
Goddess name
Roman A title of the goddess Juno. In this aspect she protected virginity.
King name
Roman The Roman personification of manly valour. She was represented with a short tunic, her right breast uncovered, a helmet on her head, a spear in her left hand, a sword in the right, and standing with her right foot on a helmet. There was a golden statue of her at Rome, which Alaricus, king of the Goths, melted down. Roman
God name
"Visvaksena (tbe all-conquering)"
Hindu / Puranic Minor god. The bodyguard and gatekeeper of VISNU. Tradition maintains that Visvaksena was slain by SIVA when he refused the latter an audience with Vis'nu. For this reason he is generally depicted in the form of a skeleton impaled on the trident weapon carried by Siva in his aspect of KANKALAMURTI. His attributes include a wheel, club and conch shell....

Roman The personification of sensual pleasure among the Romans. She is also called Voluptas.

Hiawatha Son of Mudjekeewis, East-Wind, the Native American Apollo. Young and beautiful, he chases darkness with his arrows over hill and valley, wakes the villager, calls the Thunder, and brings the Morning. He married Wabun-Annung, and transplanted her to heaven, where she became the Morning Star. Hiawatha

"Wabung Annung"
Hiawatha The Morning Star. She was a country maiden wooed and won by Wabun, the Native American Apollo, who transplanted her to the skies. Hiawatha
Goddess name
Celtic Goddess of the sea who rose from the depths and halted the ship of king Vilkinus of Norway, proclaiming that she was pregnant with his child. Celtic
Goddess name
Egypt Goddess of royal authority. Wadjet takes the form of a fire-breathing cobra and, as the uraeus symbol worn on the headdress of the ruler, she epitomizes the power of sovereignty. She is a goddess of Lower Egypt equating to NEKHBET in Upper Egypt, with her main cult center at Buto (Tell el-Farain) in the Nile delta. She forms an integral part of the symbolism of the Sun god RE, coiling around the Sun disc to symbolize Re's powers of destruction. According to mythology, she created the papyrus swamps of the delta. She is described as a wet nurse to the god HORUS and is the mother of the god of the primeval lotus blossom, NEFERTUM....
Goddess name
"Waka-H ru-Me"
Shinto / Japan Sun goddess. Arguably the younger sister of the great Shinto Sun goddess AMATERASU, or an early manifestation, she is åśśociated with the morning Sunrise. Also involved with weaving the garments of the KAMI....
King name
"Waking a Witch"
Britain If a witch was obdurate, the most effectual way of obtaining a confession was by what was termed "waking her." For this purpose an iron bridle or hoop was bound across her face with four prongs thrust into her mouth. The "bridle" was fastened behind to the wall by a chain in such a manner that the victim was unable to lie down; and in this position she was kept sometimes for several days, while men were constantly by to keep her awake. Britain
Goddess name
"Wari Ma Te Takere"
Polynesia wari Ma Te Takere, Coconut shell goddess. wari symbolizes the fertile slime of primordial times and means mud. Polynesia

Maori A personification of thunder, and the grandmother of Tawhaki and Karihi, who married a mortal chief. She invented the toilet, showed humans how to use it, and returned to the sky, where she still lives. Maori
Deities name
Polynesian / Maori God of death. Regarded as an errant son of the creator deities, RANGINUI and PAPATUANUKU, Whiro stands as the chief antagonist of TANEMAHUTA, the creator god of light. He is, therefore, the personification of darkness and evil. During the time of creation from chaos, Whiro is said to have fought an epic battle against Tanemahuta in the newly formed heavens. He was vanquished and forced to descend into the underworld where he became ruler over the dead and chief among the lesser underworld deities who are responsible for various forms of disease and sickness. In the temporal world the lizard, a symbol of death, embodies him, and various creatures of the night, including the owl and the bat, are earthly representatives from his kingdom, as are such malignant insect pests as the mosquito. This deity is not to be confused with the legendary human voyager and adventurer of the same name whose traditions have, in the past, often been muddled with those of the god....
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