
List of Gods : "God20The" - 5275 records

Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Imanje / Caribbean The goddess of the deep sea
God name
Mongo / Nkundo / Democratic Republic of Congo, central Africa Creator god. According to tradition, he gave the Sun god Nkombe three parcels when the people complained the world was too dark; two were brightly colored and one was a dull gray. Realizing that he was about to be tricked, Nkombe opened the gray parcel and the world was flooded with light....
Goddess name
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa Goddess of water. The creatrix of all the rivers in the area, particularly the river Ogun. She is chiefly worshiped by women and the sacred river water is considered a remedy for infertility. She is propitiated with animal and vegetable sacrifices. Attributes: cowrie shells....
Goddess name
Nigerian / Yoruba She is one of the great goddesses
Goddess name
"Yen Kuang Niang Niang"
Chinese Mother goddess. One of a group of “nine dark ladies” who have a protective function. She cures the eye disease ophthalmia....
Goddess name
Australian aboriginal Sun goddess and bringer of light. She is said to have been jointly responsible, with BAIAME, for the creation of humankind and in particular for the Karraur group of aborigines. Mythology records that she was asleep in the darkness of the primordial Dreamtime until she was awakened by a loud roaring or whistling noise from Baiame. As she opened her eyes the world became light and as she walked the earth plants grew in her footprints, to be followed by animals and, finally, humankind....
Goddess name
Yoruba Goddess of rivers and of the sea Yoruba
God name
Nordic / Icelandic Creator god. Progenitor of the earliest Swedish kings. Also, in Germanic tradition, ING, the father of the Baltic coastal tribe, the Ingwaeones....
God name
Inca Sun god and the god of the Collas. Inca
God name
"Yoalli Ehecatli (night wind)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. One of the group clåśśed as the Omeotl complex....
God name
"Yoaltecuhtf (lord of night)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. With his consort YACAHUIZTLI he engendered the night in Aztec cosmogony. The ruler of the sixth of the thirteen heavens known at the time of the Spanish conquest, Teotlcozauhcan (the place of the yellow god). One of the group clåśśed as the MICTLANTECUHTLI complex....
Spirit name
Puerto Rico / Haiti Tutelary god. A benevolent deity, the son of the universal mother, and known as the “great spirit.” Believed to live in the Sun. Also Marcoti; JocakuvagueMaorocon....
Goddess name
Buddhist / Epic / Puranic Mother goddess. Personifying desire and listed among both the SAPTAMATARAS and the ASTAMATARAS. Attributes: bell, club, drum, shield, sword and trident....
God name
N American One of the two great creator-gods of the Chungichnish. The other, his brother, is called Tuchaipa
Goddess name
"Yolkai Estan"
Navaho / USA Fertility goddess. The sister of the principal fertility goddess, ESTSANATLEHI, she was engendered by the gods, who gave life to an image made from white shells....
Goddess name
"Yolkai Estsan"
Navaho Goddess of war, the dawn, fire and the moon Navaho
God name
"Yspaddaden Pencawr"
Celtic / Welsh God. Possibly the counterpart of the Irish deity Balor and the Icelandic Balder. In the legend of Culhwch and Olwen, Olwen is identified as his daughter. He sets Culhwch several difficult tasks before he can obtain Olwen's hand. Culhwch retaliates by wounding him severely, but he cannot be killed until Olwen marries. This is presumably a distorted fertility legend, the original meaning of which is lost....
God name
Japan God of the dead, receptor of the souls of the dead, who cleanses the souls he receives in fire and hands them on to Amida. Japan