
List of Gods : "God20Tra" - 611 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Bibi the Child-Strangler"
Bibi Sometimes affectionately known as "Aunty Bibi," is a Romany witch-goddess. Bibi is an old crone who either wears torn black garments or is entirely naked. Like the Romanian goddess Dschuma, Bibi is disease incarnate, particularly cholera. She is referred to as "the child-strangler" because it is believed that disease often effects children, who are young and weak.
Goddess name
Australia Cannibal Sun goddess. She provided light for the world by cooking her victims over a giant flame. Australia
Goddess name
Australian aboriginal Creator goddess. She is recognized by several aboriginal clans as the chief consort of BAIAME, the creator god. Revered as the all-mother of humankind and creator of living things on earth, her role largely parallels that of Baiame. Traditions suggest that during the Dreamtime she planted vegetation as she moved through the primordial world, fashioning creatures from clay and breathing spirit into human beings. Her eldest son is DARAMULUM or Gayandi, regarded as an intermediary between Baiame and humankind....
Goddess name
Australia The younger of the two sister goddesses that created life. The other was Waimariwi. Australia
God name
Greek / also Roman God of the north wind. He controlled the storm which destroyed the Persian fleet sailing against Athens. Identified with Winter frosts. According to the Theogony (Hesiod), he is the son of EOS and Astraeos and is of Thracian origin: “ . . . when Thracian Boreas huddles the thick clouds.”...
Goddess name
"Brag srin mo"
Tibet Goddess of fertility and an ancestral goddess Tibet
God name
Hindu Astral god personifying Jupiter Hindu / Puranic / Epic
Goddess name
"Brhaspati (lord of prayer)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic Astral god. The personification of the planet Jupiter. In Vedic texts he appears as a priest. The son of Angiras and the guru of the later Hindu pantheon. Considered to be almost identical with BRAHMA. His consort is the goddess TARA and his son is Kaca. He rides in a chariot drawn by eight horses. Color: golden yellow. Attributes: arrow, ax (golden), Book, bow, rosary, staff and water jar....
God name
Hindu / Vedic / Epic / Puranic / Buddhist An astral god
Planet name
"Budha (awakening)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic (1) Astral god. The personification of the planet Mercury. The son of SOMA (CANDRA) and TARA or ROHINI. Depicted in a chariot drawn by eight horses or lions (sometimes a single lion). Color: yellow. Attributes: bow, club, rosary, shield and sword. Also Candraja and Candrasuta. 2. Astral god. Buddhist. The personification of the planet Mercury. Stands on a lotus. Attributes: bow and arrow....
Goddess name
"Bulaing Karadjeri"
Australia Goddess Australia
Goddess name
Australia Goddess of physical prowess. Australia
Goddess name
Australia Goddess of Rain. Australia
Supreme god name
Australia Supreme god, represented as an eagle. The Kulin claim he is a culture-hero who taught them all the important skills of life, but the Wurundjeri claims he created mankind. He now lives in the sky. Binbeal, the Rainbow spirit, is his son. Australia
Spirit name
Celtic, Gallic Fertility and chthonic god. Cernunnos appears to have been recognized in the region of Gaul which is now central France. He is typically drawn as a man bearing the antlers of a stag, not necessarily representing an animal spirit but a deity closely involved with animals and one which can transform instantly into animal shape. In the Celtic world, horns and antlers were generally regarded as symbols of virility and fertility....
Goddess name
"CIPACTLI (great earth mother)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Primordial goddess. Not strictly a goddess, but significant enough in Aztec cosmogony to be included here. According to tradition she was created in the form of a huge alligator-like monster by the underworld deities MICTLANTECUHLTI and MICTECACIHUATL. She may equate with TLALTECUHTLI, the toad-like earth monster torn apart to form heaven and earth. According to one tradition she emerged from the primordial waters and engaged in a fierce struggle with the Sun god TEZCATLIPOCA during which he tore off her lower jaw to prevent her sinking back into the depths and she bit off his right foot. The mountains are said to be the scaly ridges of her skin....
Goddess name
"COATLICUE (the serpent-skirted goddess)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Mother goddess. The creator goddess of the earth and mankind and the female aspect of OMETEOTL. One of the group clåśśed as the TETEOINNAN complex. She has 400 sons, the stars of the southern sky, and is the mother of the goddess COYOLXAUHQUI. Later, as a widow, she was impregnated by a ball of feathers as she was sweeping the “serpent mountain” of Coatepec near Tula. Her other children decapitated her as punishment for her dishonor, but she gave birth to the Sun god HUITZILOPOCHTLI who subsequently slew Coyolxauhqui and her brothers, thus banishing night for day. According to tradition Coatlicue feeds off human corpses. She is also recognized as the patron deity of florists....
Deities name
Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. According to tradition he engendered the water lily from which sprang all the other deities of the Mayan pantheon. He is also portrayed as a messenger of the creator god HACHACYUM. Also Kacoch....
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