
List of Gods : "God His" - 1332 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Greek Horai, originally the personifications or goddesses of the order of nature and of the seasons, but in later times they were regarded as the goddesses of order in general and of justice. In Homer, who neither mentions their parents nor their number, they are the Olympian divinities of the weather and the ministers of Zeus; and in this capacity they guard the doors of Olympus, and promote the fertility of the earth, by the various kinds of weather they send down. Greek
God name
Finnish The Sami god of the sky and of thunder, normally depicted wielding a pair of war-hammers. His Finnish counterpart was Ukko, and he is generally åśśociated with Thor. Horgalles was married to Raudna.
God name
Egypt The god of the sky, and the son of Osiris. His mother is Isis. Since he was god of the sky, Horus became depicted as a falcon, or as a falcon-headed man. Egypt
God name
Egyptian The Mighty One of Transformations. Egyptian god, the son of Isis and Osiris. God of the all-seeing eye. His animal is the falcon.
God name
Egyptian The Egyptian day-god, represented in hieroglyphics by a sparrow-hawk, which bird was sacred to him. He was son of Osiris and Isis, but his birth being premature he was weak in the lower limbs. As a child he is seen carried in his mother's arms, wearing the pschent or atf, and seated on a lotus-flower with his finger on his lips. As an adult he is represented hawk-headed. Strictly speaking, Horus is the rising Sun, Ra the noonday Sun, and Osiris the setting Sun.
God name
Japan God of happiness and one of the seven gods of luck. If you rub his belly, you will receive good fortune. Japan
God name
Shinto / Japan God of luck. One of seven gods of fortune known in Shintoism. He is depicted with a large belly and dressed in the robes of a Buddhist priest. Attributes include a fan and a large sack on his shoulder which “never stops to give, despite continuous demand.”...
God name
s The legendary founding father of Easter Island arrived from over the sea with a fleet of his family and followers after surviving a great catastrophe. The god of earthquakes, Poku, had upended Hotu-matua's homeland with a crowbar, sinking Hiva into the ocean depths. Lemuria, Mu
God name
"Hrsikesa (lord of the senses)"
Hindu God. Minor avatara of VIS NU. His SAKTI is HARSA....
God name
"Huang Fei-hu"
China Originally an earth god who was promoted to the god Tai mountain eastern China and he now judges the souls of the dead when they come to his mountain. China
God name
"Huehuecoyotl-Coyotlinahual (coyote his disguise)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Minor god of feather workers. One of the group clåśśed as the XIUHTECUHTLI complex....
God name
"Hun Hunapu"
Mayan / Yucatec / Quiche, Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. The father of HUNAPU and Ix Balan Ku. According to the sacred Mayan text Popol Vub, he was decapitated during a football game and his head became lodged in the calabash tree which bore fruit from that day....
God name
"Hunab Ku"
Mayan / Yucatec, Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. The greatest deity in the pantheon, no image is created of Hunab Ku since he is considered to be without form. His son is the iguana god, ITZAM NA, and he may have become the Mayan counterpart of the Christian god....
God name
Mayan A god, who with his twin Xbalamwque, overcame the powers of evil and of death of his father, then rose to the heavens to become the Sun and the moon. Mayan
God name
Mayan / Yucatec / Quiche, Mesoamerican / Mexico Creator god. According to the sacred text Popol Vub, the son of HUN HUNAPU and the twin brother of Ix Balan Ku. Tradition has it that, like his father, he was decapitated in a historic struggle with the underworld gods and subsequently became the Sun god, while his sibling is the apotheosis of the moon....
Goddess name
"Hung Sheng (boly one)"
Chinese Guardian god. A deity who protects fishing boats and their crews against danger at sea in the Southern Ocean. His role is similar to that of the goddess KUAN YIN. Little is known of the origin of Hung Sheng, but he was allegedly a mortal who died on the thirteenth day of the second moon, which falls two days before the spring equinox when the sea dragon king, Lung Wang, is believed to leave the ocean and ascend into the heavens. The god is propitiated with cakes made from the first grain of the year, on the fifth day of the fifth month and in some traditions he is seen as an aspect of the sea dragon king....
God name
Ovimbundu / central Angola, West Africa God of hunting. All meat is kept in front of his shrines, which are decorated with poles capped by skulls. He is propitiated by dance and offerings, presided over by a priesthood....
God name
Phrygian A Sun and fire god, also a god of lightning. Father of Marsyas, a satyr who challenged Apollo to a contest of music and lost his hide and life. Phrygian
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