
List of Gods : "Mani" - 201 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Greek Carry Divine Decrees from God to humanity and are constantly in battle with the Son of darkness.
God name
Roman The Hellenistic form of Ahriman, a god of the Zarathushtrian faith, being a sacred, unspeakable name within Roman Mithraism and this name's etymological correspondence to the Zoroastrian Ahriman.
God name
Greek Chthonic underworld god. Probably derived from the Persian deity AHRIMAN. Plutarch identifies him as the embodiment of HADES....
God name
Roman Chthonic underworld god. See also AREJMANJOS....

"Arimanius aka Ahriman"
Persian Angra Mainya, the carrier of nine hundred and ninety-nine diseases to plague the earth. Persian
God name
"Arimanius/ Areimaios"
Roman An underworld god
Goddess name
"Asase Ya Ashanti"
Ghana A goddess of the earth, fertility & the creator of humanity
Goddess name
Aztec Goddess of ocean storms, an aspect of Chalchiuhtlicue. Aztec
God name
Western Semitic God of the morning star. In Canaanite legend, he attempts to usurp the dead BAAL but proves inadequate to fill the god's throne. In semi-arid regions of western Asia where irrigation is essential, he was sometimes worshiped as a Rain god. His female counterpart is the Phoenician ASTARTE. Also probably identified as Dhu-S amani in more southerly regions....
God name
Inuit God that lived on land and controlled the movements of the whales. Inuit
Spirit name
"Ba (2)"
Egypt / Lower Ram god. A fertility deity from early in Egyptian religion invoked particularly at Mendes. In a later cult, the name ba comes to represent the spirituality of a deity, often represented in an animal, e.g. the bull, or the mortal manifestation of a god as pharaoh....
Spirit name
Australia The omniscient intangible great spirit is self-created, lives in the sky, is the creator of all things. He is important in initiation rites; he "receives the souls of the innocent." His voice is the thunder, his will is manifest through the wind. The Kamilaroi, Wiradjuri, and Euahlayi, Australia

"Bean Woman"
Iroquoi Sister of corn Woman and Squash Woman, she gave the Patroness and the bean vine to humanity. Iroquoi
Goddess name
Germanic Goddess who, along with the Alaisiagae sisters and Fimmilena and Mars Thingsus was popular among the Tubantes.
Goddess name
"Bibi the Child-Strangler"
Bibi Sometimes affectionately known as "Aunty Bibi," is a Romany witch-goddess. Bibi is an old crone who either wears torn black garments or is entirely naked. Like the Romanian goddess Dschuma, Bibi is disease incarnate, particularly cholera. She is referred to as "the child-strangler" because it is believed that disease often effects children, who are young and weak.
Deities name
Mayan A sky god and one of the creator deities who participated in the last two attempts at creating humanity. Mayan

"Butsugen aka Butsubo"
Japan A manifestation of the eyes of Nyorai. eyes originally has infinite virtue to produce wisdom. Japan
Goddess name
Carthaginian / North Africa moon goddess. The Romanized form of the Punic goddess TANIT. Elsewhere she became syncretized into the cult of APHRODITE-VENUS. Annual games were held in her honor. She was brought to Rome in the form of an abstract block of stone (like that of KYBELE from Pessinus) and became popular there during the early part of the third century AD; in this guise she was known as the “mighty protectress of the Tarpeian hill.”...
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