
List of Gods : "Talab" - 51 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Scandinavian A water-wraith or kelpie. There are nicks in sea, lake, river, and waterfall. Both Catholic and Protestant clergy have laboured to stir up an aversion to these beings. They are sometimes represented as half-child, half-horse, the hoofs being reversed, and sometimes as old men sitting on rocks wringing the water from their hair. This kelpie must not be confounded with the nix. Scandinavian
Goddess name
Kafir / Afghanistan Birth goddess. Goddess of the childbirth but usually separated from the rest of the village. She is invoked by women during labor or menstruation. Her sacred animal is the ram. There is an argument that she is, in fact, a manifestation of the goddess Disani rather than a distinct deity. Also Shuwe....
Supreme god name
Yoruba The son of the supreme God Olodumare or Olorun, and was sent by him from heaven to create the earth. Descending from the heavens via a chain let down to Ile Ife, Oduduwa brought with him a chicken, some soil in a snail shell, and a calabash. After throwing the soil upon the waters, he set the çõçk on the soil who in turn scratched and scattered it around to create the rest of dry land that became the earth's surface. Yoruba
Supreme god name
Yoruba The son of the supreme God Olodumare or Olorun, and was sent by him from heaven to create the earth. Descending from the heavens via a chain let down to Ile Ife, Oduduwa brought with him a chicken, some soil in a snail shell, and a calabash. After throwing the soil upon the waters, he set the çõçk on the soil who in turn scratched and scattered it around to create the rest of dry land that became the earth's surface. Yoruba

Greek All that part of the mythology of Orpheus which connects him with Dionysus must be considered as a later invention, quite irreconcilable with the original legends, in which he is the servant of Apollo and the Muses: the discrepancy extends even to the instrument of his music, which was always the lyre, and never the flute. Greek
Goddess name
Buddhist Goddess. The SAKTI of AMITABHA and a female BODHISATTVA or buddha-designate. She originates from the Tantric syllable PAM. Color: rose. Attributes: blue lotus, cup, knife and prayer wheel....
King name
Greek 1. A son of Cadmus and Harmonia, was king of Thebes, and husband of Nycteis, by whom he became the father of Labdacus. (Theogony of Hesiod 978 ; Apollodorus iii)
King name
"Pururavas and Urvasi"
Indian An Indian myth similar to that of "Apollo and Daphne." Pururavas is a legendary king who fell in love with Urvasi, a heavenly nymph, who consented to become his wife on certain conditions. These conditions being violated, Urvasi disappeared, and Pururavas, inconsolable, wandered everywhere to find her. Ultimately he succeeded, and they were indissolubly united.
God name
Egypt Chthonic underworld god. Guardian deity of the necropolis at Memphis with possible fertility connotations and with strong links to OSIRIS beside whom he is also perceived as a restored god of the dead. He is also syncretized with the Memphis creator god PTAH in the Old kingdom (circa 4500 BC), where he may have originated as a god of various crafts åśśociated with the manufacture of funerary trappings. He is depicted either as a hawk on a boat, or in human form with the head of a hawk and an elaborate atef crown (see Osiris). Sokar also enjoyed a major cult at Thebes where, in an annual festival celebrating the healthy continuation of the Divine kingship, he was conveyed in an elaborate barque. Also Sokaris (Greek)....
Deity name
Polabian deity of war, fertility and abundance. Polabian
God name
Arabia The moon god in pre-Islamic southern Arabia.
God name
Arabia God of the moon in pre-Islamic southern Arabia. His oracle was consulted for advice.
Spirit name
"Tatqa'hicnin (root man)"
Koryak / southeastern Siberia vegetation spirit. A vaguely defined being who is chthonic and lives under the ground, presumably controlling edible roots and their availability....
Goddess name
"Touia Fatuna (iron stone)"
Polynesian / Tonga earth goddess. The daughter of Kele (slime) and Limu (seaweed), she is the apotheosis of rock deep in the earth and is periodically in labor, at which time she rumbles and shakes and produces children....

Thalaba The giant guardian of the caves of Babylon. Thalaba
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