
List of Gods : "Tin" - 848 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Egypt The son of Seb and Nut, is the brother of Osiris, Isis, and Nephthys; and the father of Anubis by Nephthys. Set stole the light from the Sun, resulting in autumn and Winter. Egypt
God name
Hindu / late Astral god and bringer of misfortune. The cult of Shani evolved in about the eighth century AD with the advance of Indian astronomy. He is propitiated frequently to ward off ill-luck and may be depicted sitting on a lotus or riding in a chariot. Attribute: a staff....
God name
Kafir / Afghanistan Creator god of localized observance. Known from various villages in the southern Hindukush. Shomde is regarded either as equating or senior to the more generally recognized god IMRA. According to observers he provides gold, silver and silk as well as butter, cheese, cream and flour. The main sanctuary was probably at the village of Dewa and in various wooden sculptures Shomde is depicted in human form. Also Wushum; Usum....
God name
"Shou Lao"
Chinese God of longevity. He originates as an astral deity but comes to head the heavenly ministry responsible for setting the span of a person's life. He is also known as Nan-ji Hsian Weng, “the ancient of the South Pole.” His sacred animal is the crane, embodiment of long life....
Nymph name
Greek It is remarked in the article Satyrus, that the older Satyrs were generally termed Sileni, but one of these Sileni is commonly the Silenus, who always acts a prominent part in the retinue of Dionysus, from whom he is inseparable, and whom he is said to have brought up and instructed. Like the other Satyrs he is called a son of Hermes, but others call him a son of Pan by a nymph, or of Gaea. Greek
God name
Roman A Latin divinity of the fields and Forests, to whom in the very earliest times the Tyrrhenian Pelasgians are said to have dedicated a grove and a festival. He is described as a god watching over the fields and husbandmen, and is also called the protector of the boundaries of fields.

Greek Or Sinnis a son of Polypemon, Pemon or Poseidon by Sylea, the daughter of Corinthus. He was surnamed according to some Pityocamptes, and according to others Procrustes. Sinis was called the Pine-Bender because this was his manner of executing his victims and used to ask travellers to help him bend two pine trees to the ground. Greek

Greek Mythical beings who were believed to have the power of enchanting and charming, by their song, any one who heard them. When Odysseus, in his wanderings through the Mediterranean, came near the island on the lovely beach of which the Sirens were sitting, and endeavouring to allure him and his companions, he, on the advice of Circe, stuffed the ears of his companions with wax, and tied himself to the mast of his vessel, until he was so far off that he could no longer hear their song. Greek
God name
Corinthian Sun god. Specifically the god of the faded Sun, probably equating to the Hittite weather god TESUB....
Goddess name
"Sitala(mata) (possibly meaning ‘mother cold')"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Mother goddess. One of seven SAKTIS who in later Hinduism became regarded as of evil intent, inflicting sickness. Particularly known from Bengal where she may be identified with the goddess KALI. Usually standing naked upon a lotus or riding an åśś. Alternatively symbolized by a stone on which a face is painted. Attribute: waterjar....
Goddess name
Nordic / Icelandic Goddess. One of the AESIR goddesses. The daughter of the giant Thiåśśi and consort of the god NJORD. By tradition she lives apart from her husband, he preferring the coast and she the mountains. She is described as “ski lady,” a huntress who travels on skis and hunts game with a bow. She is constantly at odds with the god LOKI and on one occasion, when he had been captured and held down with stones, she tried to poison him by suspending a poisonous snake over his face. Loki's consort SIGYN saved him by collecting the venom in a bowl....
God name
Egypt Chthonic underworld god. Guardian deity of the necropolis at Memphis with possible fertility connotations and with strong links to OSIRIS beside whom he is also perceived as a restored god of the dead. He is also syncretized with the Memphis creator god PTAH in the Old kingdom (circa 4500 BC), where he may have originated as a god of various crafts åśśociated with the manufacture of funerary trappings. He is depicted either as a hawk on a boat, or in human form with the head of a hawk and an elaborate atef crown (see Osiris). Sokar also enjoyed a major cult at Thebes where, in an annual festival celebrating the healthy continuation of the Divine kingship, he was conveyed in an elaborate barque. Also Sokaris (Greek)....
Supreme god name
"Sol (1)"
Roman Sun god. Known by the full title of Sol Indiges, meaning “the indigenous Sol,” which may suggest a purely Roman cult on the Quirinal Hill, but there are also inferences that this deity is of more ancient origin. Coins from southern Italy depicting the god with a radiate image date back to circa 200 BC but he rose to particular prominence during the republican period. His festival was celebrated annually on August 9. Nero had a huge statue of himself, as Sol, erected in Rome and the emperor Aurelian elevated Sol to supreme god in the Roman pantheon when Jupiter Conservator gave way to Sol Invictus (the unconquered Sun). Sol may sometimes be linked with AURORA, the goddess of dawn....

Vedic A plant, ritual, intoxicating drink and divinity among Vedic and greater Persian cultures.
God name
Hindu / Epic / Puranic God. Aspect of the god SIVA. Of uncertain origin, but possibly representing a composite trio of Siva with his consort UMA (PARVATI) and his son SKANDA (as a boy). Four-armed. Attributes of Siva: ax, corpse and hatchet. Attribute of Uma: lotus. Attributes of Skanda: Book, headdress, mango fruit and ornament....

Latin Spectre. Any apparition, although most commonly åśśociated with the dead. Latin
God name
Roman Minor god of Agriculture. Mentioned by the writer Fabius Pictor, he is the deity responsible for the uprooting of thorn bushes....
God name
Africa Agriculture - This poor minor god is charged with responsibility of uprooting thorn bushes
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